De-brand your AT&T Lumia 640 LTE.

I am working with an unlocked ATT 640 LTE. I have tried to debrand this phone and I am stuck. I used the method outlined in post #161 "" I believe the cabinets loaded to the phone but I want to make sure.
I found this on a Microsoft page and it looks like it would document if the files loaded or not
GetDULogs.exe is a command-line tool that can be used to get package update logs
from a device. GetDULogs.exe
must be used in a command-line window that is opened as an administrator.
The command-line syntax for GetDULogs.exe is the following.

Copy: GetDULogs –o <output file path>

The following table describes the command-line parameters for GetDULogs.exe.



-ooutput file path The full path of the file on the development computer to write the log info

Has anyone used this command?
I gave up on trying to determine if the CAB files downloaded or not and when ahead with the debranding using this command:
thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "C:\Lumia\RM-1073\RM1073_02177.00000.15203.26115_RETAIL_prod_signed_1001_023F70_TMO-US.ffu" -productcodeupdate 059X0P7 -skip_flash.

It appears that this worked as the pone shows a T-Mobile icon when it boots. The problem is that I do not have WiFi calling. I do have a TMO sim card.

Any suggestions

Thanks for anyone's help
not to worry its an easy fix.
it looks like you used some old info that didn't include the full nvi update (which was discovered a few weeks later.. it is needed to have "working" band 12 and wifi calling

just redo the update and include "-do_full_nvi_update"
this is needed to update the modem portion of the phone

so it might look something like this:
thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "C:\Lumia\RM-1073\RM1073_02177.00000.15203.26115_RETAIL_prod_signed_1001_023F70_TMO-US.ffu" -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset

also be aware that wifi calling is still broken in windows 10.. so if that feature is a "MUST" for you, then you need to stay on win8.1

Edit: i removed a typo (an extra space) in the command line above
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make sure the path is to where you have .ffu file.
ie. c:\xxxxx\xxxxx

it looks like the line i copy/pasted had an extra space "prod_si gned" remove that space between the "i" and the "g" and it will probably work
I have followed the XDA instructions to prepare for debranding and I ran into a silly and frustrating problem.

The setup to install the tools that contain the IUTOOL.EXE which are necessary has an install window whose lower part that contains the install button if off the screen and there is no way to shrink or resize the window. So after I select the tools to install I cannot issue the command to install.

Does anybody know of an alternative source and install for the tools or a way to tame the window?

Looks like the Cricket revision of the Lumia 640/RM-1073 has new firmware as of 08/02/2016.

I've not been able to download it from Windows Update on RS2 Fast Ring, which is kind of annoying. Does anyone know if I can force/push the firmware somehow without going WDRT for a full reflash?
Yes, this is for the single sim phones, RM-1072, RM - 1073. I am not sure if it would work for dual sims. this guide is based on removing atts dumb deviceplatformid block.

And sorry about the link be fragmented, I do not have enough post to post a link heh.

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