Come Sail Away

No buttons to push. That sells it to me as a former webOS user. It's all gesture driven. I ran the 1.x version on my Nexus 4 and they have apparently streamlined it since.

Also the Live Covers which are half live tile, half widget and are reminiscent of webOS "Cards." They provide multitasking and interaction with all open apps which appear on your "home" screen.

These are big selling points for me. I'd rather swipe and gesture. I don't use many apps at once, but I do appreciate my information being surfaced. It really sort of melds my two favorite Mobile OS interfaces together: webOS gestures + WP live tiles.
Here's what I wonder - if sailfish can community open source writing drivers, such that this OS can run on a dozen phones....why can't windows do that?

Looks like a nice UI design sailfish. I wonder how it actually does at running android apps without play services...
Being a Linux ******, I love the idea of an OSS mobile device. I remember when Canonical announced the Ubuntu phone, then recently killed it.

If you want a (mostly) OSS device, get a stock android phone and install a custom ROM

Sent from mTalk
Being a Linux ******, I love the idea of an OSS mobile device. I remember when Canonical announced the Ubuntu phone, then recently killed it.

If you want a (mostly) OSS device, get a stock android phone and install a custom ROM

Sent from mTalk

You could always just carry around your 386, in a backpack, with a battery'd just need a mobile router.
I'm intrigued. Oh, and now you have that Styx song stuck in my head for the rest of the night. :smile:
Here's what I wonder - if sailfish can community open source writing drivers, such that this OS can run on a dozen phones....why can't windows do that?

Looks like a nice UI design sailfish. I wonder how it actually does at running android apps without play services...

WP and W10M sandboxing prevent heavy modifications for the most part. Although Interop Unlock and Interop Tools have help tremendously.

The second part is a good question... They used to have Alien Dalvik on the original Jolla Phones. Not sure yet what they've done to update that. Obviously, Android is no longer using Dalvik and have moved to ART. Not having Google Play Services would not likely bother me overly much if I can retain all my Microsoft Services...
Back to the OP...

This would be awesome to try out on my Z3 when the ROM becomes available.
WP and W10M sandboxing prevent heavy modifications for the most part. Although Interop Unlock and Interop Tools have help tremendously.

The second part is a good question... They used to have Alien Dalvik on the original Jolla Phones. Not sure yet what they've done to update that. Obviously, Android is no longer using Dalvik and have moved to ART. Not having Google Play Services would not likely bother me overly much if I can retain all my Microsoft Services...

Sadly, almost all apps these days require it. Google have encouraged people to check for play services as a "piracy protection". You can use anything on the amazon app store without play services, but generally that's more limited (like more limited than W10M, theres about 700,000 in windows store, about 600,000 in the amazon apps store, and qualitively, I think the windows store supports more major app platforms).

On bb10, theres a workaround where you uncompile, recompile the apk, and then spoof the signature to google+ (which checks application signatures). Some programmers special project.

Still you do get sailfishes own apps, so there's probably some interesting stuff there, and if you are using a sailfish phone, apps are not your big priority.

For Microsoft apps, you'd have to check the amazon app store, and see if there are versions without play services required. A quick search of the amazon store at least reveals some apps - outlook, onenote, onedrive, skype. Not specifically seeing office 365, and there's definitely no Cortana.
Sorry, couldn't help myself...

Hey, someone had to and if you had not, I would have done it eventually. :cool:

For Microsoft apps, you'd have to check the amazon app store, and see if there are versions without play services required.

Worst case scenario I should be able to sync my Calendar, Contacts and Outlook email. There is always signing into Outlook in browser which gets you everything. I managed well enough on a Firefox OS phone to have everything I needed.
You could always just carry around your 386, in a backpack, with a battery'd just need a mobile router.
Yeah, not a problem. I remember running a longish batch file under OS2 Warp against one running on the brand new Windows 95 on two 386-based PS/2 machines.

The Warp machine ran the batch (compiling a point-of-sale software running in DataFlex, scanning the hard drive, copying files, updating Excel) in about 1/3 the time it took the Win95 machine. The two were identical except for software.
Any idea what these will sell for and where they will be sold?

Sony has an Open Devices Program to make changing ROMs easier. You're likely not going to find Sony phones running Sailfish at a carrier in the US any time soon. You would find an eligible device through the normal channels and flash the ROM yourself.

I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling that officially the targets will only be the Xperia X line since that supplants the previous Z and earlier model lines. Unofficially, XDA would likely be your friend

Just pulled the trigger on a Lime Gold, international Xperia X - F5122 with 64 GB internal storage. BNIB for $338.

I'll bump it up to Nougat when it comes in via OTA and then the real waiting game starts. C'mon Sailfish. Daddy needs a new OS!
Dang, they were in a hurry to get rid of that phone. USPS has it about 2 hours after I ordered. Should be here Monday.
Some answers...

MWC Announcements Q&A (20 mins) Asked by c_la , backup: r0kk3rz (Jaymzz_, 09:07:27)

  1. This topic is shortened in duration as explained before. The Q&A is going to be divided into 2 sections. The first section is to answer the top questions from TJC Q&A page ( ) and second, whatever time we have left in 20 minutes, will be dedicated to community members asking their questions live. In case there were unanswered questions left, we (Jaymzz_, 09:07:41)
  2. (Jaymzz_, 09:07:49)
  3. First question: How do we get Xperias running Sailfish OS? (Jaymzz_, 09:12:56)
  4. Answer: So basically: the practical side of things, i.e. how a user gets the Xperia Sailfish device are not agreed fully yet. So unfortunately we will need to come back to this at a later stage. (Jaymzz_, 09:13:12)
  5. second question: Alien Dalvik support? (Jaymzz_, 09:13:32)
  6. Answer: Simply yes. (Jaymzz_, 09:13:56)
  7. Third question: Will sony give jolla access to the SW that powers its really good cameras so SFOS can fully exploit them? (Jaymzz_, 09:14:27)
  8. Answer: For the camera, we cannot yet promise that all the features of the camera are supported, but we are working on it and we think that we are going to get great quality pictures out of the camera. (Jaymzz_, 09:14:44)
  9. Jonatan Walck, Community member (jwalck, 09:16:02)
  10. Fourth question: How will the warranty be handled? (Jaymzz_, 09:17:22)
  11. Fifth question: To what extent are Sony involved? Are they simply allowing their hardware to be ported onto, or are they looking at becoming an official partner? In essence, in the future, could we buy a Sony device running SFOS? (Jaymzz_, 09:18:32)
  12. Answer to the previous question: Not agreed yet. (Jaymzz_, 09:18:55)
  13. Answer: This is a collaboration between Jolla and Sony Open Devices Program. The future regarding "buying a Sony device with Sailfish OS" is under discussion, and will be announced when we know. (Jaymzz_, 09:19:37)
  14. Sixth question: When can we expect the first Xperias with SFOS? I imagine it will be an official port of SFOS onto an Xperia already running Android. If this is the case, will there be a clear, step-by-step process to help those Jolla fans who don't have great tech knowledge (Jaymzz_, 09:20:29)
  15. Answer: We target to have something to offer at the end of Q2. (Jaymzz_, 09:21:46)
  16. Seventh question: Will the Dual Sim models be supported if the single sim devices are going to receive SFOS? (Jaymzz_, 09:22:06)
  17. Answer: Our first project is with the Xpreria X device, further devices are still to be agreed and announced. Aim is to support several Xpreria series devices. (Jaymzz_, 09:23:07)
  18. Eighth question: End of June? (Jaymzz_, 09:23:42)
  19. Answer: Yes (Jaymzz_, 09:23:50)
  20. Ninth question: Does the cooperation include Xperia tablets? (Jaymzz_, 09:24:17)
  21. Answer: Our first project is with the Xpreria X device, further devices are still to be agreed and announced. (Jaymzz_, 09:25:14)
  22. Tenth question: Will the devices be pure SFOS, or will they be dual boot? (Jaymzz_, 09:25:34)
  23. Answer: Practicalities are undecided, but we are considering both options single and dual boot. (Jaymzz_, 09:27:08)
  24. Does this mean we should run out and buy ourselves an xperia x with android today, getting sailfish and alien dalvik on it after Q2 2017? (Jaymzz_, 09:27:59)
  25. Answer: We should have answers relatively soon, so I'd not run to a store today. Of course up to you. (Jaymzz_, 09:30:03)

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