Crash and reboot - it's too much


New member
Feb 13, 2013
Well, I wish I could say my experience so far has been all peaches and roses but it hasn't been. Often my phone crashes and reboots when trying to fingerprint unlock.Or, it may unlock but then no touch response. Other times when I boot up the phone, it immediately reboots or crashes and reboots after unlocking.

Today on my way home groove was saying it couldn't connect even though I had at least a couple bars (even if only 3g). So I powered off and back on. What happened next was my phone rebooted 4 times as soon as I unlocked it! Finally when I got home I decided to record some proof.

So here's a video of the phone being turned on, and as soon as I login, it crashes and reboots. Also you can see after I boot up sometimes all of the live tiles are completely blank. This is an issue i experienced every now and then on wp8.1 with my lumia 1020, but not something I would expect with a snapdragon 820.

I removed the audio but that's not what's important anyway.
Well, I can tell you mine's done none of that. You don't have any apps on the SD card do you?
If it's not related to apps on an SD card, possibly you have a defective device? As far as not connecting when you show two bars, I've had that problem many times on my Lumia 925.
No that needs to either be hard reset or exchanged. I have the biometric crashing issue but never a "no touch response" issue or crashing 4 times in a row like that. No way.
I should also mention my biometric crash only happens at random about twice a day. You seem to have it a lot more often.
I've noticed my phone has rebooted a couple of times as well as it has some freezing and stuttering here and there.

It isn't too concerning to me. My iPhone does the same thing lol
No issues of crashing or using Groove on my phone in the couple of days I've used it. Caveat that I don't use the biometric fingerprint reader to unlock my phone just a pin code. This device has been a lot more responsive than my old 950XL. DTTW is night and day, compared to my 950XL, in speed.

Sent from mTalk on my Alcatel Idol 4S for Windows
So you did a restore from you previous phone? That might be the source of your problems.

Sounds more than probable, the migration process is iffy at best from my experience and have seen it many times on same device.
I am also having multiple reboots in my 950 XL since last 2 weeks. Whenever the battery reaches below 70%, It becomes a pain for me to operate this device even for 15 mins. It reboots until the battery reached to a level of 15-20%... No issues during charging though.
Can't say I've had any issues like the ones described here. On the bright side, we could be Note 7 users.
I am also having multiple reboots in my 950 XL since last 2 weeks. Whenever the battery reaches below 70%, It becomes a pain for me to operate this device even for 15 mins. It reboots until the battery reached to a level of 15-20%... No issues during charging though.

Physically check your battery. It is probably slightly swollen and has gone bad and will need replaced. Your description is almost exactly like what happened to my 950XL and what some others with the 950XL have reported. My device and others had batteries that went bad and needed replaced. In my case, instead of paying to get a battery replacement and cracked screen replacement on my 950L, I went ahead and bought the Idol 4S.

Sent from mTalk on my Alcatel Idol 4S for Windows
All the migration does is download the apps and settings. It's not like I upgraded from wp 8.1 to w10

I know sounds simple enough right? Should be a straight forward process but seen it first hand where upon performing a hard reset (same OS and build), applying a backup, in most cases the end results usually have a different flavour to them (good-n-bad), can't exactly explain and can only attribute it to being a WP10 thing.

Let me ask you this, has your phone ever been set up and used for a period of time w/o using a backup?
Can't say I've had any issues like the ones described here. On the bright side, we could be Note 7 users.

Considering how many Note 7s "actually" had problems and then comparing WP issues, the Note sounds like a better gamble. ;)
Considering how many Note 7s "actually" had problems and then comparing WP issues, the Note sounds like a better gamble. ;)
I think I'll take my chances with a crappy camera than a ticking time bomb 💣

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
Originally posted by RobbieRobski
All the migration does is download the apps and settings. It's not like I upgraded from wp 8.1 to w10

That's what its SUPPOSED to do, whatever MS did since 8.1 is a different story. But trust me you could have that same apps list on a fresh installation and the phone would still run better.
I thought it was bs at first too. I hope they polish whatever they screwed up soon cause I loved the restore function in WP7.5-8.0
Considering how many Note 7s "actually" had problems and then comparing WP issues, the Note sounds like a better gamble. ;)

A phone that has injured people and was banned by airports vs a phone with a limited app selection and software bugs (which also don't apply to all users)

No. No it doesn't

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