Bye Bye Adobe Flash

It doesn't hurt my feelings that we won't have flash. I barely used it on my droid so I don't miss that capability at all.

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Unfortunately Flash is officially dead for mobile platforms now.

Source: Developers (Adobe Featured Blogs)

Guess it's good that M$ didn't waste time and money to make mobile IE9 Flash-compatible.


Not entirely true. Blackberry will continue to support Flash, because they do not rely on Adobe for the mobile plugin. They do their own support from the source code. Android can do the same. This just means Adobe wont do the work anymore. Although I highly doubt Android will go from a mobile Plugin to core OS support (Like Blackberry Playbook uses). Adobe will still provide bug and security fixes too. This is also the reason Flash works much better of Blackberry's tablet than Android devices.

The bad part about WP not supporting Flash and only HTML5 is how poorly HTML5 is actually supported in EI9. While streaming video or basic tasks may work excellent, fact is they are quite below the competition for overall compatibility. Check for example.
Why does nobody care about this? I look at plenty of websites that host videos which require flash player. And therefore I never get to see the videos ??!!? :(
flash worked perfectly on my HTC incredible s, and I used it a lot. I definitely do miss flash on my phone
I do wish I could see Flash videos.

But while HTML5 isn't up to snuff yet in terms of functionality, it is good for video. And more sites will move towards it. So the problem of not being able to see videos will lessen with time.
While I love my Titan, I've only had it a week and I've already ran into video's I couldn't play because I dont have Flash support. (No, not porn, tech reviews.) Having a Tabet that supports Flash makes it not a big of deal, but yet even more annoying when I see how well it does run on my Tablet, but I can't even use it on my brand new phone. :/ I'm not a Flash lover by any means, but you cant deny Flash video's are everywhere. I just want to see them. I dont care what format, as long as the format works.

If WP would get the "special" HTML5 websites like iOS gets, I wouldn't really care, but we dont.
I think the move to HTML5 videos will happen pretty quickly. I would expect most sites to have HTML5 video options within the year. Just the fact that there are so many iPhones and iPads out there that can't run Flash helps to push this along.
Well, the people that run the websites need to make it so other mobile ID's get the same page as iOS does, and many aren't doing that now. That is my issue with WP and browser videos. If the browser had a way to change the user ID, that would surely help in the meantime.

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