Did AT&T forget about us?

Today being the 23rd I'm really considering thus att next program . If Ms is putting out newer phones with the latest updates faster than updates them selves why not just upgrade to newest phone all the major carriers are doing it . Any thoughts?

It's a huge rip off, why would you want to pay an extra $400 a year for the phone AND THEN have to return it if you want to upgrade.
It's a huge rip off, why would you want to pay an extra $400 a year for the phone AND THEN have to return it if you want to upgrade.
because it almost seems like Ms knows there updates are very untimely so instead they put out new phones with latest update before older updates are still not out yet .i would like to know what Ms thinks about theses upgrade programs
Normally when one forgets about something or someone it is followed by: Oops... Sorry... Here's the update... and also, to make up for it, here's.........

Here's why you won't hear that. That's called "customer service", something that AT&T doesn't seem capable of doing.

Unless you're an iSheep, of course.
Given the time it is taking to get GDR 2, I am thinking GDR3 may take as much if not more time. With that, I have found a buyer from my 920 on Craigslist and will buy a 1020 instead. Hoping 1020 gets GDR3 not much time after it is released. I also considered replacing my 920 with the new iPhone, but couldnt get myself to do that :)
Given the time it is taking to get GDR 2, I am thinking GDR3 may take as much if not more time. With that, I have found a buyer from my 920 on Craigslist and will buy a 1020 instead. Hoping 1020 gets GDR3 not much time after it is released. I also considered replacing my 920 with the new iPhone, but couldnt get myself to do that :)

I can, and probably will. I'm tired of carrier interference with my devices and updates. Enough is enough.
That is probably the only thing I love about the iOS ecosystem. I can live without the millions of apps or the gold on the phone :), but the fact that they can predict and push updates at regular intervals is great. With WP8, you read about all these great features that you know you could and should have, but don't! In my particular case, I am hoping GDR2 brings some bluetooth fixes so my car and my phone start liking each other. But I am tired of waiting!
It's premature to write ATT off for this. In the past, ATT has been very prompt with updates. We got Portico first. The Lumia 900 also got multiple updates and a prompt update to 7.8 when it was released. Same with mango before that. I honestly think there is a legimate problem with the amber update which is why it's not being released. On the bright side, Amber is such a small and puny update. In fact, more people say it's worse. It doesn't even fix the battery problems everyone is having, Pro cam has weird tinging problems, and some people have been having stuttering and freezing. So unless these issues are fixed, I don't want to deal with buggy software for 2-3 months until GDR3 or a fix is released.
It's premature to write ATT off for this. In the past, ATT has been very prompt with updates. We got Portico first. The Lumia 900 also got multiple updates and a prompt update to 7.8 when it was released. Same with mango before that. I honestly think there is a legimate problem with the amber update which is why it's not being released. On the bright side, Amber is such a small and puny update. In fact, more people say it's worse. It doesn't even fix the battery problems everyone is having, Pro cam has weird tinging problems, and some people have been having stuttering and freezing. So unless these issues are fixed, I don't want to deal with buggy software for 2-3 months until GDR3 or a fix is released.

my at&t 920 is flashed with gdr2, I have not encountered any new bugs that were not already present pre gdr2.........data sense is amazing to accurately keep track of used data, having only a 200mb plan. The myAt&t app can be inaccurate by many hours which has caused me to over use my data many times. Screw at&t for not including it
@ATTCustomerCare has started ignoring my tweets about GDR2. I post one at least every day and they stopped responding to them completely. I think they have done this with other users as well, I haven't seen nearly as many complaints about it over the last two days. I'm so sick of ATT. I wish I had switched last year, but I'm glad I got my 920 though. If only I didn't have to be in Cali to switch carriers.......
@ATTCustomerCare has started ignoring my tweets about GDR2. I post one at least every day and they stopped responding to them completely. I think they have done this with other users as well, I haven't seen nearly as many complaints about it over the last two days. I'm so sick of ATT. I wish I had switched last year, but I'm glad I got my 920 though. If only I didn't have to be in Cali to switch carriers.......

They started to threaten to remove people that "spam" the page on facebook today too. Specifically posting on GDR2+Amber posts. We must be annoying them ;p
They started to threaten to remove people that "spam" the page on facebook today too. Specifically posting on GDR2+Amber posts. We must be annoying them ;p

This could all be solved if they just communicated with us. If there is an issue just tell us. Don't leave us in the dark while other carriers push out updates. Many of us are on ATT because of its Windows Phone exclusivity, we expect good follow through on an ATT flagship device.
This could all be solved if they just communicated with us. If there is an issue just tell us. Don't leave us in the dark while other carriers push out updates. Many of us are on ATT because of its Windows Phone exclusivity, we expect good follow through on an ATT flagship device.

That is what I had stated in my BBB complaint, in which they gave the BBB the same canned response we all have been hearing. My complaint did not deal with not having the update, but rather the frustrating lack of information regarding its testing and where it is at in the testing cycle.
Last full week of the month and still, no joy.

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