Called Verizon Today

I don't see how they can be realeasing the Playstation Phone over the Trophy with all of the "Playstation Network hacked" debacle going on. Seems like they could skip that for a while and focus on WP7.

Remember how I've said I haven't taken one call regarding any Windows 7 phones? I still haven't, but have had plenty of calls on this.
Remember how I've said I haven't taken one call regarding any Windows 7 phones? I still haven't, but have had plenty of calls on this.

Makes sense. I'd expect plenty of buzz and demand on any gaming-centric phone like this one.

I wonder if WP7 would get more attention in general if they added another marketing approach to be more focused on the games and the Xbox brand.
I doubt it

Remember how I've said I haven't taken one call regarding any Windows 7 phones? I still haven't, but have had plenty of calls on this.

I appreaciate your efforts, but I don't think you even work for Verizon. You don't seem to have any more information, or information any sooner than the rest of us in this forum.
Remember how I've said I haven't taken one call regarding any Windows 7 phones? I still haven't, but have had plenty of calls on this.

Verizon hasn't pushed the Trophy at all. Heck, they haven't even announced it. Press and media outlets have had the Xperia Plus and there have been commercial about it. So I dont expect many people to be calling in asking about the Trophy outside of enthusiasts and Microsoft employees.
So can we start speculating on 5/26 now?

There are stories today that the LG Revolution is slated for 5/26, based on a Best Buy listing. Originally it was rumored for 5/12 along with the Trophy.

Probably meaningless, but hey we can dream (again), right?
Remember how I've said I haven't taken one call regarding any Windows 7 phones? I still haven't, but have had plenty of calls on this.

I can believe what he's saying, and trust that if he says he's a VZW employee he is. I manage the phones amongst many other things for my company and have had many Verizon reps over the years. For one they don't find out as much as early as we like to think they do. Occaisionaly they'll get to know something very early, but generally Verizon keeps stuff quiet.

I'm not defending Verizon because I'm as ticked at them as the next business when it comes to a good solid device lineup. We're not only waiting for this phone, but also all the new BB's. As a programmer I really want to get my hands on one of these as our business could greatly benefit from it. (Read as at least 40 phones being transitioned from RIM to Win OS based phones). Sad that Verizon upper level execs don't get it.
Tangent: VZ COO Lowell McAdam spoke at a JP Morgan conference today.

"On smartphones, McAdam said he thinks there will be a third dominant operating system to compete with Apple's iOS and Google's Android, though he made it clear that Verizon has yet to pick a favorite. "I do believe there is room and naturally you'll see a third operating system--and we'll support all three of those," he said. He named Microsoft's Windows Phone 7, Research In Motion's BlackBerry and Samsung's bada as potential contenders."
Verizon's McAdam: AT&T/T-Mobile deal was 'inevitable' - FierceWireless
I appreaciate your efforts, but I don't think you even work for Verizon. You don't seem to have any more information, or information any sooner than the rest of us in this forum.

Believe what you wish. A poster above put it correctly: I deal with general consumer sales, and I sell everything from the LG Accolade to the Samsung Charge. The general public, which is who I do business with, knows little to nothing about this upcoming phone.
Verizon hasn't pushed the Trophy at all. Heck, they haven't even announced it. Press and media outlets have had the Xperia Plus and there have been commercial about it. So I dont expect many people to be calling in asking about the Trophy outside of enthusiasts and Microsoft employees.

Exactly what I've said multiple times.
Remember how I've said I haven't taken one call regarding any Windows 7 phones? I still haven't, but have had plenty of calls on this.

I hope people realize at the end of the day that the Playstation Phone is still a fragmented, virus-prone Crapdroid. Also, incredibly toxic to release anything Playstation right now, given their current predicament...
More interesting news: just found out HTC will be here tomorrow training us on the Trophy.

Just a few questions, does this mean the Trophy does exist lol. And is it possible for training to be done in time for the May 19th suspected date? Or how far off do you think we are from the release given your experience with training and time of release?
Just a few questions, does this mean the Trophy does exist lol. And is it possible for training to be done in time for the May 19th suspected date? Or how far off do you think we are from the release given your experience with training and time of release?

Educated guess is at least a week. We were told if we aren't able to attend the training, demo Trophy phones will be available for us to use "over the next several days"

I'm sure a date will be brought up tomorrow. I don't come in to work until 1pm and training starts at 9 so someone will beat me to finding out the date.
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Believe what you wish. A poster above put it correctly: I deal with general consumer sales, and I sell everything from the LG Accolade to the Samsung Charge. The general public, which is who I do business with, knows little to nothing about this upcoming phone.

I work for Barack Obama. He asked me to take a trip to Pakistan and deal with some dude that was causing problems for him, so I did. Then I went out with Scarlett Johansen to celebrate 'cuz apparently a lot of people made a big deal out of what me and my dudes did. Even though I crashed a helicopter and was sure we would get in trouble for that. They cost a lot of money. The general public doesn't know how much black choppers cost.

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