So does anybody think we will have it by the end of September as promised by Nokia?
So does anybody think we will have it by the end of September as promised by Nokia?
Guys, may I ask a question?I still didN't get any update on my L920 to Amber...I bought my phone "unbranded" (so I'm able to put any SIM card in it..i think this is what unbranded means..if it isn't , then correct me please
), and it says that my Mobile operator is "AT1-AT" that means, that I'm at AT&T in updates? Or what?
(sorry for my english btw..)
Yes, yes I do. But that doesn't mean it will happen before the very end of September.
seems like its September 2014 :/
hah..nah, it actually looks normaly (fortunately..
). So...the last question is, that Will i get the amber update in the future?
or my phone won't get it?
hah..nah, it actually looks normaly (fortunately..
). So...the last question is, that Will i get the amber update in the future?
or my phone won't get it?
None taken. I know at&t could care less about us 920 owners as far as the GDR2/Amber update goes. Truth is, GDR2/Amber on my 920 or not, I was still planning on buying a 1020. I wanted the camera! Yes, it's nice to have Amber and all now too.No offense, but you are probably the exact reason why AT&T does not feel hurt to delay the Amber update.
Excellent point. All AT&T wants is for people to upgrade to the next big thing the instant it's released. So they're going to do everything in their power to make staying with your current phone uncomfortable. I'm sure AT&T would love to do the same with the iPhone. Apple, unfortunately, has them by the balls.
So in the next 6 months, when GDR3 is ready watch AT&T drag their feet on updates for the 920, 925 and 1020 in the hope that consumers will upgrade to whatever new phone is due for release. And they'll get away with it once again because far too many consumers are suckers.
Then you haven't used NT based OS very often...even my surface pro was bluescreening once every couple weeks coming out of hibernate. Oddly enough, it's stopped after updating to the 8.1 Release Preview haha
its not our fault that a,Nokia has built the update to Nokia standards b, att priorities are iPhones not windows phones and now att not consumers are offering this next program wp8s " premier carrier" so if we're not happy with our phones we can upgrade to get what we want.if Ms knows this us happening wouldn't u think they would do something so that customer are happy with the device you have? Guess not so many will just upgrade att feels this is easier and every ones happy if att is not to concerned about wp8 updates its not our fault we want the updates but att is so much more concerned about this new iPhone!No offense, but you are probably the exact reason why AT&T does not feel hurt to delay the Amber update.
Could it be that att is worried that some people will do a reset on their phone before they then install the amber update, and thus open themselves up to a number of gears of death replacements? This phone is new to me and i just survived a spinning gear forever reset and was the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen.
Please explain more.Yep, that is a scary moment. These phones don't reset very well, that is one ding against them. At least there is a work around. I've survived it twice now and had to use the "hard reset" key combo. At least it works consistently.
Are you kidding me? Go google problems installing Vista without SP1 with more than 2GB of Ram and then come back. It was a well known problem and as I said Microsoft was on it quick and released a patch. It just wasn't possible to install it on any system from scratch with more than 2GB of Ram. I had to remove any RAM over 2GB,install Vista, install the patch Error message when you try to install Windows Vista on a computer that uses more than 3 GB of RAM: "STOP 0x0000000A" and then add the additonal memory back. Vista was on the right track but was a complete resource hog. I don't know how anyone who's used the OS can deny it.