Connectivty Question


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Hey guys,

I am in one of the Alltel to AT&T transition markets. I just learned I will receive my Focus in mid-March but it won't actually be activated until mid-April.

My question is what sort of functionality will I have with WiFi and the Zune connection on my PC. I realize I won't be able to place calls and send texts but I am wondering if I can start acquiring apps and putting in my contacts etc with the above mentioned WiFi and Zune.

If someone can clarify what abilities I will have until it's turn on in April I would appreciate it.


New member
Feb 12, 2011
Apps, Email, Contacts, Music, Pictures ect will work without any problem. Just won't be able to text/call.
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New member
Feb 12, 2011
No. The apps are billed to your LIVE account if you have one.

On my focus, its always billed to AT&T on my phone. Live account on my zune desktop software.

*edit* just noticed the "change payment method" so I guess you are right.
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New member
Nov 27, 2010
I Hope AT&T Is Smarter Than That

...receive my Focus in mid-March but it won't actually be activated until mid-April. ...

I too had been told that devices wouldn't be able to be activated "until April or May". This was however from one of the call-in customer service people, and it really sounded like a general blanket statement. Later, (about two weeks ago) I spoke in person to a local AT&T (technically still Alltel) store rep in Fargo who said that devices will be able to be activated as soon as customers receive them.

I can't really say that one source is more reliable than another, but think of it this way:

Does AT&T think that people will be happy to hang on for a month or two to activate their new phones that they were forced to pick out? I would think that most people will be relatively blissful of their old service for the time being, and then would like their transition to be seemless. It's doubtful that the user/customer experience will be better by having them wait to activate. Just let them wait to get their devices and then activate at the same time.

That's just the angle I see it from. I hope I'm right. What are your thoughts?

Maybe others in the transition markets have heard better info. I think Averry is a "Transitioneer". (Hint Hint)


New member
Jan 14, 2011

I really do hope you are right. We both know this has already been delayed longer then we were originally told by some time now.

I actually used to work for Cellular One before it became Alltel so I still maintain some pretty reliable contacts. The two fellows I actually spoke with own stores in Grand Forks, Fargo, and Bismarck. They seemed pretty confident that we will receive them in March and they won't work until April. He did say that he had a meeting in Minneapolis on Tuesday(yesterday) and would know much more then. I haven't spoke with him since he attended the meeting however.

Like you I would think AT&T would want this transition to be seamless. If you read the fine print, people on Alltel aren't obligated to go with AT&T. So one would think that AT&T would want to get "functional" phones in peoples hands asap. I realize that it has to be a logistics nightmare for them but with Big Red releasing the iPhone 4 I would hope they realize that a lot of people will jump ship unless they get these phones out and working. Let's face it, AT&T doesn't exactly shine in reliability and customer service so they can't rely on that for people to wait.

That is my two cents on it. I will keep you posted if I find out more and hoping you will do the same!!


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Poor Strategy


Your source is probably more reliable than mine. I just have a hard time admitting that AT&T is that narrow-minded. I'll continue to keep an ear out for updates, but I have the bad feeling that you are right.

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