Cube WP10 phablet and Anniversary Update


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May 28, 2014
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I saw your unboxing and hands on video with the Cube WP10 phablet. I am wondering if it is a good idea to buy this device? AU update is not available for this phablet as well as any information whether update will ever be released for this phone. Is it possible to update this phablet to AU with Windows Insider program? Does Windows Device Recovery Tool recognises Cube WP10?

Scott Haner

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Feb 12, 2015
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So I know this is really late responding, but for Updating the Cube WP10, I wrote a quick article here and tested it on the Cube WP10 I bought for review:
CUBE WP10 Windows Phone: Enable Windows Update & Anniversary Update 14393 - Techzerker

I've been using it on WiFi for about two weeks running Anniversary Update 14393, and it's been worked much better than on the "out of box" Windows 10 build it came with. A few days ago I put it into the Insider Program 'Slow Ring' and it updated to that fine as well and continues to work.

Overall the build quality of the device is really solid, I expected for the price for it to be way more flimsy, but it's good and rigid, and I'll be doing my own full Review of it in Article and Video format shortly.

Tom Farron

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Feb 3, 2017
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Hey! Thanks for the instructions on this xD I already downloaded everything and looking forward to this. However I have a really basic question. I apologize if this has been answered but I got the Cube WP 10 and it's showing that I have T-Mobile in the setting to use Cellular data. HOWEVER at the top it is showing that my sim card from T-Mobile isn't being read. I've tried both soft and hard resets. I was about to buy a brand new sim card or a sim card set. I don't have a nano sim just a regular. It reads my memory card fine. I can't make calls and it won't let me use my unlimited cell data. Is there any help that can be provided? This is my first post so my apologies for writing a book and not searching.

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