Just posting to let everyone know it's too late to get the game for free, it's priced at 99c now :-\
It was actually a mistake. Part of a new submission process is setting a price for the game, I set chicks'n'vixens to be $0.99 when I submitted v1.0 (which is coming sono hopefully
Since this was part of the update submission I thought the price would change when v1.0 was approved, but it turns out Microsoft changes the price before they approve the update.
I'm really sorry to everyone who hadn't downloaded the beta yet, I should have been more careful with the submission process.
Those of you who already have the beta won't have to pay for the current version, nor will you have to pay for v1.0 when it eventually comes out (yes that applies to all 70,000+ peeps
). Everyone else will unfortunately have to pay...
Just wanted to apologies before people grabbed their pitch forks
I promise v1.0 will be worth it, there's heaps of new gameplay mechanics, numerous bug fixes (including one bug fix which has been around since v0.6) and way more levels
And of course v1.0 will not be the last update the game gets either.