Contacts - nicknames and moving contacts


New member
Jan 1, 2013
I was going through my contacts/people hub this morning and playing with the filter settings. I have two questions about this.

1. Is it possible to move or copy a contact from Outlook into Backup Assistant Plus on the phone? Or would I have to enter in the info again into backup assistant? There are a couple of contacts I have in the outlook contacts that I'd like to move to the backup assistant contacts. I don't want to use just outlook because there are too many contacts in there and I like having the email contacts separate from the phone contacts. The way I use it is outlook is for email, backup assistant is for people who I call. If you know of a better way of organizing contacts I'd be happy to hear it.

2. Is it possible that when a contact has a nickname entered in that field that wp8 can display them as the nickname instead of full name? For example, I have my mother as a contact and use her full name in the contact info and Mom as the nickname. I'd like it to show up as Mom in contacts. This is mostly for emergency situations where if I'm knocked out or something someone can pick up the phone, scroll through the contacts and say "oh here is one labeled mom let's call her to let her know little hitchhiker90 is dying."

Thanks for your input and suggestions.
For #1, what is backup assistant plus?

For 2: if you search for Mom on your contacts, it will show up with her full name and her nickname. It will not show up on the contact list thou.
Backup Assistant Plus is Verizon's contact backup system.

It is primarily useful for migrating your contacts from one Verizon phone platform to another Verizon phone platform, ie upgrading a feature phone to a smart phone.

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