Data sense?

I will let you know once I install GDR3 on my 1020. I am on ATT and they block Data Sense
Awesome. I think I might buy 520 just to fiddle around :) Don't want to jeopardize my daily driver 920

Thats the exact reason I got the 520, I just don't want to risk bricking my 1020. And at less than $99 its not a huge loss if you screw something up; besides its still a great backup phone.
I think we basically need to wipe and reload a complete OS from scratch to get data sense back. This appears to just be a patch update.
1020 on AT&T with GDR3 pre-release does NOT have Data Sense. Carrier approval is likely needed, as I think it accesses some of your account info. But I wouldn't know, considering I've never used it... >_>
There is a new feature no under the cellular settings that you can now you to restrict background data while roaming or restrict back ground data all together. NICE!!!!
I wanted to go to ATT to get the nicer WP8 phones, but its kind of a kick in the balls that they don't actually support them in a timely manner. One further I can't believe they'd block such a great feature like this. Guess I'll stick with Verizon until I know this new MS program is going to stick around and I won't have to worry about carrier updates anymore.
I wanted to go to ATT to get the nicer WP8 phones, but its kind of a kick in the balls that they don't actually support them in a timely manner. One further I can't believe they'd block such a great feature like this. Guess I'll stick with Verizon until I know this new MS program is going to stick around and I won't have to worry about carrier updates anymore.

to be fair, AT&T has poor support for most devices. Its not just WP they shaft. Your pretty safe with iPhones, of course... They are just as terrible with Blackberry, maybe worse, and Android seems hit or miss.
There is a new feature no under the cellular settings that you can now you to restrict background data while roaming or restrict back ground data all together. NICE!!!!

Thanks for pointing that out, sounds great for anyone who's on a tight data budget, but doesn't want to have to cripple their device on WiFi!!!

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