[CORRECTION] Build 9901: Metro design is changing

Re: Build 9901: Metro design is changing [UPDATED]

I think Microsoft need to think a little about Metro's core design from a developer's perspective. Currently Metro is a whiteboard for a developer to pretty much do anything, but this randomness is going to turn Windows in to a mess.

One of the strengths of Windows X (95) was standard controls (menus etc) which meant when they updated the UI apps still felt mostly in place. Currently with the open design apps will very quickly feel out of place or unsupported.

We need to go back a little and have some standard controls or base OS layout controls which can enable Windows updates to pull apps along a bit more.

Just my 2c.
Re: Build 9901: Metro design is changing [UPDATED]

I'm sad to see the uniqueness of Metro go. It starting to look very Google. Especially the caption buttons, reminds me of the new Android hardware buttons.

They're even removing this:

I wish they could stick to a design language for a couple of generations so we can finally get some consistency.
Re: Build 9901: Metro design is changing [UPDATED]

I'm sad to see the uniqueness of Metro go. It starting to look very Google. Especially the caption buttons, reminds me of the new Android hardware buttons.
I wish they could stick to a design language for a couple of generations so we can finally get some consistency.
True. They could still create a distinctive consistent look by making the new icon design language ubiquitous across Windows.

Regarding the removal of the circular action buttons - I understand why they get rid of those. They are designed as perfect touch targets ("place finger here"), but Windows 10 is supposed to be more mouse friendy.

I get the impression that Metro will keep some of its core design principles, but it will lose its train-station-signage inspired look.
Re: Build 9901: Metro design is changing [UPDATED]

I think that their intention is to make these significant ui changes and then keep this style for many years. At least I hope. If they go changing it on me a year from now I am not going to be happy.
Looks way better than what we have right now. For whatever reason, MSFT had a tendency for inconsistency within its apps. Glad to see this becoming a thing of the past :)
Re: Build 9901: Metro design is changing (analysis)

I am currently running this build on my laptop (9901)
Re: Build 9901: Metro design is changing [UPDATED]

I do hope they add a dash more color to the Metro redesign. This isn't 1983 anymore, and monochrome, while giving rise to nostalgic twinges, seems very limited and static... to me, anyway.

Also, I second the fellow who said "FUUUUUUUUUUUUU" to hamburgers. Ugh.
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