Developer GDR3 on EE UK NL920


New member
Jan 20, 2013
anyone on EE installed that update for developers already on his NL920? I am interested in any downsides like Data sense not working.
They mention no problems with future updates.
Does that mean it will get updated in future by MS or does it mean that it wil get the next update when EE confirms it
I don't think it's out just yet. Available in a few hours. I have an unlocked 920 and datasense works on Orange/EE.
what actually happens is that MS is just deploying the OS update. Future firmware updates will still come from EE when it is approved (such as final firmware from Nokia with all the Bittersweet Shimmer add ins)
Hmm, ok its like this, so firmware updates come from the manufacturer (i.e. Nokia) while OS updates come from MS. FW updates are often released together with OS updates. Together, they both have to be reviewed by mobile operators (i.e EE) before being released. Developer GDR3 is a preview release of the OS update from MS. Nothing to do with the FW update. Simple explanation:

At release EE lumia 920: FW-1232.2110.1244.3011 ; OS: 8.0.9903.10
MS releases Portico (GDR1), Nokia updates FW for camera improvements: FW-1232.5957.1308.0020 ; OS: 8.0.10211.204
MS releases GDR2, Nokia updates FW for Amber: FW-3047.0000.1326.2021 ; OS: 8.0.10328.78
MS releases GDR3, FW-no change ; OS: 8.0.10512
in future, Nokia will release Bittersweet Shimmer enhancements then FW will change, since OS is already GDR3, no update to OS version.

as you can see, MS is trying to make OS updates independent from manufacturer's FW updates to ensure users get the latest OS ASAP. Hope that clears the confusion.

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