Did AT&T forget about us?

I think people need to realize that Windows Phones aren't the only devices that don't get updated necessarily on time or regularly.... If you're going to drop the platform because you aren't getting updates immediately, then I suggest you move to an iPhone or Nexus device. There are a plethora phones that either don't get updated at all after sale or have to wait months for an update from the carriers. Take for example the BlackBerry Z10 on Verizon, customers had to wait over two months for their update. Every other US Carrier had already released 10.1, but not Verizon. There a lot of Sony and HTC Android phones that also never got updated to newer versions of Android because the phone manufacturers had moved on to their next device. Nokia has been persistent about promising to support phones well into the end of their life cycle and has continued to push out updates past the first six months of release. This update will come, and it does suck that AT&T 920 owners have had to wait longer than others, but know that this is pretty common for other phones.
I was planning to do so, and have flashed/modded phones before, but it seems like it might not get updates, and that coverage is in fact decreased. And so i wait. :(

I flashed a month or so ago. Worked fine for a while, and it wwas nice to have Data Sense. But I started having issues with apps crashing, especially IE. I finally got fed up and did a factory reset. The phone never went out of the Gears screen. So I just got my phone replaced at an ATT store yesterday.

I am slightly tempted to flash again, but wont, for now. I too, don't want to have to flash every future update.

IF ATT does indeed strip out Data Sense, I'll call them as soon as my contract is up and tell them to screw. Waiting long as hell for a stripped down update is complete bs. They also have no valid reason to take out the Data Sense feature except to screw us over. Screw em.
My old HTC Android phone got a single update, incredibly late, over the two and a half years I owned it. Everyone knows that the iPhone is the sole exception to the rule because they've got the leverage in their relationships with carriers.

What we were hoping was that Microsoft's promises with regards to updates would be meaningful. Now that I think about it, maybe all they meant was that Samsung and HTC wouldn't be the ones messing with the process.
My old HTC Android phone got a single update, incredibly late, over the two and a half years I owned it. Everyone knows that the iPhone is the sole exception to the rule because they've got the leverage in their relationships with carriers.

What we were hoping was that Microsoft's promises with regards to updates would be meaningful. Now that I think about it, maybe all they meant was that Samsung and HTC wouldn't be the ones messing with the process.
Was it a premier phone at that time?
I flashed a month or so ago. Worked fine for a while, and it wwas nice to have Data Sense. But I started having issues with apps crashing, especially IE. I finally got fed up and did a factory reset. The phone never went out of the Gears screen. So I just got my phone replaced at an ATT store yesterday.

I am slightly tempted to flash again, but wont, for now. I too, don't want to have to flash every future update.

IF ATT does indeed strip out Data Sense, I'll call them as soon as my contract is up and tell them to screw. Waiting long as hell for a stripped down update is complete bs. They also have no valid reason to take out the Data Sense feature except to screw us over. Screw em.

Wild guess here, but you don't like AT&T? :wink:

Everyone knows that the iPhone is the sole exception to the rule because they've got the leverage in their relationships with carriers.

The iPhone, and Nexus devices. Even then, the Verizon Nexus was an exception. All other Nexus devices are unlocked, and updates come directly from Google.
As with any new OS there is going to be bugs. Updates fix bugs. When GDR1 rolled out quickly it was reassuring knowing the support was there to fine tune the OS. The success of Windows Phone depends on timely updates/bug fixes. Microsoft isn't well known for their speedy updates but they are trying with Windows Phone, and now with ATT dragging @$$ with this update it is reflecting back on Microsoft when it isn't their fault. In a perfect world I'd love to see Microsoft dump ATT and start their own network, hell they already bought Nokia so they got hardware covered. If they offered their own service plan with their own phones, running their own OS, managing their own updates............the possibilities!!
I think MS running they're own network would be great. They could buy T-mobile or Sprint and build out from there. It's not like they don't have the cash. Hell, pick up Blackberry too! Might eventually give Verizon and Att a much needed kick in the pants.
I think MS running they're own network would be great. They could buy T-mobile or Sprint and build out from there. It's not like they don't have the cash. Hell, pick up Blackberry too! Might eventually give Verizon and Att a much needed kick in the pants.

lol they might stop carrying windows phone and push blackberry as the third OS
Anyone else on ATT want to do a bill strike with me? @ATT We aren't paying our bill till you release GDR2! Man if we organized a large enough group we would have it tomorrow!
This is the response given from AT&T to my BBB complaint about the lack of information or help regarding the update.
I have been dealing with flood damage in my office (work in boulder, Colorado), and so I have not been answering the phone at all while we assess the damage)

"Although I have been unable to speak with him directly regarding this matter, research into this matter shows that AT&T is working on the latest Windows Phone 8 software update called GDR2 for the Nokia Lumia 820 and Nokia Lumia 920 that includes Nokia's Amber upgrades. In an effort to provide our customers with the best upgrade experience possible, all software updates go through rigorous testing before they are released. We will release the update as soon as testing is complete and hope to have more information to share with you on timing in the near future. We appreciate your patience.

Although I attempted to address Mr. xxxxxxx complaint, I was unable to confirm that he is satisfied with the resolution.

AT&T sincerely regrets any inconvenience this issue may have caused. Please feel free to contact me directly at xxx-xxx-xxxx if you have any additional questions or concerns in this matter. "

I have removed all personal information.
The only information I actually am happy with is that they are indeed working on the update for the 820 and 920. Still not happy that they could not explain to me why the 1020 and 925 are working perfectly fine on the network and only have minor hardware differences (screen type, total system memory, and camera)
Post on their Facebook page, let them know were sick and tired and not going to take it anymore!

https;//facebook. com/att
Nope, they haven't forgotten. They're too busy installing new hubs at the major telecommunication terminals through which communications travel, and through which splitters send mirrored data to government agencies. ATT...the ultimate amoral corporation, running neck and neck with Monsanto...ANYTHING for a dollar (or millions thereof). Too busy for us because of stuff like this:

Funny thing is I tweeted @ATT asking about the GDR2/Amber update and got a response from .... @VZWSupport saying come on over. We got your GDR2/Amber right here. Definitely considering it.
iOS7 comes out and AT&T spreads its legs wide open. SMH

Just went on a little tirade on twitter.
DatManWolf ‏@DatmanWolf 25s

@windowsphone So sad @ATT is making me regret getting a Lumia 920. Can't even get an update that is on the 925 and 1020 because of"testing"
DatManWolf ‏@DatmanWolf 1m

@ATTCustomerCare How does the Lumia 1020 have the GDR2+Amber but you are still testing for the 920? That makes no sense
DatManWolf ‏@DatmanWolf 3m

@Microsoft @ATT is making your Lumia customers want to switch back to a different OS since we can't get an update all other carriers have
DatManWolf ‏@DatmanWolf 5m

@Microsoft So can you explain why @ATT is dragging it's feet in rolling out the GDR2+Amber update for the Lumia?

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