Build 10586.29 .. Battery drain issue


New member
Jul 31, 2014
Has anyone notice a super decrease in battery life ? .. Battery is going down at super speed... Even in battery saver mode...... Anyone else
Hi all,

After three days of upgrading to 10586.29 the battery drain in my lumia 1020 has reduced from 30-40% per hour to 7-8% per hour. (i have disabled most of the apps running in background, also the usage is normal (minimal).)
How did you disable skype from messaging+skype? This app is culprit for my lumia 930 battery drain.

Sent from mTalk

If you open up the messaging app, use the 3 dots on the lower right corner and go to -> Skype settings. From there there's a button (just text, but acts like a button) that says Sign out. It will prompt you, "Are you sure?" just click Sign out again and Skype will now be disabled within the Messaging + Skype app (note it takes about half a minute before it actually signs you out, just wait until the screen changes before doing anything else).
Lumia 735. Just upgraded normally from 10586.11 to 10586.29. Took about an hour for everything to complete. No issues with battery drain, battery might be even better. Though I have the Skype part of Messaging turned off and Cortana off as well.
I updated my 1520 to WM10 10586.29 and now when my battery gets to 70% To 75% it will drain down do 2% in an hour. I have location, Hey Cortana and most background apps turned off and still get the drain. Any Ideas? Am i stuck till a fix is released?
Also I just noticed while charging it takes forever, but when it get's to 40% it goes up to 100% in less than 10 min.
Got the same problem on my 925. When i first installed the preview from 8.1 I had overall terrible performance and battery drain, then did a factory reset. All issues improved, and 10 ran great, that was about a week ago. Today however I'm back to the same old quick-drain problems, and charging happens real slow too (<10%/hr). Had my phone in my lap when driving today and noticed it was running pretty hot while locked/asleep. drained 30% in just over an hour.
I'm probably gonna just have to keep doing resets until the next build comes
Update: I think I have traced the issue to the Groove music app, If I play music with either line out or Bluetooth it will play fine but if I pause music to do another task or disconnect from the stereo and then when I come back and try to play from where I left off or choose another song the app will stall out with "loading' and instantly drain my battery to 0, no matter what % charge I am at.

If I completely back out of the app or even better restart my phone before trying to play any more music it works fine until I repeat the above process.
I have a 930 on build 10.586.29... and battery drain faster when i update from .11. When in check the battery report for 24hrs, it says the screen had used 86% of my battery even if i havent used my phone for some hour. I had to carry a battery pack with me all time which is frustrating.
My 930 has been fine on the latest build but from Wednesday onwards for some reason the battery is draining at 15-20%/hr with little to no use and background apps disabled, barely get through half a day before the battery is dying, not sure if its a hardware or software issue

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