Did anyone else get Denim on their AT&T Lumia 635?

I imagine this is the end of the line for all ATT WP phones, its not like W10 will drop this year from a carrier...
I imagine this is the end of the line for all ATT WP phones, its not like W10 will drop this year from a carrier...

That's why after I complete this update I'll be resetting my registry again to unbrand the phone to a country variant and not tied to a carrier. :)
That's why after I complete this update I'll be resetting my registry again to unbrand the phone to a country variant and not tied to a carrier. :)

I am not sure what you're trying to achieve here but after you revert back to the AT&T ROM you won't be able to debrand your device again until the unbranded ROM get an equal OS/firmware version. Plus after if you revert to the CV ROM then what's the point of going back to the AT&T ROM?
I am not sure what you're trying to achieve here but after you revert back to the AT&T ROM you won't be able to debrand your device again until the unbranded ROM get an equal OS/firmware version. Plus after if you revert to the CV ROM then what's the point of going back to the AT&T ROM?

Not changing ROM, just changing registry entries to fool the system. Seems to have worked for updates twice so far. Flashing hasn't been necessary yet.

Besides, the only thing I'm missing with my current setup is the Reset Protection, which I'm really not worried about. I'm just wanting to do this to confirm that the AT&T update really comes with that Reset Protection and that it works. It's more of a curious experiment. Nothing really productive for me.

And I want the unbranded phone after I check this out so that I can control when I upgrade to Windows 10 and not wait on AT&T which may take an additional year.
Okay, went to the Library and got the update over Wi-Fi. Here's the deal...

There is NO reset protection with this update. Apparently it really does require new hardware or something. I don't know why AT&T advertised it was part of it, other than their usual incompetence.

The only thing the official AT&T update gave me over the one I had already done was to re-install all the garbage apps from AT&T that I had gone to so much trouble to get rid of in the first place. Time to uninstall those again.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not mad about it. I expected those apps to be reinstalled, and I had no idea whether the reset protection would come. I just wanted to verify it so that it could be finally and formally known by everyone exactly what to expect here.

For an AT&T customer, though, I highly recommend getting the update. It's worth it for GDR2. I'll probably go back unbranded, but not until I'm ready to install W10.
Re: Did anyone else get Denim on their AT&T Lumia 635?

I got Reset Protection with this update on my L635, I used the 'convert to postpaid' method. Not sure what's going on with yours.


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Re: Did anyone else get Denim on their AT&T Lumia 635?

I got Reset Protection with this update on my L635, I used the 'convert to postpaid' method. Not sure what's going on with yours.

Could be because I already had GDR2, I didn't get that part of the update. I suppose I'd have to do a full flash, but that's not really worth it to me, since once I buy a new Windows 10 device, this will just be a backup. Yeah, I know this will upgrade to Windows 10, I just want new hardware. I got the 635 so I could afford something nice later.
Okay, further testing yields some interesting results. I think everyone should know this, because I feel it is an important difference between the AT&T firmware and the non-branded firmware.

After doing a full flash of the AT&T firmware, I was able to get the reset protection with GDR2 and Denim. However, the difference between the "unbranded" firmware and the AT&T branded firmware is enough to make me want to go back to unbranded.

Here's why:
1. AT&T branded version of GDR2 takes a full 40 seconds longer to do a soft reset.
2. AT&T branded version of GDR2 downloads on the LTE bands approximately 30% slower than the country variant. ?!? Why? I don't know.
3. I have to perform a soft reset using AT&T's version every time I try to do Internet Sharing, otherwise, I am unable to connect, even though it shows successfully shared. I can only connect after a soft reset. I don't have this issue with the country variant ROM. The country variant ROM allows me to connect every single time and never has an issue.
4. App switching is noticeably slower on the AT&T version, though only slightly. "Resuming" when back to the start screen happens much more often, and I don't mean only slightly for that one.
5. If I have internet sharing on, or if I'm using the phone's Wi-Fi, and then I get a call, the AT&T version will cut off my Bluetooth at the time the call comes in. I have to perform a soft reset to get the Bluetooth working again. This does not happen with the Country Variant ROM.

There are other reasons as well, such as all the garbage apps that get installed with AT&T, and the country variant is "clean" installed. Easy enough to uninstall all the apps, but apparently there is still other garbage there that affects the performance of the phone.

This probably is not a complete list. Just the things I noticed when switching between the 2 ROMs on the same phone. I think for any phone I get from now on, I plan to flash it with an unlocked country variant straight away. No wonder AT&T takes so long to release updates. They have to tinker and mess things up first. With the number of problems I have found after using the Country Variant for a week and AT&T ROM for 24 hours, it concerns me how many other things are wrong with this AT&T update.

Just my 2 cents. Perhaps other people aren't having the same issues. I'd say the "speed" issues are the biggest for me at this point, as it deals with everything I do with the phone. Makes it more sluggish by 10-15% I'd say.
Is it all L635s or does depend if it a ATT contract phone or a Go Phone? I have a Go Phone with my contract SIM in the phone, no joy as of today.
Is it all L635s or does depend if it a ATT contract phone or a Go Phone? I have a Go Phone with my contract SIM in the phone, no joy as of today.

GoPhone was not part of the update... yet. However, one user in this thread had reported speaking to an AT&T rep that stated the GoPhone would be updated this week. So, sometime before the weekend should do it if that is correct.
Well it's now Thursday and I haven't seen or heard of the 635 GoPhone (SKU 6561A) updates hitting the airwaves yet. Hopefully someone will chime in here when it does. Hopefully.
I haven't gotten it as yet. How can I get it? I check for the update everyday and still nothing yet.
I think GDR2 is rolling out now to the GoPhone versions. I just got an update alert, ill post here again if I can confirm it's GDR 2.
Nevermind, even though the Lumia 635 wasn't listed for the random reboots bug fix, I still got it. False alarm guys, sorry.
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Unofficial SWAG follows: we ain't gonna see a 635 GoPhone update this week, says Captain Obvious. :wink:

And since I'm terrible making predictions, especially about the future, I'll leave the "when" question to others.
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