Acquire BlackBerry, then hand the reigns over to Balsillie and Lazaridis. Maybe keep Heins around too for some tri-CEO action!
Now I'm an outsider so my opinion is pretty unqualified, but where has Bates proven that he is worthy of CEO, let alone Executive VP? He was the CEO of a company with a proprietary communication service which is getting proper message sync in 2013 – a problem solved over a decade ago – and is relying on lock-in to continue to charge for services that Google is now offering for free. His division has failed to integrate with Microsoft – unusable WP7 client, barely passable WP8 one, but hooray for Windows 8.1's Skype on the lockscreen? It hasn't done anything meaningful since the $8.5 billion acquisition except erode mind share over to iMessage/FaceTime and Google Whatever.