Decided I don't want a PC in my pocket. I want a phone.

My Lumia 520 runs W 10 M pretty smoothly being old and cheap phone. I had this phone like 2 years now. Sometimes when I listen music and browse web it gets stuck and I need to hard reset. overall W10M looks alot better than W 8.1! But this is just my opinion! ^^
I also have my own roll-back story: as much as I like W10M (I've been using it since testing day 1), I really can't stand the fact that in the last two builds the ambient microphones don't work on my 930. That means no sound when recording video, and that's a show stopper for me. I mean, the best part of the 930 is the camera, but without sound, I can't use it to record any video... So here I am, a little over a week using 8.1. Again. I can't say I like it better, cause I don't, but I enjoy the improved battery life, and hell, I can record my videos with sound!
I just wish they'd hurry and finish it up lol.

My XP using W10M on a 925 for ages now...
Negatives :-
  • Battery life is bad (I switched to 2G and it's bearable)
  • Slow to boot up
  • Screen sometimes troublesome to wake up
  • Lock screen is slow
  • Camera... don't know where to start; sometimes trouble with focus, the quality I think is poorer than before. Slow.
  • App store and installations are buggy
  • Skype integration is hit and miss. Skype app is slow.
  • Cortana sometimes struggles to interpret speech correctly.
Positives :-
  • More Start customisation
  • Alarms work fine (seriously important lol)
  • Bluetooth/gadgets integration is good
  • Notification center is good, probably needs a bit more work though
  • Feels like platform is maturing and getting more advanced features

So it's promising but needs a lot of stuff ironed out, which I feel will take a long time. It's a shame but I haven't used my phone/camera as much as I should have done over the past months. I don't like the thought of rolling back, I want to go forward :D
No way in hell I'll go back to 8.1. I have a 37 month old 920 plus a Surface 3 and gaming desktop. Last 2 mobile Insider updates went perfectly without so much as a soft reset. Battery life on this old phone has definitely improved. The last time I had to rollback to 8.1 on earlier Insider updates convinced me what a great improvement 10 mobile is. I do not understand the comments about W10 being "broken". Maybe it is some other equipment issues that are causing problems because after clean installs on all 3 units, I have not had any issues. I will admit I am not a heavy user on mobile and Surface like some but the integration between my Surface 3, 920, and gaming desktop is superb. I love W10 and the direction MS is taking. I am waiting with pleasure for the rumoured Surface phone. (due to current exchange rates, the 950/XL units are too expensive for me in Canada for a short-term purchase--$749/$849.)
I know that when MS releases the official W10M that it will be a great experience over what it is now for those using the insider program.
Cortana seems smarter and better at connecting.

I couldn't agree more! Cortana used to be able to do so much more on 8.1 than what she can do now. I used to be able to say "Take me home" and Cortana would load up Here and set my route home for me. I could ask where the nearest "name place here" was and she would find it and load it up in Here as well. She doesn't predict the winner of NFL football games anymore, instead just doing a Bing search for "football winners". Also the commands for opening the calendar, or making a note in onenote are a lot more specific than they used to be. If you use one wrong word she just searches Bing instead.

Other than that I love W10 on my phone but Cortana has gone from being used all day, everyday to using it once a week at most.

It's a shame because I used to show Cortana off to everyone and now I cant.
I couldn't agree more! Cortana used to be able to do so much more on 8.1 than what she can do now. I used to be able to say "Take me home" and Cortana would load up Here and set my route home for me. I could ask where the nearest "name place here" was and she would find it and load it up in Here as well. She doesn't predict the winner of NFL football games anymore, instead just doing a Bing search for "football winners". Also the commands for opening the calendar, or making a note in onenote are a lot more specific than they used to be. If you use one wrong word she just searches Bing instead.

Other than that I love W10 on my phone but Cortana has gone from being used all day, everyday to using it once a week at most.

It's a shame because I used to show Cortana off to everyone and now I cant.

You must have something messed up in the settings. I use the "Take me home" command all the time in W10 and Cortana loads up the Maps app and navigates me home no problem all the time. I can also say "Take me to the nearest Walmart" and she'll open the Maps app and navigate me there no problem. If there's more than one Walmart nearby she'll ask me which one do I want, and after my reply she'll take me there no problems at all.
and they even work sometimes.

And if they work, they work too much... Often, contacts in my Inner Circle don't break through... I just see the notifications much later with a "during quiet hours" indicator. When I delete all contacts from my inner circle and re add them, it works again for some time, but you never know how long. And of course I left feedback in the feedback app about that.
You must have something messed up in the settings.

I don't think it is a settings issue. Cortana could still do the things I wanted but the rate of connection errors and improper capture of commands was high. Cortana is much more accurate at listening in WP8.1 in my experience.
The trouble with Quiet Hours in W10M is that you can't silence the phone automatically from the appointments in your calendar. It's such an important issue for me that I've reverted to WP8.1, which does offer that feature (via Cortana).
I couldn't agree more! Cortana used to be able to do so much more on 8.1 than what she can do now. I used to be able to say "Take me home" and Cortana would load up Here and set my route home for me. I could ask where the nearest "name place here" was and she would find it and load it up in Here as well. She doesn't predict the winner of NFL football games anymore, instead just doing a Bing search for "football winners". Also the commands for opening the calendar, or making a note in onenote are a lot more specific than they used to be. If you use one wrong word she just searches Bing instead.

Other than that I love W10 on my phone but Cortana has gone from being used all day, everyday to using it once a week at most.

It's a shame because I used to show Cortana off to everyone and now I cant.

Just posted my thoughts on here about Cortana. W10 bad, bad, bad. 8.1 brilliant.
W10M, live tile stops if you don't select news. Doesn't update regularly. Other interests don't exist on live tile. Won't put any tracking info in live tile (flights, packages etc). 8.1 had a working live tile that showed interests, displayed flight info etc and generally worked. The funniest thing? It was a beta in 8.1. I have contacted MSFT support and been treated like an imbecile. How often do you have to tell these idiots I have already soft booted, hard reset with and without restore... And yes, my region settings are the same, which I got bored telling him after 4 times. 8.1 here we come. I need flight tracking to work as a cabbie. Can't drive round the M25 with my head out of the taxi window using binoculars
Just posted my thoughts on here about Cortana. W10 bad, bad, bad. 8.1 brilliant.
W10M, live tile stops if you don't select news. Doesn't update regularly. Other interests don't exist on live tile. Won't put any tracking info in live tile (flights, packages etc). 8.1 had a working live tile that showed interests, displayed flight info etc and generally worked. The funniest thing? It was a beta in 8.1. I have contacted MSFT support and been treated like an imbecile. How often do you have to tell these idiots I have already soft booted, hard reset with and without restore... And yes, my region settings are the same, which I got bored telling him after 4 times. 8.1 here we come. I need flight tracking to work as a cabbie. Can't drive round the M25 with my head out of the taxi window using binoculars

MS's customer service via chat/phone is the worst I've seen. Those guys, no matter where they are from, have no clue about anything! They seem to just read from a text document some standard steps. What do you expect? MS has outsourced many of their departments, which means cheaper for them, much less quality for us.
The only time I did get a 100% quality service via chat/email was when my Surface 2 got broken, and that girl from Philippines that took over my case was top notch! a true professional, but that was one time from a total of 15 times I've called/talked with MS customer service so far with different issues.
So don't bother calling/chatting with them. If you have a MS store nearby, go there and ask for help, but over the phone or chat I don't recommend it! not in a million years!
I do agree about Cortana being lessened... which is sad because that was one reason I got my new phone - to be able to access via voice while doing my commuting - having it read me emails and be able to answer them via dictation instead of having to read. I initially attributed it to learning curve from the BB10 (which worked, kind of) - but this just doesn't work well. I can dictate a message out, but I can't get it to read the incoming to me.

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