Conveying the Message

As someone else stated, you have to have some recognition out there before blasting commercials about something. People have to want to know more, be curious. Then when they see a commercial starting they start wondering if its the new windows commercial, then they get into it, and then at the end, find out it was the new windows commercial.

Funny part about the tablet w8 ad above is that the only tablet not shown was the surface.

I hate the "its coming on ..... date" commercials like the droid stealth ones. They are enticing commercials, but I want more than a glimpse of the product also.
A few months back I wondered if MS would properly market WP8....well I am leasantly surprised MS has released several more WP8 commercials. Hopefully viewers will get pounded with the message as thats whats needed to over ride the android/iOS mindshare

Jessical Alba

Gwen Stefani's ....wish I knew where she got her ringtone

Holly Willoughby

James Corden

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