Camera hangs on Saving after taking a picture, how can I fix this?

I've got the same problem with my 830. Cant soft reset and I'm not doing another hard reset.
This might finally be the last nail in the coffin, I have had a guts full of poor software and no support.
Can anyone recommend another camera app.
I've got the same problem with my 830. Cant soft reset and I'm not doing another hard reset.
This might finally be the last nail in the coffin, I have had a guts full of poor software and no support.
Can anyone recommend another camera app.

We use Camera360 as an intermediate solution. Still have small hopes that MS gets it fixed. Small hopes only.
I think there are at least two different issues: the camera app taking a long time to save (HDR) pictures on one hand and the camera app getting stuck on "Saving" forever (even after a reboot) on the other hand.

The first can perhaps be fixed by using the internal storage rather than a micro SD card. It is not the same issue as the other one since a Lumia 930 doesn't have the option for a micro SD card.
The other one can be fixed (in some cases) by doing a soft reset.
I've got the same problem with my 830. Cant soft reset and I'm not doing another hard reset.
This might finally be the last nail in the coffin, I have had a guts full of poor software and no support.
Can anyone recommend another camera app.

Use Camera360 Sight. It doesn't suffer from the same processing issues as the W10M app, and it also uses the more natural processing from the WP8.1 days which makes low light photos look significantly nicer on the Lumia 830. The only issue with the app is that it doesn't have a proper HDR mode.
The latest update in the production ring (Redstone 1) came with a new camera app too.

As expected, it did not solve the problem.

Did some more testing, removing the SD card completely. Bug is always there, restarting, battery out, soft reset... nothing helps.

The strange thing: no problem saving movies, and no problem with panorama photos.

Just the normal photo taking is broken. This camera app is completely <*censored*> :crying:
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the soft reset recommended by previously in this thread worked instantly for me today (nokia lumia 930).
to be clear, for the benefit of those who think otherwise, a soft reset is not just power down and up again.
a soft reset is invoked with hold down vol down + power for about 10 secs.
nice to come across a respectful forum which is (with some unfortunate exceptions) free of abusive remarks and foul language.
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

Whenever I take a picture, the lumia camera (or just the regular camera app) always says "Saving" on the screen and I can't get rid of the text in order to take another picture, even after restarting.

Here's a screen cap of what it looks like:

Has anyone encountered this problem and know how to get rid of it? Thanks.
P.S. If it makes a difference, this is a Lumia 1520 running latest Windows 10 preview.

You probably save everything on your sd card. I would suggest you change the storage to phone. That's how it solved the problem for me, permanently.
I can confirm, what a shock- that soft doesn't work nor does saving on internal storage. Imagine my opinion, on yet , another, hard reset; not happenin.

10 has made this phone slower, and I"ve heard that from many, and in addition to that, MS made a mess , overall, of 10 in general with EDGE being a total vindication of the necessity of having macosX. I"ve used Windows OS"s for years, and I'm about ready to take the mac plunge. I know I won't be missed ( or I"d be treated better by those who speak english a heck of a lot better and yes I'm frustrated about that,after hours online at getting nowhere ,for a long time due to website FORM errors, like MS cares@@@? < NOt likely ) .

You'd think, a valued member of their MS 'team' would at least get a loaner phone ( maybe from a MS STORE ?? which is only 30 minutes from me! ) , for a phone under warranty that no longer takes more than 3 pictures at once without 'saving' cycle unending ?

My 10 update, a couple months ago also messed up, and a couple pictures, instead of a image shown for it,has a white rectangle saying 'picture' , which if I click , starts the thinking icon thing, and bam back to start screen, obviously a GLITCH you can't recover from, as the 'go back to windows 8' errors out everytime I try it.

When you couple All of that with having a disastrous rollout of, is it any wonder people want out ?

Under warranty, but treated like a landfill.

Good to know-
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

NOpe.,I 'was' on internal until I started acting up, so moved to SD > continuation of problems.

Its not storage, &or 'some' phones have this bug, or some of you just got lucky ---

Either way, terrible customer service. How hard would it be to offer a 2 week at most, loaner phone with a credit card on file in case someone felt like taking a hike ?

Makes sense to me, but no, better to treat people like they don't exist.

Yes, I know how to perform a soft reset.

Soft reset does NOT solve it , on my under warranty Lumia 640 LTE.

I know about camera 360 and it does now support HDR, but should that be a 'fix' ?

You can't even REMOVE 'camera', talk about wasted space ;)

Besides, I've no intention, today or tomorrow of letting MS off the hook.
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ty for that, but why settle for non HDR when its capable of it, for a missed bug on some phones ?

Not worth it.

I think MS is ignoring some ofus ( ever try b2x ???) I exchange for preferential treatment of its 'new' PC like phones.

Its not like I don't get that, but its still unprofessional.
I have the same problem on a production build Lumia 950 and my wifes insider builds Lumia 830. Its been going on for almost a year for both of us. It doesn't matter if HDR is on or off, SD card or local, I have tried it all. Its sad that Microsoft cant make anything work well, even its own software on its own operating system on its own hardware.

My contracts are up in June. The Pixel or Samsung is next, been waiting too long for MS to figure out how to develop a mobile OS.
My Lumia 830 is doing this as well.
I had already replaced my 830 with a HTC10 because W10M operating system is not usable with all the bugs and lack of apps. But had to go back to 830 because of faulty battery. I miss my HTC 10, at least I could actually take pictures with that phone.
Happening to me on Lumia Icon, ever since software update 2 weeks ago. I was hoping for Creators Update to fix it, but that's not coming until the end of April...and not for my phone because it's 3 years old and no longer supported. Now I'm waiting for another update release cycle to patch the bug...hopefully!
This is one of the most obscure bugs ever. And I have no hopes they'll fix it. They may not even be able to reproduce this bug.

Needless to say, even the most buggy beta versions of iOS or Android never had such issues like "cannot save photo".
Became an issue for me around the same time on 930.

I've just tried a soft reset (power + volume down) and it fixed it :angel:. The important bit was to hold the buttons down for about 10-15 seconds - an exclamation mark (white on black background) very briefly flashed on the screen. The first time I tried it, I didn't hold it down long enough and let go off the buttons as soon as it appeared to be rebooting.

Wait for the !
Became an issue for me around the same time on 930.

I've just tried a soft reset (power + volume down) and it fixed it :angel:. The important bit was to hold the buttons down for about 10-15 seconds - an exclamation mark (white on black background) very briefly flashed on the screen. The first time I tried it, I didn't hold it down long enough and let go off the buttons as soon as it appeared to be rebooting.

Wait for the !

Soft reset may help for a short period, but the time will come again when you need your camera quickly, and it will let you down again.

The W10 Camera app has been terrible for me. Issues with saving images, failing to process images correctly (720p final image), or images not being saved at all plagued almost every one of the devices that I have used over the past 12 months. Models included: 640, 640XL, 550, 650, 930, 830, 950.

The only phones that haven't caused the same issues for me are the Lumia 735 and Lumia 535, as those phones don't use the Windows 10 camera processing algorithms. In fact, the Lumia 535 can capture images instantly with the W10 Camera app, and they can be viewed almost instantly in the photos app without any of that 'adding the finishing touches..." nonsense.
Re: Camera hangs on "Saving" after taking a picture

I m having same problem on lumia 640xl.we cant do anything...jst hope fr the best with next update....lets see,wht happenes...

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