Calling all mods - an idea for a forum

One of the big things to consider, and something we've been arguing over here.... is does it make more sense to have a dedicated category... or continue with sub-forums per device?

For clarity, I do like having a separate category for this. Groups things nicely into one spot, regardless of device.

Still excited about this... will be able to run some cool contests n' stuff for those that post the best photos :) All kinds of options here!!!

Keep the suggestions coming.
The only problem I see with a contest where all devices are grouped together is that the low-end devices wouldn't have a chance, given an equally competent photographer using high-end vs low-end. The person with the 1020 Pureview will blow away the person with the 520, even if both people have the same technical knowledge, just due to the fact that the 1020 is better equipment.
The only problem I see with a contest where all devices are grouped together is that the low-end devices wouldn't have a chance, given an equally competent photographer using high-end vs low-end. The person with the 1020 Pureview will blow away the person with the 520, even if both people have the same technical knowledge, just due to the fact that the 1020 is better equipment.

Well then maybe there could be tiers grouping the 920, 925, 928 and 1020 into the top tier (I don't know what the non nokia phones would rank)

And grouping 7xx below and the 900 and 8xs can have another tier, and whatever the HTCs and Samsungs would rank
Well then maybe there could be tiers grouping the 920, 925, 928 and 1020 into the top tier (I don't know what the non nokia phones would rank)

And grouping 7xx below and the 900 and 8xs can have another tier, and whatever the HTCs and Samsungs would rank

It's easy enough to specify in the contest rules... 'this contest is for XXXXXXX devices only'... it's whatever we want to do. Open it up to all, or to select devices... it's all good :)
It's easy enough to specify in the contest rules... 'this contest is for XXXXXXX devices only'... it's whatever we want to do. Open it up to all, or to select devices... it's all good :)

Exactly, I find myself coming back to this thread every couple of hours hoping for some news, I'm too excited, I want to start sharing and learning tips
It would definitely be something worth considering. I do like photography, so I think it would be cool. We could also move the photography games like our "Photo Scavenger Hunt" here too.
My 2Cents on this.

In the world of Android we call this fragmentation. By adding a separate photography forum we will fragment information device specific and make it harder to find. Windows Phone 8 software and camera software differs from device to device. We have defeated this by making a thread in each device forum a sticky for photos takes and that is where the device tips and tricks wind up. These threads are some of our biggest threads in the forum. I would hate to see that tradition die.

To make a Photography forum and to keep the information organized it would be necessary to make a sub forum for each device to segregate the tips and tricks. All of this could become confusing to the average member to find. He would have to search 2 places to find information about his device. Fragmentation anyone?

I would be interested in moving from a sticky thread to a sub forum for some devices. Devices like the L1020 will warrant a sub forum verses a sticky thread. It is my opinion that it is important to keep each device information contained in that devices forum area be it a sub forum or a sticky thread.
It would definitely be something worth considering. I do like photography, so I think it would be cool. We could also move the photography games like our "Photo Scavenger Hunt" here too.
That reminds me I need to revive the "Photo Scavenger Hunt". I could've posted the next item, but I ate it without taking a picture of it. (orange creamsicle was the next item)
I was thinking why isn't there a photography area in this forum?

I mean Nokia is number 1 for camera smartphones (I understand there is a sticky thread for this under each of the devices)

But why not a stand alone area where people can discuss how they take their pictures, tips and tricks and with the new Lumia 1020 have comps and such :)
And not one that is hidden away for no one to see, everyone likes taking pictures :winktongue:

Anyone agree?
Just purchased a Lumia 925. Take delivery of it on Monday. I am absolutely down with this idea!
My 2Cents on this.

In the world of Android we call this fragmentation. By adding a separate photography forum we will fragment information device specific and make it harder to find. Windows Phone 8 software and camera software differs from device to device. We have defeated this by making a thread in each device forum a sticky for photos takes and that is where the device tips and tricks wind up. These threads are some of our biggest threads in the forum. I would hate to see that tradition die.

I do see your point but I feel that just having section to upload pictures is limited, people want more, information, hints, tips, competitions and guides

I know there is sections for all these things but I and a lot of others see photography as a major thing and by having it separate is in fact fragmenting that subject

At least if they was separate you would know if you want device information about the 925 you go to one place and if you want to talk about and see pictures go to another place where it is all congregated

To make a Photography forum and to keep the information organized it would be necessary to make a sub forum for each device to segregate the tips and tricks. All of this could become confusing to the average member to find. He would have to search 2 places to find information about his device. Fragmentation anyone?

Okay but at the moment there is only one dedicated thread for each device so it's not as if there is a major issue if it was moved?

Starting on the main screen if there is a photography section next to all the device sections, it would kind of go without saying where you would need to go

I would be interested in moving from a sticky thread to a sub forum for some devices. Devices like the L1020 will warrant a sub forum verses a sticky thread. It is my opinion that it is important to keep each device information contained in that devices forum area be it a sub forum or a sticky thread.

Totally understand your opinion, and a sub forum would an alright compromise I guess however, it seems as your going about it as if people only care about their chosen devices. Those generally interested in smartphoneography (My new word lol) are interested in the results and how they managed them over just because it was taken on a 520 or 920, obviously the 920 clearer but the 520 user just may have got a better angle and light

That's my opinion :)
To be honest the majority of people do only care about their devices. They may look at another when considering switching devices. Only serious photogs are going to browse around all the devices. Not everyone is as passionate as you are.
To be honest the majority of people do only care about their devices. They may look at another when considering switching devices. Only serious photogs are going to browse around all the devices. Not everyone is as passionate as you are.

Maybe your right but do you then disagree with having a separate section?

I'm not talking a place where people just look at other people's pictures
If the powers that be decide on separate sections, I have no problem with it. It's really not my call either way. Whatever is decided I'll support it like everything else.
If the powers that be decide on separate sections, I have no problem with it. It's really not my call either way. Whatever is decided I'll support it like everything else.

Well I'm keeping my fingers crossed :P
I can not understand why there isn't a Photography section, giving the quality of the cameras that we now have on WP8 even more so with the L 925 and L1020. I would think that would be a given. hey if we can't have all the features that other OS's have lest let us high-light one of the best features of WP8 the ability to take incredibly great pictures.
Better I idea by pass WPC seeing how it's hard to get them to agree with something users want than it is for Microsoft to add features let us start are own forum of WP8 photography. I'll put the funds up for it.
I can not understand why there isn't a Photography section, giving the quality of the cameras that we now have on WP8 even more so with the L 925 and L1020. I would think that would be a given. hey if we can't have all the features that other OS's have lest let us high-light one of the best features of WP8 the ability to take incredibly great pictures.

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