Can't Unlock My Lumia 1020


New member
Aug 8, 2014
I'm in the same boat, last one I tried was no luck. Anyone make any headway with this? Been to 5 sites so far, all refunds.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Has the OP tried canadagsm? I just unlocked my Telus Lumia 1020 last night with their code! I have used them more than once.


New member
Aug 8, 2014
Rogers. tried gmsliberty, unlockthatphone, fastgsm, canadagsm, cellunlock. still nothing. anyone have luck with this?


New member
Jun 24, 2014
this is messed up.

so rogers made this phones without unlock codesand not putting it in their system??

so what if they are never gonna make one, will there be a default unlock code for these??


New member
Mar 16, 2013
Since I bought the phone from someone else and all third party sites failed to provide an unlock code, I asked the guy I bought the phone from to contact Rogers itself for the unlocking as the 90 day period is up. Here's where it gets even more frustrating - Rogers says they can't find my imei in their database so they asked Nokia for one. Nokia says they too can't find anything and both Rogers and Nokia say we're providing the wrong imei. He contacted them twice with the same result. The imei I gave him was taken from the phone itself through *#06#. Even the about page in settings gives the same info and lists Roger as the carrier. Fido works just fine too.
Anybody please have any suggestions? This whole thing is beyond ridiculous.


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Since I bought the phone from someone else and all third party sites failed to provide an unlock code, I asked the guy I bought the phone from to contact Rogers itself for the unlocking as the 90 day period is up. Here's where it gets even more frustrating - Rogers says they can't find my imei in their database so they asked Nokia for one. Nokia says they too can't find anything and both Rogers and Nokia say we're providing the wrong imei. He contacted them twice with the same result. The imei I gave him was taken from the phone itself through *#06#. Even the about page in settings gives the same info and lists Roger as the carrier. Fido works just fine too.
Anybody please have any suggestions? This whole thing is beyond ridiculous.

Same boat as you, I am still waiting for them to find it out. I probably will open an CRTC complaint in the coming days if nothing is done. They should give us new unlocked ones then seeing they lost the key to unlock are phone.

Also maybe send them a screenshot of the imei from the about page so the morons can see your giving them the right one. It works with fido beause Rogers owns them and I hear that Rogers phones always work on Fido.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Try jailbreakwizz . I requeted on 4th sept 14 and got on 18 sept 14. I had this mobile for more than 6 months. Before that I tried all cellunlocker , safeunlcok , unlocksexpress , many ebay links but every one had same anwer "code not found in database." Give them a try .

My phone was AT&T though, so I guess they should be able to unlock rogers as well


New member
Feb 24, 2014
hi please help me, how to i contact the rogers channel?

Call Rogers and tell them you want to unlock your phone and let the fun begin(if the phone is not on their network for 90 days that is the first road block, if your phone is like mine then once you past the 90 days it probably will take another 8+ days of phoning like crazy to till you get the unlock code that works).

It's best, faster and cheaper to try 3rd party ones first like cellunlocker or any mentioned here as I always got a refund when I tried so it was zero risk, though it is in US Dollars so if you don't pay in US you might lose a few center due to exchange.

though if your phone is not on their network you might want to do that first even if the unlock code from 3 party works, it can take like 24 hours to get so if it does not work, you have to then wait 1 day extra.


Active member
Mar 3, 2011
Try jailbreakwizz . I requeted on 4th sept 14 and got on 18 sept 14. I had this mobile for more than 6 months. Before that I tried all cellunlocker , safeunlcok , unlocksexpress , many ebay links but every one had same anwer "code not found in database." Give them a try .

My phone was AT&T though, so I guess they should be able to unlock rogers as well

I tried jailbreakwizz on Oct 6. Status is still "processing". Just sent them an email.

It's been awhile since I got an locked AT&T phone. I now have two. They changed their unlock code policy and are bigger tight-a$$es about it. Before, I'd just call, and they'd give it up after a certain date past a phone's release, whether I got the device from them or not. I'm a longtime customer, and this is bee-ess! I've bought my last AT&T locked phone. #rantover


Active member
Mar 3, 2011
jailbreakwizz was not able to get an unlock code for my 1020. I waited 5 weeks. Other than the initial email confirming my order, there was no status or follow up from them. They were very prompt, however, when I requested a refund via online chat on their website.

I was able to get a code from AT&T.

Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk

Khesi Leander

New member
Apr 29, 2015
I've registered just to share my experience, since i was facing the similar problem.
After almost a year of trying to unlock my Lumia 1020 that has been blacklisted I found an ebay unlock seller that got the job done. I'd like to share the link for anyone who like me have given up on trying to unlock this phone.

the seller's name is ew_karavan. sorry i can't paste the url here

good luck.

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