BlackBerry Work (Good Work) for Windows Phone

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Windows Central Question

Normally there is a Windows app for Good Enterprise and now this is going EOA and BlackBerry introduced BlackBerry Works to replace this, but this app is not yet available on Windows Phones because according to BlackBerry,

"Microsoft does not have the APIs needed to bring in the Good Work experience. We do not have an ETA from Microsoft for these API's. We shall be able to support Windows Phones as soon as Microsoft opens up these APIs"

This has been like this since last year and considering that this has been like this since last year its really annoying, When will Micsrosoft start investing in developing APIs that help various companies to make Windows Phone Applications especially considering hoa big Microsoft is, it seems they dont care
I don't really understand : where does the issue come from ?
From Microsoft ?
From BB ?

Or maybe they're waiting for the coming soon Creators Update to deliver a universal Windows 10 application (UWP) ?
Due to decomissionning of old Good for Enterprise, how could we do with our Surface, HP Elite X3 (and Lumias still working very well) ?

Maybe someone has an idea of these companies strategy ? Because there is a need for end-users !!
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It sounds like Microsoft don't meet the software or technological requirements for BlackBerry to make a Windows Phone version of the BlackBerry Works app, is that correct? Sadly, knowing Microsoft, it won't happen anytime soon.
So I'm about to run face first into this issue... I contacted IT, and they said there should be something. "Blackberry Works" search shows nothing in the Store. But, if you search "Blackberry", there is an app called "Blackberry UEM App Catalog" They think that's what I have to run through, but I'll let everyone know for sure, once we actually switch over. It's supposed to be in the next couple of days, so fingers crossed! If it doesn't work, I'll either have to switch back to my old GS5A, or convince my wife I need to get a new LG G6. I'm leaning G6, since one of the reasons I switched to my 950 was the camera. I'd rather not take a step backwards...
Current progress: IT is helping me (though secretly I think they want to kill me for using W10M) and got my account linked to my phone. However, Blackberry UEM Client, which is needed to get e-mail doesn't show up in the Store App. If you do a search in Edge on, you can actually find it, and when you click on it, it takes you to the unlisted listing (let that sink in) in the Store App. But it says that it is "currently unavailable". IT is trying to work through it, but I have a feeling this is my final straw for my L950. I've had a myriad of other issues, and I'm either going to suffer through my old GS5A, or convince my wife that I NEED a LG G6 to replace it.
Okay, so, basically to use it, your company has to use Azure services. My company does not, so I have to switch to Android to get my work e-mail. Pain in the rear... No wonder they're pushing for "Enterprise Customers", they want to hit companies with extra fees and services. Great.

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