I'm getting this error code when updating the stock alarm app. Anyone know how I can force this to update?
Leave the Storehttp://i.imgur.com/zQLcW93.jpg
I'm getting this error code when updating the stock alarm app. Anyone know how I can force this to update?
It's the stock alarm app. It cannot be uninstalled, or moved from the device.Is the app installed on device or sd card?
Sent from mTalk
I've tried this. It doesn't work.Leave the Store
Leave the Clock
Try a Soft Reset
Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
It's the stock alarm app. It cannot be uninstalled, or moved from the device.
I have a 950. It came with Windows 10. I did not update anything to 10.After win10 update from 8.1 I had system apps on sd card and they wouldn't update. I don't know if it is your case.
Sent from mTalk
I never had anything set to SD card but I tried the rest of this anyway and it didn't work.Still, it could be sd card related. Try this fix:
Go to Settings > Storage, change from SD Card to Internal.
Now go to the Store, pause and remove all updates (tap pause, then tap the x).
Close the Store.
Switch between WiFi and Mobile Data. Then go back to WiFi.
Hold the lock button for 15 seconds until the phone restarts itself.
Now try to update.
Can it be deleted & reinstalled?