Cortana could be US only


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Aug 30, 2013
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Cortana will only be available in other countries from 2015 - 2016 and so on

What is your opinion as a non american like me ?

If the rumor is true ofcourse do you feel violated?

Pratham Sarwate

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Feb 5, 2013
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better if this is just a rumour.
but knowing MS's past record, i'm expecting this to be true.
if it happens, enough of WP.
i'll switch.
no xbox music/videos in most countries. also even data sense debuted as a US exclusive.
and ironically that is one market which isn't very responsive to WP.


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Mar 1, 2012
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If you read the actual document, it says the US only app will be a beta, so its hardly supprising it will be US only. The thing about a beta, is if it goes well, then can release further quicker. Far better to tell you 2015, and give it to you in 2014, than the other way round.

Being that its easy to change your marketplace region to US, this should still be available in other countries.


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Nov 6, 2013
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Being that its easy to change your marketplace region to US, this should still be available in other countries.

Can I know, what are the disadvantages and advantages of changing region? Is it effect how you get updates or whatever it is?

I know this kind of off topic question but don't want to open new thread just to ask this question. Thanks :)


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Oct 4, 2012
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But perhaps I don't want to speak english with my phone. It just shows that MS does not care. See Bing, it's a mess outside the US. And of course Cortana will use Bing. So if Bing does not work, Cortana will never work well outside the US. Why can google and Apple do it correct? You buy an Android and most of the services work at least in the biggest markets. You buy a WP and most of the services work NOT outside US. Google Now worked also at the beginning in the US, but other countries followed QUICK. Now we have to wait 2 years longer for MS to bring this to WP + the time they need to bring it to other countries? This is not acceptable! Cortana is not THAT important, but i feel like pranked by MS.
If we didn't had Nokia to bring some of their services to us non-US customers, the WP would be just bricks compared to other smartphones. I am a huge MS fan, but this could be my last WP, if MS does not change their view of the world.

Pratham Sarwate

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Feb 5, 2013
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If you read the actual document, it says the US only app will be a beta, so its hardly supprising it will be US only. The thing about a beta, is if it goes well, then can release further quicker. Far better to tell you 2015, and give it to you in 2014, than the other way round.

Being that its easy to change your marketplace region to US, this should still be available in other countries.

it's not about the app availability. it's about the service.
i'm from india, and i can get the app from US store, but it won't work with my accent or offer me all services.


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Sep 15, 2011
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If this is true it will be very difficult to keep defending WP8 to my friends. Heck, it'd be hard to keep convincing myself that I made the right choice.


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Sep 7, 2013
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I would be switching from WP then even though I love the live tiles n other features n the best part it's forever growing but they need to think about their target markets n the places Windows Phone is popular like India where u are getting all the major aaps coming to WP first or Europe where its beating ios in lots of market, not just us 😢😢😢


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it's not about the app availability. it's about the service.
i'm from india, and i can get the app from US store, but it won't work with my accent or offer me all services.

And? I'm from the UK, i won't get it either, it may not understand me if i get the US version.

If Microsoft had said nothing at all, nobody would be moaning. But because they tell people, and give them a realistic timeframe, rather than what they want, they are up in arms.

People need to be more patient. Just because they say 2015/6, doesn't mean there won't be beta's before then, and if there aren't then the service obviously sucks.

Personally i've used the voice commands on both xbox one and WP, and they barely work, and when they do, i struggle to see the use. So i don't understand the excitement.


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Sep 15, 2011
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I would be switching from WP then even though I love the live tiles n other features n the best part it's forever growing but they need to think about their target markets n the places Windows Phone is popular like India where u are getting all the major aaps coming to WP first or Europe where its beating ios in lots of market, not just us 
Same, I really enjoy using Windows Phone and I can forgive any issues the platform has due to its relative young age. I don't mind getting the apps a bit later than competitors, or having to use third party apps instead of the official ones. I can even look past the fact that some of the functionalities (PODCASTS, Bing Music) work in the US only because mostly these functionalities can be compromised by other apps. But this is going too far. Cortana is hughely anticipated and - a variation of it - already available on competing platforms. This should be available in all countries on launch as a major selling point of the phone (make it better than Siri. It's not that hard).

Honestly, I hope Nokia will create a Cortana-like app for anyone outside the US before the take-over is complete. This way we're assured a great quality function and MS can just continue the service.

What I really hope is this was all a rumour and MS is smarter, but I doubt it.


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Sep 6, 2013
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"Also Microsoft is planning to expand this service to the Bing app for iPhone in the US in the coming months."

does that mean iOS users in the US will get this feature first before most WP users? Lol! Good job!


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Nov 19, 2013
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Not to sound rude or disrespectful but when a company makes something that has to do with language I expect them to use their primary language first. So Japan would use Japanese and Korea would use Hangul. Finland will be Finnish you get the gist.

After their primary language I expect them to go to the next most spoken language English. From here they would probably want to release said app, software, console, (insert item here). And then spread their support for other languages.

I am sorry if you have to wait in order for your native language to be supported.


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Oct 4, 2012
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You are correct, the question is, how long do they need to support other languages? And why did Apple support other languages from the beginning? Their primary language is the same as the MS primary language ;)


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Dec 19, 2013
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Apple support other languages from the beginning?;)
Did they?Heard Craig Federici say "You can now talk to Siri in French,German and Spanish" on the stage when iOS7 was released if my memory is correct.
I personally don`t feel Cortana is going to be as feature complete being the first release. That being said,Microsoft`s voice recognition is pretty good IMO. So as long as it is coming,i would n`t be too unhappy about it.They would have to improve Bing first and make it more feature complete for the rest of the world. Unless that happens in the immediate future,i don`t see Cortana coming for the non-US users.

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