Complicated phone answer procedure


New member
Dec 6, 2014
Some people complains about how Symbian requires too many screen interaction but honestly WP is worse. It appears that the phone answering procedure makes me miss calls. On most other operating systems, the screen goes automatically on and then you just have to either swipe or press on the screen. With WP you must have to swipe upwards to remove the idle screen, then press a button. This is totally unnecessary. Also under stress this swipe motion makes you less able to re-aim for the button, losing time.

My suggestion is that the should not be any requirement to swipe upwards when receiving a phone and just press the button or swipe just like all others. The phone screen shall just be there. Microsoft really got it wrong here and did not test this procedure fully through.
Ehm.. I never need to swipe up to lockscreen when I'm receiving a call. If the proximity sensor isn't covered, the display lights up and immediately shows the incoming call with 2 buttons: answer and reject. I don't see any way to reduce the procedure to pick up a phone call even more. oO
Umm.. I use a screen lock on mine and I simply have to tap the big "answer" or "ignore" button. I don't need to type a PIN code or swipe anything.

With the "gestures beta" app, you can even answer the phone simply by picking it up...
I do not agree with this. If the lock screen would automatically unlock what happens than if you need to get your phone out of your pocket. Before you know it you kill the call or whatever because you touch the screen.
I do not agree with this. If the lock screen would automatically unlock what happens than if you need to get your phone out of your pocket. Before you know it you kill the call or whatever because you touch the screen.

It sort of DOES unlock. Not in a way that you could access your homescreen, but in the way that you can pick up the call. Nothing's gonna happen while getting the phone out of a case, pouch or your pocket, as there's a slight delay before the screen goes on. That's what the proximity sensor is for.
Umm.. I use a screen lock on mine and I simply have to tap the big "answer" or "ignore" button. I don't need to type a PIN code or swipe anything.

With the "gestures beta" app, you can even answer the phone simply by picking it up...

So is this a setting that I have missed?
It's odd as I don't know why the OP has this issue. On my 1520 (and old 520) if I had a call I would just get a answer or reject screen come up and my phone was locked. Don't need to swipe up at all
So is this a setting that I have missed?

There's no setting I know of that can have the effect of making your phone harder to answer. You might want to look in settings->ease of access to make sure you have everything set to "off" (unless there's anything in there you actually need).
I have this too... But Gestures beta solves it nicely.

I had my wife call me so I could take some screen shots. The call came in while my phone was locked and on Glance. Lumia 1520.3, Official 8.1 + Cyan.

The call comes in and I see this...


After sliding the panel up I see this...


Now that I have Gestures beta, however, I just look at the first screen and if I want to answer I put the phone to my ear.
I have this too... But Gestures beta solves it nicely.

I had my wife call me so I could take some screen shots. The call came in while my phone was locked and on Glance. Lumia 1520.3, Official 8.1 + Cyan.

The call comes in and I see this...

View attachment 94192

After sliding the panel up I see this...

View attachment 94193

Now that I have Gestures beta, however, I just look at the first screen and if I want to answer I put the phone to my ear.

Thank you for posting the pictures so that we all can see how it looks like. This is exactly what I'm seeing on my phone as well.

So basically swipe up and then press a button. Doesn't sound like much but under stress these action are really time consuming and the swipe up doesn't fit well with the button press afterwards. This is totally unnecessary I think and simple swipe or a press would be enough. I don't understand how Microsoft UI professionals would come up with something like this.

So today I missed several calls because of this and Microsoft should fix this.

My phone is in a flip case so the question is how that would work with gestures beta. In all I don't think such simple interaction should require an extra app because Microsoft cannot understand simple things.
I understand the motivation for the screen. They want to have a swipe option as this makes it less likely you will answer or hang up getting the phone out of your pocket or purse. but they still need to give three options to answer, ignore, or text back. I would have the option to swipe up to answer immediately and swipe down to not answer. If you swipe down, I would show the two options to either ignore or text a reply. This way the more commonly used option "answer" only takes one motion.
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Thank you for posting the pictures so that we all can see how it looks like. This is exactly what I'm seeing on my phone as well.

So basically swipe up and then press a button. Doesn't sound like much but under stress these action are really time consuming and the swipe up doesn't fit well with the button press afterwards. This is totally unnecessary I think and simple swipe or a press would be enough. I don't understand how Microsoft UI professionals would come up with something like this.

So today I missed several calls because of this and Microsoft should fix this.

My phone is in a flip case so the question is how that would work with gestures beta. In all I don't think such simple interaction should require an extra app because Microsoft cannot understand simple things.

Indeed RumoredNow did a great job by making the pictures. He is our main man at WC

But did you try gestures beta.
Just open the flip and bring the phone to you ear. And if the flip prevents it but without it work than I would suggest to change your flip. Because i think it can not become easier than using Gestures Beta.

And about the "need" for an extra app. When Microsoft went from 8.0 to 8.1 they deliberately cut some build in OS functions out of the OS to make update easier. Now "only" a app update is needed to fine tune a functionality and not an OS update with carriers approval etc.
So an update can be done very fast.

I really hope you give gestures beta a chance because I really think it will solve the issue.
This behavior started for me under Cyan... As dKp 1977 asks, why some and not all?

There must be a setting somewhere... I just have not found it.

Gestures Beta should just work even with the flip case. I think it reads accelerometer + proximity sensors to decide when you have put the phone to your ear. It never fails for me and I love it.
Some people complains about how Symbian requires too many screen interaction but honestly WP is worse. It appears that the phone answering procedure makes me miss calls. On most other operating systems, the screen goes automatically on and then you just have to either swipe or press on the screen. With WP you must have to swipe upwards to remove the idle screen, then press a button. This is totally unnecessary. Also under stress this swipe motion makes you less able to re-aim for the button, losing time.

My suggestion is that the should not be any requirement to swipe upwards when receiving a phone and just press the button or swipe just like all others. The phone screen shall just be there. Microsoft really got it wrong here and did not test this procedure fully through.
All I do is put the phone to my ear to answer it.

1520.3 w/gesture

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