Dear Carrier Where's My Mango Update ? - Moan Here

You are correct - 50% - a hopeful Freudian slip, although as they have blessed the Forced Update, which works for pretty much everyone except those "in scheduling" in effect it's more like 90% can get Mango if they wish.

My point was that a lack of information and updates inevitably leads to disappointed Customers. If they updated the page today, and said that the HD7 updade is nearly complete and looks to finish scheduling this week we'd know where we stand and would be happier.

BTW, does anyone know why an organization with so much computing horsepower takes 10 days to "schedule" an Update? MSoft's comments about how important it is for the process to be random are interesting, but randomizing a few, what, hundred thousand HD7s Users (they wish!) should take about 50msec. It would be worthwhile for them to educate us about the process a bit more. If nothing else it would give us something interesting to read while we sit around plucking our eyebrows out waiting for the update :-)
50% and it hasn't been 10 days yet since it went into Scheduling.

actually, MSoft was crowing that they were rolling uut the Update to "98% of their Customers" back in September. While "Rolling out" could be said to mean whatever you want it to, it still leaves a few of us not feeling the love!

Sigh - well tomorrow is Day 10 for the HD7s "Sheduling", so maybe they will begin to roll it out over the weekend.

wellll... it's now Day 11

Looks like MSoft is ignoring HD7s Owners again. Back on Sept 27 we were told to get to the back of the bus and stay there for 10 days while they "Scheduled" the Mango Update. Why t takes 10 days to decide which of a few tens of thousands (I don't see a lot of these phones around yet :-( ) of loyal owners of the current Flagship AT&T Windows phone can be allowed to get the update remains a mystery, but heck, why worry about them when you've opened up the spigots for nearly everyone else?

Lets face it, they no longer really have to "Schedule" it in order to get going. Just making the update available will allow the most interested and reasonably savvy users update vis the "forced" option, which MSoft has officially blessed - for everyone else that is!

Leaving the "Where's My Update" page fallow for nearly 2 weeks is bad enough, but missing such an easy to meet deadline as this - and then remaining silent about it, well I don't know an emoticon for shaking you head sadly in disbelief or I'd put it here. You can't count on Apple to flub their new product rollouts so you'd better get your own act together - quickly.

This is the way MSoft "used" to treat WMobile customers, which is why the platform numbers declined so quickly. A good product will not sell if coupled with lousy Customer treatment. Get it together Microsoft! Talk with your Customers and if you can't keep to your commitments, then we might be understanding if you fessed up and explained what's going on and when we might be getting the same treatment everyone else has. But treating Customers like mushrooms is a good way to make them ex-Customers. I've already turned several non-smartphone customers into WP Owners, telling this this was a 'new' MSoft that wouldn't leave them in the dark as usual. I'm beginning to look like a fool for so.

Thanks Microsoft.
It is now the 11th, and after 5 PM PST. Still not update to the "Where is my update?" page. It's been 10 days since the page was updated... Shelled out the extra cash for the HD7S, and still waiting for Mango. What gives MS?

Stage 2: Scheduling
Microsoft is scheduling the update for delivery. This phase typically lasts 10 business days or less.
The latest rumor or whatever one might call it was for today and no news is no news and not good. Sorry guys with the HD7s. Maybe theres a problem but you'd think they would say something!
You are correct - 50% - a hopeful Freudian slip, although as they have blessed the Forced Update, which works for pretty much everyone except those "in scheduling" in effect it's more like 90% can get Mango if they wish.

My point was that a lack of information and updates inevitably leads to disappointed Customers. If they updated the page today, and said that the HD7 updade is nearly complete and looks to finish scheduling this week we'd know where we stand and would be happier.

BTW, does anyone know why an organization with so much computing horsepower takes 10 days to "schedule" an Update? MSoft's comments about how important it is for the process to be random are interesting, but randomizing a few, what, hundred thousand HD7s Users (they wish!) should take about 50msec. It would be worthwhile for them to educate us about the process a bit more. If nothing else it would give us something interesting to read while we sit around plucking our eyebrows out waiting for the update :-)

Forced update: not true. Despite dozens of tries every few days, no dice. I have RTM Mango on Verizon Trophy, so when it tells me I am up to date, that is technically true. Mostly waiting for the security update that preceded Mango yet was released by VZW as a step in the Mango update. If anyone on VZW has received the update notice while running RTM Mango (not the beta; the RTM), let me know. I am a little leery of missing it altogether.
When there is an update whwther you can force it or MS releases it for VZN it will update to 7392 (the security update) then to 7412 or 7413 or some other number intermediate step and finally to the full mango version for VZN. The 7392 or equivalent as I said will be first Thats how the forced update work for my focus. With the force its a matter of timing the disconnect from the internet and in my case it worked when I was at home on the wired internet
Still no update...
The frustration is rising... my wife just had her IOs update this morning... and it's been 10-12 days that Mango was released...

Phone: Samsung Omnia 7 (not linked to a provider)
Network: Mobile Vikings
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still no update, tried forcing many many times. update site says rogers is delivering... getting tired of waiting...
It truly is all about timing the disconnect. Are you using a laptop? I tried many times on my laptop at theoffice without sucess. Only when I cam home to the desktop was I aable to get it work. What device do you have and whats your location?
My son's LG Quantum (AT&T) *finally* got the update alert today. Weeks after my wife and my phone were updated.

I guess I'm one of the few remaining without the Mango update. If it doesn't come in for me by the end of October I'm just gonna force it. Til then, I'll just wait it out patiently and slightly angrily.
Alas, PurpleYam, you are not alone. I spoke with Verizon techs yesterday: they can see that I need update; were surprised that it had not been pushed; and could not, despite trying, do a thing about it. They thought local (corporate) store might be able to do it, except that local store knows nothing about Trophy: when I called, they said they no longer even have Microsoft on any of their computers, so they cannot get Zune. I knew more about the update process than they did. They were awesome - really tried hard to help, but they have not been given anything to work with...

They can't have *that* many Trophies to update... so unless they had to pull back for some reason, hard to imagine why still nothing, five weeks later.
Alas, PurpleYam, you are not alone. I spoke with Verizon techs yesterday: they can see that I need update; were surprised that it had not been pushed; and could not, despite trying, do a thing about it. They thought local (corporate) store might be able to do it, except that local store knows nothing about Trophy: when I called, they said they no longer even have Microsoft on any of their computers, so they cannot get Zune. I knew more about the update process than they did. They were awesome - really tried hard to help, but they have not been given anything to work with...

They can't have *that* many Trophies to update... so unless they had to pull back for some reason, hard to imagine why still nothing, five weeks later.

So sorry for both you and purpleyam. I have been enjoying mago and broke down and set up my avatar and have been playing withn that. Hopefuly it will come soon. VZN has waxe and waned a couple of times in appears by their actions and inactions. Kinda like a beach dude wearing those flip flops.

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