Developer user group program

New recruit's added. Please remember you have to have published apps to join the group.
Wow, count me in!! Thanks for the benefits!

I created the EasyAnalytics app, which is a Google Analytics Client for Windows phone.

Can you please let me know as soon as I am joined in the group? I would really like to contribute in the Developers user group

Here are the links to the official store:

EasyAnalytics Lite

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What is the difference between the "Developers Corner" and the "Developers Hidden Forum" sections??? they both seem to have the same purpose
Interesting, shall I pm the AppX file to you? (I have already converted it to Windows Phone 8.1).
As I haven't published anything really to the Windows Phone store yet, the app must be legendary or at least Awesome first ;)

Also, as I reminder my App is nowhere near beta, pre-alpha at most #TooManyBallsInTheAirButThisIsTheGoldBallInThatCaseAndNowTheHashtagIsStartingToGetLameTrueStory
And where is admin? :)

I pm'ed an Admin and I was told that Dave Blake resigned from his position. So I guess that nobody has taken over his task here :unhappysweat:

I think you can pm the user James Falconer or hopmedic to get access. Good luck!
Hey guys, we're keeping our eye on this thread. I've passed on the latest requests to be added to this group to James Falconer, who you can contact if you wanted to join the group. Either that or PM one of the mods, who will sort you out with James.

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