Build 10586.29 .. Battery drain issue


New member
Jul 31, 2014
Has anyone notice a super decrease in battery life ? .. Battery is going down at super speed... Even in battery saver mode...... Anyone else
Lumia 640. After some experiments, I realised that my battery drain it's caused by Cortana, Quiet Hours more specific.
Every morning I wake up with battery almost drained, a decrease of about 40% per night, with the phone on nightstand.
Yesterday night I deactivated Quiet Hours and my battery decreased with only 3%.
Hi about that issue it depends. For me it drained averagely 2-3% when I leave my phone on standby overnight. (wifi and other stuff off). On normal usage (web browsing, facebook and stuff) the battery drains are at 10-15% an hour which is pretty okay for the Lumia 930. However I realised switching between apps intensively and once my phone starts heating up the battery really starts to drain at 30% an hour for that moment.
640xl here, using as daily drive. Updated today and using continuously from last 4-5 hrs. Battery timing seems almost identical to last build, even better.
My 930 on 586.29 is doing ok on 5.5% per hour (with many apps allowed to run in background).

For those experiencing drain issues, is anything standing out in the Battery Use page as being a big user of battery?
Lumia 930
streaming music from mytube (audio only) then twitter from 85-77% in 1 hr or so minutes. 77-74% on standby (wifi on) in 30-45 mins.
seems normal to me.
Lumia 640 dual sim, on .29 for 3 days now, satisfied about battery use, same as .11. Never did a reset after updating from 8.1. No special battery saving measures, tap to wake is on. I charge via Qi every night during Quiet hours, so if there is a problem there I won't notice. Usually I have 50% left after a day of normal use.
I love the theory of WP or W10M whatever you like to call it, but MS never delivered. More and more I am thinking going back to iPhone. Upgrading my WP device to W10M was a huge mistake too. Highly NOT recommended due to being slower, having battery issues, and overall being a broken experience.

I wonder how people who bought 950/XL really feel about their purchase. Not what they say to their friends in order to avoid looking stupid. At this rate, W10M will not be ready before Summer 2016.
My Lumia 930 drains in no time. Had problem for a while (even first build drained fast but now even faster) and made complete reset of my phone yesterday and see no improvement. Windows Mobile 10 is really testing my comittement (been a happy long time user) but I will wait some more. Just seriously frustrating that I can't keep my phone for a day if I don't recharge.

Please Microsoft, let Windows Mobile 10 be the last overhaul. I seriously hate this process (Windows Mobile 8 was the same).

And yeah, my phone end active calls if I just happen to touch it. Awesomse ... sigh.
I don't think I saw anyone mention this as causing an issue, but I was having severe battery drain from the last build before this minor update (although not experiencing any issue with .29 on my 1020). However, I spent several days trying to find the battery drain and finally realized there was something always connecting to my cellular data connection (if I turned off my data connection my drain would go away). I hated not having it on so I tried one by one eliminating stuff that I could think of causing it.
Finally stumbled onto the Messaging + Skype app, more specifically the Skype portion of it. I tried disabling Skype and my battery drain improved drastically, i.e. no longer 80% battery gone from waking up to about an hour into work (6am - 9am) but more along the lines of 10%. I haven't really monitored too closely since disabling Skype and being much happier with my battery life. I will start monitoring again, but disabling Skype in messaging worked like a charm for me.

Monitored my phone battery closely yesterday through this morning on my 1020 (on the .29 build). Charged it to 100% and took it off the charger at 12:30pm. At 6:30am this morning my phone battery was at 61%. So that's 18 hours with minimal to moderate usage (a few phone calls, hundreds of texts, and a few web pages, with email syncing every hour, and Cortana reminders running) for 39% of battery used. So approximately 2.16% drain per hour. Very happy with that :)
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I'm having issues a plenty on this build. :eck:

My Lumia 930 was just sitting on my desk and in just over an hour it died from over 30% doing nothing.
I ran a test on two new Lumia 640's, one running 8.1 and the other the latest build of 10. The settings on both were the same. I played a video on both for 3 hours and 45 minutes. The 8.1 had 72% remaining and the 10 had 69% remaining, so very little difference.
I don't think I saw anyone mention this as causing an issue, but I was having severe battery drain from the last build before this minor update (although not experiencing any issue with .29 on my 1020). However, I spent several days trying to find the battery drain and finally realized there was something always connecting to my cellular data connection (if I turned off my data connection my drain would go away). I hated not having it on so I tried one by one eliminating stuff that I could think of causing it.
Finally stumbled onto the Messaging + Skype app, more specifically the Skype portion of it. I tried disabling Skype and my battery drain improved drastically, i.e. no longer 80% battery gone from waking up to about an hour into work (6am - 9am) but more along the lines of 10%. I haven't really monitored too closely since disabling Skype and being much happier with my battery life. I will start monitoring again, but disabling Skype in messaging worked like a charm for me.

How did you disable skype from messaging+skype? This app is culprit for my lumia 930 battery drain.

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