Windows Central Question
Can't view photo's taken and stored on sd card. Lumia 535.
Some of the photo's I have taken do not show on SD card. when I browse the photo's on the phone, it only displays as black. When i connect the phone on my PC as a drive via USB, the photo's can't be viewed.
I have bought the phone as a business phone. I take pictures of my work done for referencing purposes. So it's important that I have the photo's... Not lose them.
Can anyone assist with recovering these photos and advice on how to not let this happen?
Some of the photo's I have taken do not show on SD card. when I browse the photo's on the phone, it only displays as black. When i connect the phone on my PC as a drive via USB, the photo's can't be viewed.
I have bought the phone as a business phone. I take pictures of my work done for referencing purposes. So it's important that I have the photo's... Not lose them.
Can anyone assist with recovering these photos and advice on how to not let this happen?