Joe Belfiore AMA Reactions Thread

I don't think so, Modern UI (the real name for Metro UI) will not disappear, it will be better.
Yeah, I hope they have interactive tiles where you can control apps. Ex: Pause play or next for the xbox music tile. Much more like widgets
Good points. Anyway, from what I read from some source the WP 8.2/ WP 9 (I guess) is coming this year, December, or probably the first months of 2015. They say MS aims to give update twice a year, so I think it's a good thing that after the WP 8.1 we'll have another update, (I hope it's UI changes). So whatever is final, is actually not. Updates are coming and coming!!

The alleged WP9 will probably be announced with W9 (Threshold). It is rumoured that RT and Phone will merge, leaving only two operating system, Windows Phone and Windows (which will both be partially integrated as well).
The threshold update is said to be in Q1/Q2 2015.

I read it here (well it's a rumor) and the Metro UI start screen might probably be gone.
Windows Phone 9 release date, news and rumors | News | TechRadar

It has already been cleared, Modern UI is staying but on desktop we will apparently get an option for the Aero Design.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, in the real world, the File Manager is the most requested new feature for the platform by a large margin;

Feature Suggestions: Top (51174 ideas) ?€“ Feature Suggestions for Windows Phone

think about who is filling out this survey. techies not mass market. it's a bad prioritization but MSFT does this all the time, trying to make everybody happy. that's why they will stay in single-digit marketshare for years (I'm saying this as a fan)
was the windows phone 8.5 news fake?
because i would like to have bubbles of fb messanger on my phone.
think about who is filling out this survey. techies not mass market. it's a bad prioritization but MSFT does this all the time, trying to make everybody happy. that's why they will stay in single-digit marketshare for years (I'm saying this as a fan)

It's only "bad prioritization" if there's any evidence that they're basing priorities on uservoice. I see no such evidence.

The top requests every time they do this are invariably for "Support [x] in [y] language!" Microsoft doesn't need a poll to tell them that - yes, those things get done, but they were going to get done anyway.

And anyone who characterizes Windows Phone's core problem as one of "trying too hard to please the techies" is just wrong. (I say this as a fan, too.)
Of all of the things that have been added, the most useful is the Notification Center. People will stop using Cortana about as quickly as they stopped using Siri. File Manager is useful, but only when you really need it, which wont be often.

Belfiore seemed to say "balancing act" a lot. I do believe what he was saying, but in a lot of ways it means "we tried to do things to make everyone happy, and some people will never be happy, so we tried to meet down the middle". It was good for him to try to build some buzz for the product, but a lot of the questions were centered around why some things are missing or why some things don't work the way we want them to. I wonder what kind of buzz was really generated by this AMA.
And I hope some people stop saying that the Preview is "the final" WP8.1, Joe Belfiore was clear, it is not the final thing.
When Joe said:
Developer preview is NOT final.. there's client-side software fixes we're still making, when UPDATES go out to existing phones they will come with "BSP" (low-level phone firmware) updates from the OEMs... and the Services (cortana) are continuallyl getting improved. SO.. when you get an official update or buy a new phone, it'll be more polished than what you folks have now.
It was really no different than me saying:
They did. It's called RTM because they Released it To Manufacturing. The manufacturers now have the bits. They will use it for their firmware updates and testing to be sure that everything works in their phones, updating firmware and their own software as needed. Then carriers will get it. They will make whatever updates to their software that may be needed. They will test, and finally they will release to their customers - us. That's how it works. As far as Microsoft is concerned, the build that was sent to the manufacturers, the same build that we now have, is intended to be the final build, and that will only change if they need to put out bug fixes. Otherwise, it is finished.
Anyone who knows software development knows that there is never a FINAL build.
People will stop using Cortana about as quickly as they stopped using Siri.

That wouldn't apply to me. I used to have an iPhone 5, and I still use Android. I almost never used Siri because it's basically only a voice activated assistant. However, on my Android I use Google Now all the time. I very seldom talk to it, but it's so much more. It provides relevant data at the right time, answering the questions I never asked. Cortana is more like Google Now than Siri. It's probable that most users won't talk to Cortana much, but the data it provides will be used.
When Joe said:

It was really no different than me saying:

Anyone who knows software development knows that there is never a FINAL build.

No, there is not a "final" version, not in software, that's why I think people talking about "it is the final version", like if everything will be exactly the same than today, is wrong.

Some phones, for example, will have Miracast support, and it is a feature not in Dev Preview.

Sent from my Lumia 920 with WP8.1 using Tapatalk

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