Camera hangs on Saving after taking a picture, how can I fix this?


New member
Oct 5, 2015
Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

Whenever I take a picture, the lumia camera (or just the regular camera app) always says "Saving" on the screen and I can't get rid of the text in order to take another picture, even after restarting.

Here's a screen cap of what it looks like:

Has anyone encountered this problem and know how to get rid of it? Thanks.
P.S. If it makes a difference, this is a Lumia 1520 running latest Windows 10 preview.
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

I have no such problems on my 930 neither on 925 but I saw couple of such or similar issues around so U are not alone in this for sure. Maybe you should try to hard reset your phone and give it a fresh start?
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

I have this on my 1520, I normally soft reset but it happens randomly and is frustrating.
Hopefully it will not happen in the next build - I don't want to hard reset again just yet.
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

I have no such problems on my 930 neither on 925 but I saw couple of such or similar issues around so U are not alone in this for sure. Maybe you should try to hard reset your phone and give it a fresh start?

I have this on my 1520, I normally soft reset but it happens randomly and is frustrating.
Hopefully it will not happen in the next build - I don't want to hard reset again just yet.

I wanted to try to stay away from doing a reset, but I will eventually.
I noticed that the pictures are actually saved on the SD card, its just saved as a ".jpg.tmp" file. If I delete this file or rename it, the "saving" still shows on the camera.
I'm having the same problems with my lumia 950 too. Its just sad Microsoft just ruined this phone.
Try saving to the phone itself, maybe bad card write. Make sure you have a good quality/class card.
Also try on your computer to check for card errors, the card may be corrupted.
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

I've got the exact same issue on my 930 after the latest update
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

I have the same problem on my 640 XL. Very frustrating, happens after maybe 3rd consecutive picture (or even at first, doesn't really matter). I really gave up on takind HDR pictures, since it always enters endless loop of SAVING. Also, phone removes some of my pictures taken recently. This has bren case for months and many builds. (I'm on Release Preview).
I found a way to fix that :) YEY

... if you try to restart (or remove batter) the phone u will notice that this message "Saving..." will continue to be issue.
BUT if you make a soft reset/restart (NOT delete or reset your phone), for example for my Lumia 930 is hold & press buttons Power and Volume down - wait 10 seconds - and the phone will restart, this should be fixed.

It works! I didnt have this problem anymore !!!!

Good luck all
Last edited:
I found a way to fix that :) YEY

... if you try to restart (or remove batter) the phone u will notice that this message "Saving..." will continue to be issue.
BUT if you make a hard restart (NOT RESET), for example for my Lumia 930 is Volume down + Powert - wait 10 seconds - and the phone will restart, this should be fixed. It works! I didnt have this problem anymore !!!!

Good luck all

That's named SOFT RESET ;)
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

I have the same problem on my 640 XL. Very frustrating, happens after maybe 3rd consecutive picture (or even at first, doesn't really matter). I really gave up on takind HDR pictures, since it always enters endless loop of SAVING. Also, phone removes some of my pictures taken recently. This has bren case for months and many builds. (I'm on Release Preview).

Does it actually remove them or does it just hide them? You might have to connect your phone to your computer and take a look. For me, they were being saved as .jpg.tmp files.
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

Both cases. No solutions so far.
Hi, I get this issue too. Where are the photos saved as .tmp? I have my memory card in the pc now and I can't find any .jpg.tmp or .tmp or .temp or anything. Thats about 5 or 6 photos I took yesterday just gone.
I found a way to fix that :) YEY

... if you try to restart (or remove batter) the phone u will notice that this message "Saving..." will continue to be issue.
BUT if you make a soft reset/restart (NOT delete or reset your phone), for example for my Lumia 930 is hold & press buttons Power and Volume down - wait 10 seconds - and the phone will restart, this should be fixed.

It works! I didnt have this problem anymore !!!!

Good luck all
Thanks! Had this issue with my girlfriend's 930 and I was about to do a hard reset. This saved me a lot of work!
I haven't seen it since then. But do mind: A soft reset is different from switching it off and on again

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