Data Drain


New member
Oct 12, 2011
I know I seen this post a few times but didnt find any conclusions. Since Im with ATT, I have the 2GB(2048MB) data plan. So I get the phone about a month ago. The new billing cycle past and I wanted to see how much data I was using. So I dialed the ATT code to check the data. Right off the bat it jumped to 110MB worth of data. I was stunned. I turned all my background tasks off and my Feedback disabled. Couple of days went by, and now I jumped to 461MB!!!

I looked online and some people turned off the data connection and only used WiFi. So I did that. Over the weekend it went from 461 to 462 in the just WiFi. I turned data on to receive a couple of pictures.

So yesterday at work(I dont have WiFi), I turned the data on to surf some webpages. I probably had my data on for a total of 4 hours yesterday. So I check my data usage and now its 609MB!!?!?!?!?!?

How on earth is this happening???? Is there some apps that are doing this? Or do windows phone just use alot of data somewhere? Im very confused. I still 22 more days til my monthly bill, at this rate, Ill be well over 2GB!




New member
Dec 11, 2010
Wow. That does sound like a lot of data. I have an unlimited plan and never turn off data, but as I get much better performance with WiFi, I also keep that on 24/7 (have WiFi at home and office). Before using WiFi, I was consuming about 2.2GB/m with fairly heavy use. Now data is down to around 275MB/m with WiFi on all the time.

May have to go data only for a couple weeks to see if anything has changed with Mango.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express


New member
Oct 12, 2011
Yea I kinda wish Id gone with Sprint because they have unlimited data. I dont know why my data usage is so high. Frustrating.....


New member
Dec 16, 2010
well , if u have facebook in your account that drains alot of data ( updates every time any one of your firends does something. ( twitter as well but twitter is not so bad )

- Xbox live Updates every time you click ont he XBL HUB,

- e-mail sync (deppending how many e-mauils you have )

- apps/games go arround 10-50mb that can also hurt.

- streaming music or vids.

- live tiles (weather , RSS feeds , ect....) any location base apps.

- bing search = Finds map/websites/pictures for w/e search you did (that also hurts )

having every thing * INTERGRATED* in the wp is what hurts data. almost EVERY single feature/app on the phones uses data.

sorta like WEBOS..


New member
Oct 12, 2011
Well I turned location off, feedback to windows off, and looking for updates off. I deleted FB integration. Deleted all my live tiles. Hopefully this helps! I'll turn my data connection off as well unless I'm looking up websites.

I heard searching websites didn't use much data. The only app I really use is the WP7 News feed. I guess I won't look at that until I'm using WiFi.

This is really kinda ridiculous and alot to remember. I'm thinking I might go back to the iPhone :(


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Well I turned location off, feedback to windows off, and looking for updates off. I deleted FB integration. Deleted all my live tiles. Hopefully this helps! I'll turn my data connection off as well unless I'm looking up websites.

I heard searching websites didn't use much data. The only app I really use is the WP7 News feed. I guess I won't look at that until I'm using WiFi.

This is really kinda ridiculous and alot to remember. I'm thinking I might go back to the iPhone :(

searching the WEB depends on the actual web sites.....

Facebook website = UGE cause you Dl all the PICS and vids every one has posted.

hotmail = small because its mostly TEXT ... so it really depends on the actual content of the page.

on the other data draining thread , the guy said he hard reset his phone rolled back to PRE-mango , and re-installed mango and seemed to fix his data drain.... but i cant confirm it 100%


New member
Jul 28, 2011
I'm on VZW, and have unlimited. I've left my wifi off the last 3 days, and found that I've used 95 mb of data. I've got calendar sync, rss, 2 emails,facebook but no twitter. I only have 2 fb friends that post daily. I haven't streamed any music or used gps. I do have the weather channel livetile. I'm using data on the phone maybe 45-75 minutes a day.
If anybody's keeping track of usage stats, hope this helps.
It would be nice if MS would keep wpcentral updated on this issue.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Going back to the iphone sounds like a knee jerk reaction lol. I have everything I use integrated and use my phone a good bit. At 471,298KB used right now. I have anything using cellular turned off (updates, feedback, etc) It might just be something silly like one of those 'features' doing it.

It would be nice if MS would keep wpcentral updated on this issue.

There isn't an issue for MS to keep you updated on. The orig(and only known) data usage drain was traced to Yahoo Mail. I think it has since been fixed but not sure on that.

45-75 minutes a day

Doing what though? and still under a gig a month..
Last edited:


New member
Oct 12, 2011
wow 95MB?!?!?! I'm using over 100+MB a day when I leave my data on. I only search websites, look at one 2 min sports video and an RSS feed. I wouldn't think that would use so much data. I didn't know Verizon had an unlimited plan? Thought it was the same as At&t. I don't want to leave them but sprint maybe the way to go or Verizon. Or switch to an iPhone 4s since I get an upgrade in a few months....


New member
Oct 12, 2011
I turned off update and feedback, and use the data probably 4 hours. Yet I got hit with 147MB.... Doesn't make sense???


New member
Oct 12, 2011
And that was just yesterday. I'm deleted FB and live tiles and turned off email sync to manual and only looking on websites on data. Then turning data off when I'm not on my phone. I should know something in the morning.....


New member
Oct 12, 2011
No, I have my data on for about 4hours total a day. Other than that, I'm on WiFi. During that 4 hours, I search the web, look at my RSS feed, 1-2min sports clip, and emails(10). But I'm not constantly on my phone during the 4 hours, the data is just staying on.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
No, I have my data on for about 4hours total a day. Other than that, I'm on WiFi. During that 4 hours, I search the web, look at my RSS feed, 1-2min sports clip, and emails(10). But I'm not constantly on my phone during the 4 hours, the data is just staying on.

Does your phone stay plugged in?


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Like charging? Sometimes....

Yes, could be a few things happening here. When your phone is sleeping WiFi is dropped. Everything that was enabled prior to you looking into this defaults to data in that situation. What other wireless devices do you have on that router? Ever had any issues? It could be that for some reason the phone is dropping your WiFi connection maybe due to a timeout or signal strength. I think some of these issues may be more device specific than OS. It might be worth testing by putting your phone into airplane mode and then enabling WiFi and using it for a bit and see what happens. Alternatively depending on your router you may be able to log data usage of each device connected and see whats going on from that end.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
I turn my data off when I'm on my WiFi so nothing happens in the background while I have my phone asleep.

What I'm wanting to know is what's using all this data when I'm not on WiFi.... Didn't think what I was doing would use so much data.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
I turn my data off when I'm on my WiFi so nothing happens in the background while I have my phone asleep.

What I'm wanting to know is what's using all this data when I'm not on WiFi.... Didn't think what I was doing would use so much data.

Just syncing emails can burn 2-3mb an hour. It just depends what all is running on your phone. Still a weird issue. maybe you have stumbled across another driver bug (like the disappearing keyboard issue)


New member
Dec 16, 2010
No, I have my data on for about 4hours total a day. Other than that, I'm on WiFi. During that 4 hours, I search the web, look at my RSS feed, 1-2min sports clip, and emails(10). But I'm not constantly on my phone during the 4 hours, the data is just staying on.

well there?s your problem.... lol your doing allot of data ( this int a blackberry compressed data :) )

BTW ,,


Open up ( from your cell phone on a full website , not mobile ) and that?s instantly 10mb+ , and that?s justt he FIRST page....

try it oyut from a PC . Open page , right lick : show page information .. (theirs like 5+ tabs of different data type so add them all up )

now imagine +20mb just on the first page..... (cause of pics and vids and text and RSS and advertising ect... )

dont know why people think surfing the werb doesn?t use alot of data....

+ rss feeds and e-mails.... did you open attachments? in your e-mail?


New member
Oct 12, 2011
No attachments..... But I did change my settings in web browser to desktop view when looking at a website. Maybe that's what's hitting me. I changed it back to mobile version. Lol that sucks!!

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