Calander and Contact Question


New member
Mar 4, 2008
I have had my Mogul for about 2 months now and I love it. I'm still trying to find some new programs or ways to make it do almost everything I want it to.

I have added in almost everyones Birthday into my contact list and I assumed it would pull it into my generic calander to remind me of them.... but i was wrong in thinking so. Is there a program or a feature that I need to turn on that will do this? Or do I just need to find a better Calander program then the one that comes with the device that will pull this information.

Hey I'm not sure if this is the problem...but after you loaded all ur contacts and b-days...did u connect ur phone with active-sync to ur computer?

also make sure you have the calender set to remind you of an upcoming event...mine is set for 15mins before..and I set the b-days as all day events
I've seen this problem with each and every version of PocketPC/Windows Mobile I've had throughout the years. i.e. this problem has persisted at least for the past 7 years.

It's certainly not an ActiveSync problem. It is a loophole in PPC/WM that has never been closed.

The problem is not related to setting reminders btw. You go into the WM Contacts program, edit information for a Contact; there is a field for birthday, as well as anniversary. You would think that the Contacts program would add a corresponding reminder to your Calendar database for these events.

Now, whether that reminder will be added to the Calendar database is a complete crapshoot. Some will. Some won't. Changes won't be updated. And, most annoyingly, duplicates from time to time are created. A lot of them.

I've given up depending on the calendar. I found a simple Today-screen applet which displays birthdays & anniversaries from your Contacts database. You can also set it to look ahead any number of days in advance of the event.
It's certainly not an ActiveSync problem. It is a loophole in PPC/WM that has never been closed.

The problem is not related to setting reminders btw. You go into the WM Contacts program, edit information for a Contact; there is a field for birthday, as well as anniversary. You would think that the Contacts program would add a corresponding reminder to your Calendar database for these events.

Now, whether that reminder will be added to the Calendar database is a complete crapshoot. Some will. Some won't. Changes won't be updated. And, most annoyingly, duplicates from time to time are created. A lot of them.

I've given up depending on the calendar. I found a simple Today-screen applet which displays birthdays & anniversaries from your Contacts database. You can also set it to look ahead any number of days in advance of the event.

Yep thats Exactly the problem that I'm dealing with right now. What Today-screen applet did you pick up that looks ahead in your contact database to display this information? I would love to have something that could give me a weeks heads up on B-days and stuff that I set in my contacts list hopeing that it was going to pull into my calander.


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