Can Microsoft Ever Recover? Windows 8, Windows Phone, Xbox One, Surface, etc.

Yes they do. I get told all the time by any normal consumer how they dislike Windows 8. And if it is going so well, why is Microsoft backpedaling?

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To be honest, Microsoft is trying to fit in with the cool internet crowd. So they're going to listen to the loudest voices on it.
People hated Vista and Windows 8 because they were both unfinished products when released.
That DID push many to go to Mac computers. I work at Apple and I can not tell you how many people came in and said:
"I am ready to buy my first mac" and I of course ask them what got them interested in Macs. Their reply 100% of the time is "Windows 8 is horrible and they are tired of getting Viruses."
I love OSX. It's an awesome OS. But, I have been using Windows forever and I had Windows 8 beta soon as I possible could. I love Windows 8 and 8.1 update made it even better.
However, MS should have delayed Windows 8 until it released with all the features that are in 8.1 update. They lost Many many people to OSX because of rushing half baked software out the door.
I blame Ballmer for that crap. Ballmer is a COMPLETE *****.

RT sucks, sorry, but it does. and ipad or android tablet is better.
Surface Tablets. Love them, they are just awesome, but they cost too much.
If I want a "laptop" and I am going to spend $900+ on one, I am getting a Mac.
If I am a normal person just looking for a laptop, I am going to buy a traditional $500 dell. Half the price of the tablet.

Phones: App Gap. WP only issue after 8.1 hits. Unless they figure out something there, the phone division will crash and burn within the next 2-3 years. MS isn't going to keep pumping money into the phone market if they can't get above 2% market share.

Games: don't do Xbox or PS4. I game on Windows 8.1 Desktop.

again, MS screwed the pooch here as well. Outlook ( from Office ) is the biggest piece of trash ever invented.
I have Outlook from office on my Mac. and I also have Windows 8.1 running on bootcamp partition.
Contacts won't even sync from outlook to outlook. I even have an email address. The only way to get contacts into email was to import them from Google Gmail or enter them each one at a time ... LAME.

And again, I am sorry, but i.e. does suck pretty bad. I use Chrome on OSX AND Windows 8.
I tried to love i.e. honestly, but every time I try to like it, it crumbles and I hate it even more.
Not that chrome is the worlds best or anything, but it IS better than i.e. (safari is also better than i.e)
I use chrome a lot because of the android phones I get from time to time. (right this minute I have a Nokia 520, iPhone 5s and LG G2 android phones) Chrome syncs my mail contacts and calendar super easy, and it works on all 3 platforms.

I love email. I have tried to get EVERYONE to get an email address over gmail.
I have 2 email address and I am no longer using gmail or anything other than a place to store contacts and browser favs.
Bing. I look at the pictures each day, use google to search...

OneDrive is the BEST. I have it on all 3 of my phones. LOVE IT!!!!

MS isn't going anywhere any time soon. but they need to pull their heads out of their butts and FIX some crap.
If Vista was so horrible and so many people switched to OSX, why is Microsoft still at 95% worldwide usage? Vista was worlds better than XP but it was too different. 8.1 is much lighter than 7 but it too is a radical departure from people's comfort zone. Even a 49 year old such as myself understands that nothing lasts forever. Where I come from that's called progress. Maverick is essentially Panther with a few tweaks, just like iOS7 isn't radically different than iOS4. No wonder people complain about staleness from Apple.
Chrome is consistently the worst of the big three browsers on Windows. No credibility there.

Then why does sites that glitch and won't go back when hitting the back button work fine on Chrome but not either one of the browsers on Win 8.1?

To say chrome is bad is just not facing facts. i.e. sucks.
If Vista was so horrible and so many people switched to OSX, why is Microsoft still at 95% worldwide usage? Vista was worlds better than XP but it was too different. 8.1 is much lighter than 7 but it too is a radical departure from people's comfort zone. Even a 49 year old such as myself understands that nothing lasts forever. Where I come from that's called progress. Maverick is essentially Panther with a few tweaks, just like iOS7 isn't radically different than iOS4. No wonder people complain about staleness from Apple.

Vista was complete garbage. I build all of my own gaming machines and have use ever single version of Windows ever made.
Vista was TRASH. Nearly ZERO driver support when it came out. It was a massive memory hog and had memory leaks out the ***.

LOL panther with tweaks. You obviously are just trolling and have NO idea what you are talking about.

And to make fun of iOS when WP can't even get facebook to make an app for the OS, microsoft has to make their own version that is about equal to what I used on iOS back in 2008.

it's ok to like what you like but to just pull random crapola outta yer arse like all that above.... SMH
If Vista was so horrible and so many people switched to OSX, why is Microsoft still at 95% worldwide usage? Vista was worlds better than XP but it was too different. 8.1 is much lighter than 7 but it too is a radical departure from people's comfort zone. Even a 49 year old such as myself understands that nothing lasts forever. Where I come from that's called progress. Maverick is essentially Panther with a few tweaks, just like iOS7 isn't radically different than iOS4. No wonder people complain about staleness from Apple.

I never once said that when VISTA came out people started switching to macs. I said Windows 8 has turned away a LOT of people.
I never once said MS lost 50% of their market share over night. I said People Are switching. Corporate users alone will keep MS at a very high market share because a company isn't going to switch their entire operation over to macs when what they have is working.

Look at what the original poster said. 50% of the entire campus is using Macs, not windows PCs.
Heck, go look at how many macs are at Google headquarters, nearly 100%. (logical since google and MS hate each other)

In the last 2 weeks I have sold over 300 mac computers, and half of those were graduation presents. When the back to school specials kick back in around the end of June, I average 2000 mac sales per month for 4 solid months. I am One person at One Apple Store.
To be honest, Microsoft is trying to fit in with the cool internet crowd. So they're going to listen to the loudest voices on it.

It's not the internet crowd, normal consumers have a hard time switching to a touch based OS on desktops. That's the problem. I highly doubt it's because of the internet.
Chrome is consistently the worst of the big three browsers on Windows. No credibility there.

It's interesting how consumers seem to gravitate towards the most awful experiences available. Chrome might consistently be the worst browser, yet it happens to have the highest market share of all browsers. In the same way, Android is often said (here on WPCentral) to be the worst mobile OS out there. Yet 4 out of 5 smartphone users choose Android. Why do we do that to ourselves? :amaze:

If Vista was so horrible and so many people switched to OSX, why is Microsoft still at 95% worldwide usage? Vista was worlds better than XP but it was too different. 8.1 is much lighter than 7 but it too is a radical departure from people's comfort zone.

Vista was better after a couple service packs, but it was certainly bad at release. Windows 8 at least worked for the most part out of the box.
Vista was complete garbage. I build all of my own gaming machines and have use ever single version of Windows ever made.
Vista was TRASH. Nearly ZERO driver support when it came out. It was a massive memory hog and had memory leaks out the ***.

LOL panther with tweaks. You obviously are just trolling and have NO idea what you are talking about.

And to make fun of iOS when WP can't even get facebook to make an app for the OS, microsoft has to make their own version that is about equal to what I used on iOS back in 2008.

it's ok to like what you like but to just pull random crapola outta yer arse like all that above.... SMH

You're right, I don't know jack. I only have a PowerPC eMac running 10.4 (working perfectly since 2004) and a newer Intel Mac. Windows 7 had even less driver support than Vista when it came out and there are still some legacy apps that don't have 64-bit support. You like iOS, that's fine. I like it too, in fact I love Apple products. But keep an open mind and less ******-ism. There are some things that OSX does better than Windows, particularly graphic-intensive tasks like AutoCAD, but for everyday browsing, emails, etc. it's not worth the added expense for these common tasks. Windows may not be better, but it does the same job for a lot less. I don't know about you, but I work for a living. I can't afford to be a ******, it ain't good for my finances.
I suppose that depends on where you get the statistics. According to this site Chrome's market share is double IE's:

View attachment 67133
LOL, stat counter.
It also matters what you count. Stat counter has been shown to be highly susceptible to Google's prefetch usage in chrome that highly inflates the requests a site will see from individual chrome visitors. People who parrot that site are just validation seekers.
Then why does sites that glitch and won't go back when hitting the back button work fine on Chrome but not either one of the browsers on Win 8.1?

To say chrome is bad is just not facing facts. i.e. sucks.

Chrome has caused my MBA to Blue Screen on Windows 8. IE never did that. It has caused Kernel Panics for people. Chrome is a horrible browser that doesn't conform to standards.

It's not the internet crowd, normal consumers have a hard time switching to a touch based OS on desktops. That's the problem. I highly doubt it's because of the internet.

And yet I know people who can barely use a computer and only asked me "how do you shut down" when it comes to using Windows 8.
Chrome has caused my MBA to Blue Screen on Windows 8. IE never did that. It has caused Kernel Panics for people. Chrome is a horrible browser that doesn't conform to standards.

And yet I know people who can barely use a computer and only asked me "how do you shut down" when it comes to using Windows 8.

Anecdotal. There is a reason why Microsoft is backpedaling and it's not because of some vocal minority on the web.
Man, I'm so disappointed Microsoft didn't snatch up Twitch. I give them credit for trying to buy them, but apparently Twitch went with Google instead. This is a huge loss for Microsoft as that would've been their ticket back into the online video business and it would've perfectly complemented their Xbox portfolio of devices.
Anecdotal. There is a reason why Microsoft is backpedaling and it's not because of some vocal minority on the web.

It's not backpedaling, it's more like caving in. Overhauls such as W8 usually require some kind of learning curve. Imagine the owner of a '65 Mustang going to a Ford dealer and asking the service manager where the points and condensor are in his 2014 Mustang. I'm sorry but people are getting too fat and lazy to figure out how things work. The popular joke in the 80's was about guys who didn't know how to set the clock on their VCR. These are probably the same idiots clamoring for the start button.
Yeah....I'm finding Win 8.1 Update 1 is pretty comfortable with a keyboard and mouse. The only thing I really hold against W8 is the initial discovery of customizing the Start screen. Same problems exist for new users of OSx, IOS, Chrome, Linux.
It's not backpedaling, it's more like caving in. Overhauls such as W8 usually require some kind of learning curve. Imagine the owner of a '65 Mustang going to a Ford dealer and asking the service manager where the points and condensor are in his 2014 Mustang. I'm sorry but people are getting too fat and lazy to figure out how things work. The popular joke in the 80's was about guys who didn't know how to set the clock on their VCR. These are probably the same idiots clamoring for the start button.

I agree with you. People are dumb nowadays so Microsoft doing what it is doing now, was eventual.

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