Funny how much alike we all really are.
It's premature to write ATT off for this. In the past, ATT has been very prompt with updates. We got Portico first. The Lumia 900 also got multiple updates and a prompt update to 7.8 when it was released. Same with mango before that. I honestly think there is a legimate problem with the amber update which is why it's not being released. On the bright side, Amber is such a small and puny update. In fact, more people say it's worse. It doesn't even fix the battery problems everyone is having, Pro cam has weird tinging problems, and some people have been having stuttering and freezing. So unless these issues are fixed, I don't want to deal with buggy software for 2-3 months until GDR3 or a fix is released.
10gb of other storage is not ok im not to concerned about the camera updates or the glance feature but the fix for this" other storage"So i have only had my 920 for 3 days now it's an ATT model and seems like a really nice phone. Is the update supposed to turn their phones into 1020's? I know it's always nice to get an update but please, come in off the ledge, it will be ok.
So i have only had my 920 for 3 days now it's an ATT model and seems like a really nice phone. Is the update supposed to turn their phones into 1020's? I know it's always nice to get an update but please, come in off the ledge, it will be ok.
So i have only had my 920 for 3 days now it's an ATT model and seems like a really nice phone. Is the update supposed to turn their phones into 1020's? I know it's always nice to get an update but please, come in off the ledge, it will be ok.
Whats everyone going to complain about after the amber update is released, 500 posts, really? I thought windows mobile people were less whiny than android and apple folk. Funny how much alike we all really are.
That makes sense now. I wondered why my post about the update was missing off the ATT facebook page. This is AT&T SOP. I have been through this many times with other devices. They take the update from the manufacturer and then morf it into what they want it to be and usually it is pretty messed up. I have seen this done with the Nokia E71x, Motorola Atrix, Blackberry and now Nokia Lumia 920. I don't have the ability to get a new device with the update since I am not a the year into my contract so I can "trade up", nor do I have $500 to spend on a new device.
Been with AT&T/Cingular/BellSouth for 15 years and have many many roll over minutes. After this fiasco, they will probably loose me as a customer when my contract is up. I am sick of their games.
... We deserve at least proper communication, we are paying customers