Decent news app


New member
May 17, 2013
Why are there seemingly no news apps that do the simple task of rotating the live tile through different stories? Is there a news app that flips and shows up lots of different headline news stories, rather than just a picture of a single story for the whole day?
There might be an RSS feeder that displays multiple stories....I haven't given too much thought to this before...
Bing news is the best looking news reader but never updated any news for almost entire day. Click on refresh won't get any new article either. Weird.
Ok weave is pretty good, but needs a Second tile to tell you the headline of the picture. Or just a text option. Picture is kind of worthless.
I am testing Nextgen reader. It is good that you can connect to feedly and edit your news there.
This has always bugged me that the headlines can't rotate and stay the same for hours. Weave seems pretty good, but with just a picture, unless it's something I've already been following, I likely wouldn't even know what the picture was. Will have to check out Global News Reader and Paper Boy. Thanks!
I am testing Nextgen reader

I am also a Nextgen Reader user. It is more than a "decent news app". However, to the best of my knowledge, it does not meet the OP's requirement of showing a list of headlines or stories on the Live Tile as opposed to pictures.
Ok Global news reader is the best so far. Shows 3 top stories as text and regularly changes. All it needs is the ability to customize your feed.
It seems the latest update to my NBC news app has gotten a little better. Now the live tile has one story on each side as well as picture and text. Not sure yet how often they change, though. Will report back.
So still no RSS reader in which I could customize where the feeds come from, has a great wide tile with more than one headline, a counter, pictures AND refresh regularly?

NextGen is good, but no live tile refreshing, Fuse couldn't handle pictures. Any idea?
I hate all apps that don't have native scrolling. When inside a newsstory in Weave or Nextgen you can feel how the scrolling isn't as it should be. It's bugging me out.

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