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Jun 23, 2011
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I had a HTC HD7 with T-mobile but we left them because of some billing problesm. Signed up with AT&T and my wife got me an IPhone 4. Loved it the first couple of days, now I really just don't like it at all.

Now that I am with AT&T what phone should I get? The only thing I didn't like abou the HD7 was the camera. I could never take a good pic and it seemed to take a while.

Also, are the apps that I downloaded and paid for from the marketplace gone or will it remember that I paid for them and allow me to redownload?



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Jan 30, 2011
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I had a HTC HD7 with T-mobile but we left them because of some billing problesm. Signed up with AT&T and my wife got me an IPhone 4. Loved it the first couple of days, now I really just don't like it at all.

Now that I am with AT&T what phone should I get? The only thing I didn't like abou the HD7 was the camera. I could never take a good pic and it seemed to take a while.

Also, are the apps that I downloaded and paid for from the marketplace gone or will it remember that I paid for them and allow me to redownload?

Samsung Focus. Better camera optics than HTC too. All paid apps are re-downloadable so long as you use the same live ID


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Dec 9, 2010
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I waited for the HD7S to come out before making a decision and ended up going with the Focus anyways. The battery door on the HD7S doesn't fit on all the way leaving a gap for dirt to get into on the back. I also didn't like how hard it was to use the buttons on the outside of the device, they were way to hard to push down. This becomes a problem when you are trying to take a quick picture. The camera also wasn't as good as the focus. Go into a store and play with both of them though, thats the only way to really decide for yourself.


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Mar 20, 2011
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Focus - Really solid camera performance. Screen size is a nice compromise between that of an iPhone and that of an HD7.


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Jun 23, 2011
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One of the really big problems I had with the HD7 was the external camera button. Kind of hard to push it down without moving the phone and messing up the picture.

The IPhone isn't all I thought it would be. It seems so small. And one of the big complaints that I heard about WM7 was the inability to send certain callers directly to voice mail/ignore some numbers. I was surprised that the IPhone won't let you do that either.

Anyone want to buy a barely used HD7? I did switch out the 16g card and put in a 32g card so it has no warranty. But it does have extra storage.
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Jun 23, 2011
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I think I am heading to AT&T today to give them back the IPhone 4 and get the Focus. Althought I will have to play with the HD7s first. Love that huge screen on my old HD7 from T-Mobile.

If I get the Focus how do I know from the box if it is 1.3 or 1.4? I have read I want the 1.3 and just want to make sure I get the better one.


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Jan 30, 2011
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I think I am heading to AT&T today to give them back the IPhone 4 and get the Focus. Althought I will have to play with the HD7s first. Love that huge screen on my old HD7 from T-Mobile.

If I get the Focus how do I know from the box if it is 1.3 or 1.4? I have read I want the 1.3 and just want to make sure I get the better one.
I'm not sure the box shows that I know you can find it under the battery though...


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Dec 30, 2009
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My box says Rev 1.1, but that's nowhere near the UPC label. I'm not sure if that's the firmware version as the Focus I'm using now is one I exchanged at the device support center. I'd simply recommend politely asking the sales rep if they could see if they have any devices with 1.3. As the poster above me notes, the firmware version is on the label behind the battery. You'll likely need to tell them that although there was an update for the Focus, it's not available on 1.4 rev devices yet. If you want to be safe, print out one of the discussion threads from Microsoft Answers which states this and bring it with you. From experience I know how difficult explaining these things can be.

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Jan 4, 2011
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HD7s > Focus

The HD7 feels solid and has the larger screen. The Focus has a nice screen but feels cheaply made which sort of turns me off on it.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Yesterday I got the Focus. I had some trouble with syncing it, and the great people on this message board helped me out greatly. Today I took it back and got the HD7S. I like it much better, just feels better in my hand, and the bigger screen.

When I returned my IPone 4 started looking at the phones while the guy took care of the return. He was a early 20's skinny kid with "cool hair" and a goatee. I was surprised when he not only didn't try to steer me away from the Windows Mobile phones. Instead he pulled out his Focus and said they are great phones and would recommend them to anyone. Surprised me.

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