Cerulean Windows Phone - What's Happening?

An honest opinion abt wtf is ms doing with W10M. They obviously cannot afford MS pulling the plug as they are working on a new device.

Then wonder what they have been getting from them as far as information up this point...
Look at it this way.

Surface "Phone" or facepiece or whatever they call it... That's gonna be $$$$$. Don't tell me it won't.

HP is probably in the running for a new Elite running W10Arm. More $$$$$ gear.

If Cerulean wants to have a consumer facing model and edge everyone else out on price in the first wave of SD835 equipped W10Arm devices they will need close coordination with Microsoft. Before, during and after. We all know how 1st gen tech has wobbly legs when it takes its first steps.
Look at it this way.

Surface "Phone" or facepiece or whatever they call it... That's gonna be $$$$$. Don't tell me it won't.

HP is probably in the running for a new Elite running W10Arm. More $$$$$ gear.

If Cerulean wants to have a consumer facing model and edge everyone else out on price in the first wave of SD835 equipped W10Arm devices they will need close coordination with Microsoft. Before, during and after. We all know how 1st gen tech has wobbly legs when it takes its first steps.

They SO need to drop an 820 SoC in between a decent screen and body, and put it out there for 300. That is what I would do if I could. All this while working on the WoA phone, if that is the plan...
last msj on wharton brooks brasil
"Boa tarde pessoal, Muitos estavam aguardando uma resposta nossa sobre a atualização do Cerulean Moment para a Redstone 3 e outras futuras atualizações, não demos uma resposta antes pois precisávamos de uma resposta concreta da Microsoft. Pois bem, já temos uma resposta a respeito. Nosso dispositivo não receberá a RS3 ou qualquer outra atualização. Após várias semanas em conversa com a Microsoft, eles nos afirmaram que infelizmente não seria viável para eles nos ajudarem de forma direta ou indireta com o projeto Cerulean Moment, isso envolve questões bem complexas no roadmap deles que iria nos atingir de forma direta. Eles, em um primeiro momento, iriam nos apoiar e disponibilizar 3.000 unidades de nossos dispositivos na Microsoft Store USA, mas devido a essas complexidades e grandes mudanças no desenvolvimento das versões do Windows 10 Mobile, infelizmente não cabe a nós explicar com riqueza de detalhes o que ocorre com o Windows 10 Mobile no momento, falamos apenas o que nos é permitido. A Microsoft realmente está se empenhando em trazer novas experiências, mas isso tem um preço e nós como uma startup temos que nos adequar aos novos padrões estabelecidos se quisermos continuar no jogo. Isso implica dizer que vamos ter que começar do zero novamente, o que não será algo fácil, tudo deverá ser repensado e refeito. Ainda não temos informações precisas do que será feito nem quando, vamos ter que esperar por novas diretrizes da Microsoft. O projeto Cerulean Moment, não deu certo da forma como imaginávamos, todavia, isso não é o fim, não vemos isso como fracasso ou o fim do Windows 10 Mobile, com esta experiência podemos tirar boas lições e pudemos observar os dois mercados e suas reações. Vemos isso tudo como oportunidade para fazer melhor da próxima vez. A Microsoft está disposta a mudar o jogo para Windows em smartphones e nós vamos fazer o que estiver ao nosso alcance para fazer parte dessa virada. Vamos investir em R&D e vamos permanecer no Brasil por alguns meses e (re)avaliar e analisar a viabilidade de novos projetos após obtivermos uma resposta concreta do que virá pela frente. Até o fim oficial da campanha vamos trazer notícias. Fiquem ligados, pois a estória ainda não acabou.
Agradecemos infinitamente cada apoiador da WhartonBrooks Brasil.
Tenham todos um excelente dia!"
So... W10 its dead? xD
For others Using Bing translator....
This is disheartening to most I bet. Especially WB/Cerulean being a startup who loves windows and windows phones.

It spells out a lot though. Microsoft has a road map and nobody but themselves and a select few (if they know who to ask) know about it.
This is disheartening to most I bet. Especially WB/Cerulean being a startup who loves windows and windows phones.

It spells out a lot though. Microsoft has a road map and nobody but them and a select few (if they know who to ask) know about it.

I think that's true Nate. I give them credit for sticking to their plan, though it will undoubtedly cause some discontent among some people. If this works out for them, many will forgive in the end.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
So..are those of us who did not want to support this device for this exact reason still the cause of Windows Phones' failure? I just want to know because this is the exact reason we stated we could not support this device, we knew that Windows Mobile as it currently stands is and was dead and yet, we were constantly made to feel guilty and even told that our lack of support would be the final cause of Windows Phones' failure.

Sorry, but this whole thing still pisses me off. I thought it was out of control and beneath these forums when it was happening and nothing was done to reign it in. Now imagine if enough people had contributed, the phone got made and by time it got released, it was already dead and unsupported as I and many others knew it would be. Would those of you shoving it down others throats have apologized? Would you have offered to buy them a new phone running on a OS that was actually still alive and supported? See, this is why people need to be a little more careful and less free when discussing what others should be spending their money on.

Anyway, in the end, I think we all have gotten some promising news over the last few days in the sense that it seems MS does indeed have Mobile plans. Hopefully that includes what we currently consider a Phone because I know that's what a lot of us here want. Maybe Cerulean can jump back in then. Who knows, If MS doesn't plan a traditional phone device, it may be up to Cerulean to provide it. But those who were pushing what they were currently trying to do were out of control and offensive.

Oh, and by the way. Having those talks with MS and confirming with them that this phone would not be supported by the time it was released should have happened and should have been conveyed to possible supporters before they tried to get people to pay money for it. That falls directly on Greg and his team. It's shameful and they should be called out for it and it should make people be a little more questioning of anything WB or Cerulean says or does in the future.
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So..are those of us who did not want to support this device for this exact reason still the cause of Windows Phones' failure? I just want to know because this is the exact reason we stated we could not support this device, we knew that Windows Mobile as it currently stands is and was dead and yet, we were constantly made to feel guilty and even told that our lack of support would be the final cause of Windows Phones' failure.

Sorry, but this whole thing still pisses me off. I thought it was out of control and beneath these forums when it was happening and nothing was done to reign it in. Now imagine if enough people had contributed, the phone got made and by time it got released, it was already dead and unsupported as I and many others knew it would be. Would those of you shoving it down others throats have apologized? Would you have offered to buy them a new phone running on a OS that was actually still alive and supported? See, this is why people need to be a little more careful and less free when discussing what others should be spending their money on.

Anyway, in the end, I think we all have gotten some promising news over the last few days in the sense that it seems MS does indeed have Mobile plans. Hopefully that includes what we currently consider a Phone because I know that's what a lot of us here want. Maybe Cerulean can jump back in then. Who knows, If MS doesn't plan a traditional phone device, it may be up to Cerulean to provide it. But those who were pushing what they were currently trying to do were out of control and offensive.

Oh, and by the way. Having those talks with MS and confirming with them that this phone would not be supported by the time it was released should have happened and should have been conveyed to possible supporters before they tried to get people to pay money for it. That falls directly on Greg and his team. It's shameful and they should be called out for it and it should make people be a little more questioning of anything WB or Cerulean says or does in the future.

True. I agree to some extent. But I doubt anyone really knew. If I did, I would still have supported them.

Edit: I think you are missing some details here though. Not everyone is as fortunate as maybe you or I. This post was for Brazil. Now also that phone would have had the CU update but like stated nothing beyond that. CU should be supported for at least the life cycle from when it had its debut. So not a total loss for most, but for some one wanting the latest and greatest...more of a loss. I also see potential in what they are trying to do, I guess because I am an American and see future in entrepreneurship. Or maybe that is a weakness depending on how you look at it. I think they are still more communicative and more bold then any other OEM out there. If they do make it up in their game coming from the ground up, I would rather work with someone that is in the fight working for us the consumer and trying their best, than some other foreign entity or a corporation to busy to care.
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@Nate W

But we knew. We all knew. Th writing was on the wall. MS showed us every single way possible that W1oM was done and when we tried to express that as a reason to not support this product, we were made to be the bad guys, the deniers, the ones who wouldn't put our money where our mouth was.

As far as Cerulean, When (if) MS actually follow through and gets back in the mobile ring, I would love to see Greg and cerulean announce the killer phone that we are all hoping for. However, when they do that, I hope they are completely open and honest about everything up front, the good and the bad. At that point, Assuming MS is serious and Cerulean is ready to rock and roll with the type of high end phone we need, I will throw them whatever amount they are asking for.

Commitment from MS, Honesty from Cerulean, and an OS that will actually exist is all that's required. That's all that's ever been required for WP fans and unfortunately, we could never even get the very 1st part from MS. Without that, the rest can't happen.
I apologize if I made anyone feel that way, or would hope they let me know if I did, but I hope and think that I did my best not to. I think it was the negative posts that took me as they seemed to be from the hip with no real substance to the arguments. Most folks here know what is going on, and some glide with the rest of what is going on..heck I have been there done that as much as the next person...from what I saw most only cared about the phone not being up to their liking but they wanted to support them IF they came with better HW.

We are seeing it as it happens on the outside so I understand in perspective that we can fold the cards and say it is dead...I understand when there is writing on the wall. But just like W10M will not be supported (done) oh say in 4-5 years from now when the last iteration is out of cycle, is the same as saying Android N will not have support in 3-5 years or iOS 10 will be supported until 2020 or whatever it is. I think the point we are seeing is it is hard to see this platform as alive for a lot of people, which equates to the mass majority. Knowing it will be done or a dead OS is different then thinking that it is a stepping stone to something better. I for one do not know Microsoft's real plans and most don't. We only know what they release in blogs or to the press. Truth be it HP is still selling HW, Alcatel will release their German variant of the IDOL4s next month, and other OEMs are still pushing forward here. Yet WB wants something better....So in that, their mistake was taking too long to do this. Do you think if nobody supported them or fought to see something different happen, then they might have given up all together? Maybe. Or maybe not.

I do see maybe MS was not utilized in the way that they should have been, and maybe Greg can do a post follow up interview to run down all these changes. We can hope for the best though.

We all have a choice in the end that we can make based on our own understanding or judgement. Not one person here could have convinced me to support and put my money in there. I chose due to my own decision and what I wanted to do. I am not going to blame some one else for what I decide to do on my own accord.
For others Using Bing translator....

Intruiging but vague. Some kind of hardware change will be required beyond rs3 for current devices.....the plot thickens. I wonder what hardware standards they want to introducing into win10m. Near touch? Haptic feedback? Some kind of connectivity? AR support? 3d display? Maybe they are literally phasing out slabs, and will go all in on dual screens.

Hard to tell what's going on here, other than some changes are intended.
I find it so interesting that the Brazil accounts give us a greater idea as to what is going on, compared to the American counterpart.

I feel their pain, but I did see the writing on the wall before this phone came out. I still participated in the funding project, but knew the goal was lofty.

I hope their next step into the mobile device game lands better, and hope Microsoft understands how important hardware partners are and help bring a strong, innovative platform to market cohesively, rather than letting companies like Cerulean take a guess/leap of faith, and hope that it sticks the landing while Microsoft tinker quietly, internally.
I find it so interesting that the Brazil accounts give us a greater idea as to what is going on, compared to the American counterpart.

I feel their pain, but I did see the writing on the wall before this phone came out. I still participated in the funding project, but knew the goal was lofty.

I hope their next step into the mobile device game lands better, and hope Microsoft understands how important hardware partners are and help bring a strong, innovative platform to market cohesively, rather than letting companies like Cerulean take a guess/leap of faith, and hope that it sticks the landing while Microsoft tinker quietly, internally.

I agree. They (Microsoft) boast they have these HW partners (usually major name brands), but the ones that want to be in the trenches with the consumers on Windows phones (Coship/WB) seem to get the lesser half. That is why there is much more to this story then WB just not doing their part, or at least that is my perspective.
I find it so interesting that the Brazil accounts give us a greater idea as to what is going on, compared to the American counterpart.

I feel their pain, but I did see the writing on the wall before this phone came out. I still participated in the funding project, but knew the goal was lofty.

I hope their next step into the mobile device game lands better, and hope Microsoft understands how important hardware partners are and help bring a strong, innovative platform to market cohesively, rather than letting companies like Cerulean take a guess/leap of faith, and hope that it sticks the landing while Microsoft tinker quietly, internally.

Well this shows that MS's silence is further hurting fans and OEMs, they just threw everybody under the bus. I think thats the reason Alcatel is launching in Germany, they just want to get rid of their final inventory.
I just want to know because this is the exact reason we stated we could not support this device, we knew that Windows Mobile as it currently stands is and was dead and yet, we were constantly made to feel guilty and even told that our lack of support would be the final cause of Windows Phones' failure.

The phone still would have continued working same as any Lumia, HP, Alcatel, etc... Do you believe that Microsoft will just flip a switch and deactivate store access for every existing device? That they will send out an update to brick every phone in use?

The Moment would have been no worse off than any other W10M device.

I'll say it again. Any "guilt" you felt came from within yourself. The other side was simply promoting this project in a positive light. All the ghoulish doom and gloom is/was/and will continue to be problematic for users on this platform. I've never seen the like of it elsewhere. "Heya, my phone is dead, your phone is dead, they're all dead. Let's heap abuse on any effort to make something out of what we have and SHOUT IT DOWN."

If YOU don't have any fight within yourself, that's on you. Not me or anyone else. If you want to scream about the futility and make it a majority opinion, then it becomes self fulfilling.

I feel like I was personally robbed of an opportunity and I'm just a user. Imagine how the folks at Wharton Brooks and Cerulean feel. Betrayed is the most likely answer.

Why would any company support us when we show them anger and resentment for trying?

Enjoy your schadenfreude. The "guilt" comes from your own efforts to make sure just how right you would be in the end. Don't try and transfer that guilt to me or others.

I call bull snot.


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