i have an iball compbook excelance with a typical low end but works for me 2gb/32gb/sdcard configuration. I also have a lumia 550. now neither of these are high end devices, combined they cost less than two hundred dollars. so 550 doesn't have continuum, nor does it support miracast like 640/730/1520/950 etc. yet when I tried it long back, just out of curiosity, I was able to connect my 550 to my smart tv, as well as my laptop. I used the connect setiings on 550, screen mirroring on my Panasonic viera and the connect app on my laptop for this purpose. the screen would appear on my tv/laptop in real time wirelessly over wifi although with some lag. but running videos/music was pain as it would not play as smoothly. I could understand that since my 550 runs one of the weakest processors by todays standards sd210. but still I was very happy just with the novelty f eing able to do this on such a cheap pair of devices. whatsmore, on my laptop I could even use the keyboard and the trackpad to control my 550. In landscape mode I could easily type an article in word on my 550. it worked best to watch pictures from my 550 on to the bigger screen of my laptop. it was fun. and please note it WAS. because I dnt know why, I can no longer do this. when I open the connect app on my laptop, it says "The device doesn't support Miracast, so you cant project to it wirelessly". of course it doesn't, I know this, but mirroring still worked though. how it worked even I don't know but it was fun and it worked and that's what matters. did Microsoft just disable it through an update? my pc is a non-insider device. has anyone tried this? is it still working? any workarounds?? please ..anyone...thiss was a cool thing especially considering this was such a low end device its a shame Microsoft robbed my 550 of one of its nice little tricks. thanks!!