Did Denim update improve battery life on your 930?

Battery life (at least in my case) has gotten quite better. Before Denim my phone would last a day, maybe a day and a half (depending on how much I would use it). Now, it can last two full days (even though I keep doing the same stuff with it).
I haven't notice any improvement in my battery life since I installed denim and people keep saying they can achive 2-3 days out of their 930. I really wanna see a battery usage profile showing 48 or 72 hours since last chagre from a phone that is actually beeing used
How can it be that just out of a sudden in the last days, my battery charge time from about 4% to 100% happens in 1h40m, but it always took it 2h30m for the same charge, same original nokia charger, and i've had denim for some time now, also nothing else has changed....

Just curious :)
usually my battery lasts me one day. But I use the phone pretty heavy, and in the evenings I play a lot of games until it drains.
Normally, when i charge it overnight, use it the entire day and get back home in the evening, I still have 30-40%. Then I drain it playing games :)
I keep wifi and cellular data "on" non-stop.

​This is from last night. I charged the phone the day before, and during the night I kept it on airplane mode. Also, during the day some periods were on Battery Saver mode.
It lasted 2 days and one night like this (aprox. 36 hours):

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No, same same for me
Generally pretty good though, easily getting me through one day of usually heavy usage. usually around 30-40% left when I get home :)
I haven't notice any improvement in my battery life since I installed denim and people keep saying they can achive 2-3 days out of their 930. I really wanna see a battery usage profile showing 48 or 72 hours since last chagre from a phone that is actually beeing used

I don't see a reason why people would lie about battery life on a forum, but since you don't seem to believe anyone, I'll take a screenshot when I'll have to charge my phone.
I guess i'll have to do the hard reset on mine soon. Something is draining it and i cant find what. 20% drop over night isn't normal. This wasn't happening before the update. Hey cortana off, not on the desktop anymore, wifi, bluetooth, celuar also off. And still drains 20% over night doing nothing...

PS: location services were on all the time even before Denim, but i need them. I only turned off motion data...
I don't see a reason why people would lie about battery life on a forum, but since you don't seem to believe anyone, I'll take a screenshot when I'll have to charge my phone.
He is right you know, some people do not lie but omit facts like using their phone as a statue, ok I'm exaggerating but what he is talking and so do I is real usage with all it's functionalities enabled.
For example, I always have on
- Wi-Fi with all features on (wifi sense etc)
- Bluetooth having the DT-903 nearby always for notifications.
- Location On
- Cortana On
- Auto Brightness
- Outlook + Gmail
- I am always in Roaming
- Find my phone ON
- Hey Cortana ON

Allowed in background:
- Skype
- Instagram
- Facebook
- WhatsApp
- Twitter (official app)
- Store
- Weather
- Pin.it
- Disqus
- OneDrive

I frequently use:
- Tubecast (full hd clips) like 20-40 min per day
- Skype 3h per day cumulated usage, only text
- WhatsApp (few minutes only)
- Instagram (only browsing) 30 min per day
- Camera , few pictures per day
- Here Transit 2 times per day
- People app where I check for news on facebook and twitter.very often, like each time I unlock the phone.
- Internet explorer quite a lot
- Pin.it browsing pins

Using all this it goes down in 6 hours.
Now don't tell me that having all these on and my pattern usage, you can juice out 2 days because it's completely bullocks.
He is right you know, some people do not lie but omit facts like using their phone as a statue, ok I'm exaggerating but what he is talking and so do I is real usage with all it's functionalities enabled.
For example, I always have on
- Wi-Fi with all features on (wifi sense etc)
- Bluetooth having the DT-903 nearby always for notifications.
- Location On
- Cortana On
- Auto Brightness
- Outlook + Gmail
- I am always in Roaming
- Find my phone ON
- Hey Cortana ON

Allowed in background:
- Skype
- Instagram
- Facebook
- WhatsApp
- Twitter (official app)
- Store
- Weather
- Pin.it
- Disqus
- OneDrive

I frequently use:
- Tubecast (full hd clips) like 20-40 min per day
- Skype 3h per day cumulated usage, only text
- WhatsApp (few minutes only)
- Instagram (only browsing) 30 min per day
- Camera , few pictures per day
- Here Transit 2 times per day
- People app where I check for news on facebook and twitter.very often, like each time I unlock the phone.
- Internet explorer quite a lot
- Pin.it browsing pins

Using all this it goes down in 6 hours.
Now don't tell me that having all these on and my pattern usage, you can juice out 2 days because it's completely bullocks.

You can't for sure.
But I don't think any other phone can. Correct me if I'm wrong. :/
Exactly what I wanted to say. What's the point of spending so much money on a phone if you're gonna dissable everything and use it for checking the time...buy a watch instead. I bought that phone for a reason and I want to use whatever it can offer. Tho it does get me thro the day mostly, I always have that horrible feeling will it last until I got home or not
To be honest I don't. If you're so busy and away from home for a whole day, you probably won't be playing any games. For me games are the only thing draining the battery like crazy. Not all, but most. I usually only play games while at home, so I don't really care about it then. L930 didn't fail me once when I needed it to last me for a long time. I have Cortana disabled since I don't really use it. English is not my native language, so it's a bit odd for me to use it that way except when I'm alone, so for me it's just a gimmick. Most apps are disabled to run in the background, except the messaging apps and instagram for notification. I didn't limit my usage of the phone for the sake of the battery, and I don't intend to. You have to accept the fact that the battery is what it is, and it won't magically change if you write on and on about how it's "bad". You knew that before you bought the phone. I wouldn't change my phone for any other. And if I were to lose my phone, I wouldn't hesitate one bit to buy the same phone.
He is right you know, some people do not lie but omit facts like using their phone as a statue, ok I'm exaggerating but what he is talking and so do I is real usage with all it's functionalities enabled.
For example, I always have on
- Wi-Fi with all features on (wifi sense etc)
- Bluetooth having the DT-903 nearby always for notifications.
- Location On
- Cortana On
- Auto Brightness
- Outlook + Gmail
- I am always in Roaming
- Find my phone ON
- Hey Cortana ON

Allowed in background:
- Skype
- Instagram
- Facebook
- WhatsApp
- Twitter (official app)
- Store
- Weather
- Pin.it
- Disqus
- OneDrive

I frequently use:
- Tubecast (full hd clips) like 20-40 min per day
- Skype 3h per day cumulated usage, only text
- WhatsApp (few minutes only)
- Instagram (only browsing) 30 min per day
- Camera , few pictures per day
- Here Transit 2 times per day
- People app where I check for news on facebook and twitter.very often, like each time I unlock the phone.
- Internet explorer quite a lot
- Pin.it browsing pins

Using all this it goes down in 6 hours.
Now don't tell me that having all these on and my pattern usage, you can juice out 2 days because it's completely bullocks.
He is right you know, some people do not lie but omit facts like using their phone as a statue, ok I'm exaggerating but what he is talking and so do I is real usage with all it's functionalities enabled.
For example, I always have on
- Wi-Fi with all features on (wifi sense etc)
- Bluetooth having the DT-903 nearby always for notifications.
- Location On
- Cortana On
- Auto Brightness
- Outlook + Gmail
- I am always in Roaming
- Find my phone ON
- Hey Cortana ON

Allowed in background:
- Skype
- Instagram
- Facebook
- WhatsApp
- Twitter (official app)
- Store
- Weather
- Pin.it
- Disqus
- OneDrive

I frequently use:
- Tubecast (full hd clips) like 20-40 min per day
- Skype 3h per day cumulated usage, only text
- WhatsApp (few minutes only)
- Instagram (only browsing) 30 min per day
- Camera , few pictures per day
- Here Transit 2 times per day
- People app where I check for news on facebook and twitter.very often, like each time I unlock the phone.
- Internet explorer quite a lot
- Pin.it browsing pins

Using all this it goes down in 6 hours.
Now don't tell me that having all these on and my pattern usage, you can juice out 2 days because it's completely bullocks.
Just because you do all this does not mean the battery is bad. You are a heavy user and should look for another bit of kit that has a bigger battery (1520, HAM2, LG G3 or similar). I read a bit before getting this phone and knew it would be fine for my level of use. I is primarily a phone after all. With what you describe you are gonna struggle no matter what you use so carry a powerbank and relax.
He is right you know, some people do not lie but omit facts like using their phone as a statue, ok I'm exaggerating but what he is talking and so do I is real usage with all it's functionalities enabled.
For example, I always have on
- Wi-Fi with all features on (wifi sense etc)
- Bluetooth having the DT-903 nearby always for notifications.
- Location On
- Cortana On
- Auto Brightness
- Outlook + Gmail
- I am always in Roaming
- Find my phone ON
- Hey Cortana ON

Allowed in background:
- Skype
- Instagram
- Facebook
- WhatsApp
- Twitter (official app)
- Store
- Weather
- Pin.it
- Disqus
- OneDrive

I frequently use:
- Tubecast (full hd clips) like 20-40 min per day
- Skype 3h per day cumulated usage, only text
- WhatsApp (few minutes only)
- Instagram (only browsing) 30 min per day
- Camera , few pictures per day
- Here Transit 2 times per day
- People app where I check for news on facebook and twitter.very often, like each time I unlock the phone.
- Internet explorer quite a lot
- Pin.it browsing pins

Using all this it goes down in 6 hours.
Now don't tell me that having all these on and my pattern usage, you can juice out 2 days because it's completely bullocks.

You can't for sure.
But I don't think any other phone can. Correct me if I'm wrong. :/

No, you're right. No phone or tablet on the market right now can handle his usage! LOL! Just from the skype messaging nonstop would have killed my Notes. I remember seeing this company called Blu made an Android phone with 5,000 mah... That could MAYBE get through the day I've had a ton of devices, just check my signature. There is no way any device will make him happy. Please consider a battery case, or if you get an Android device with a removable back or even a windows phone device as well, get a MUGEN battery! Those are huge battery packs that will allow you to get through the whole day! :) Best of luck.
Battery life of my Lumia 920 after Denim update.

Used for calls, some browsing, whatsapp, viber and skype calls
He is right you know, some people do not lie but omit facts like using their phone as a statue, ok I'm exaggerating but what he is talking and so do I is real usage with all it's functionalities enabled.
For example, I always have on
- Wi-Fi with all features on (wifi sense etc)
- Bluetooth having the DT-903 nearby always for notifications.
- Location On
- Cortana On
- Auto Brightness
- Outlook + Gmail
- I am always in Roaming
- Find my phone ON
- Hey Cortana ON

Allowed in background:
- Skype
- Instagram
- Facebook
- WhatsApp
- Twitter (official app)
- Store
- Weather
- Pin.it
- Disqus
- OneDrive

I frequently use:
- Tubecast (full hd clips) like 20-40 min per day
- Skype 3h per day cumulated usage, only text
- WhatsApp (few minutes only)
- Instagram (only browsing) 30 min per day
- Camera , few pictures per day
- Here Transit 2 times per day
- People app where I check for news on facebook and twitter.very often, like each time I unlock the phone.
- Internet explorer quite a lot
- Pin.it browsing pins

Using all this it goes down in 6 hours.
Now don't tell me that having all these on and my pattern usage, you can juice out 2 days because it's completely bullocks.

You deal in absolutes. You waste too much battery (you have Wifi, roaming, bluethooth and other studd 24/7 ON, which waste too much battery even though you DON'T need them 24/7 and you can turn them on in 2 seconds, so this horrible battery life is basically your fault). On the other hand you think that there are people that don't even use their phones.
I make several phone calls, send messages, check my facebook new feed, download and read some .pdf files, use flipboard A LOT, watch a few videos on Youtube and listen to music for a few hours a day, but my battery can EASILY last two full days.
Try turning off location, bluetooth, nfc, roaming when you don't them. I use my phone quite a lot, you use your phone quite a lot, so why does my last longer? Because I don't waste battery. I use nfc and bluetooth when I need them.
You deal in absolutes. You waste too much battery (you have Wifi, roaming, bluethooth and other studd 24/7 ON, which waste too much battery even though you DON'T need them 24/7 and you can turn them on in 2 seconds, so this horrible battery life is basically your fault). On the other hand you think that there are people that don't even use their phones.
I make several phone calls, send messages, check my facebook new feed, download and read some .pdf files, use flipboard A LOT, watch a few videos on Youtube and listen to music for a few hours a day, but my battery can EASILY last two full days.
Try turning off location, bluetooth, nfc, roaming when you don't them. I use my phone quite a lot, you use your phone quite a lot, so why does my last longer? Because I don't waste battery. I use nfc and bluetooth when I need them.

You are exactly the guy I'm talking about. You ask people to turn their phone features off just because YOU don't use them. I need Bluetooth because I have a plantronics (which I use for call meetings) the DT-903 for light notifications (since MS didn't bother to make phones with led notif) and the Wi-Fi for faster speed since I am in roaming. Sorry but all those things are crucial to me all day long. I'm no kid who keeps his phone just to talk to his friends. I bought a high end because I need both of the worlds, business and fun.
You tell people to turn off location, are u frickin' serious? There goes my quiet hours or location based reminders just because you don't use ur phone and don't see those features important.
You are exactly the guy I'm talking about. You ask people to turn their phone features off just because YOU don't use them. I need Bluetooth because I have a plantronics (which I use for call meetings) the DT-903 for light notifications (since MS didn't bother to make phones with led notif) and the Wi-Fi for faster speed since I am in roaming. Sorry but all those things are crucial to me all day long. I'm no kid who keeps his phone just to talk to his friends. I bought a high end because I need both of the worlds, business and fun.
You tell people to turn off location, are u frickin' serious? There goes my quiet hours or location based reminders just because you don't use ur phone and don't see those features important.

I use each and every one of my phone's features, but this...sounds like an addiction. You don't need them 24/7.
Besides,turning them on takes 2 seconds. If you have the time to discuss about your phone's battery life, then I'm sure that you can wait 2 seconds, right?
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He is right you know, some people do not lie but omit facts like using their phone as a statue, ok I'm exaggerating but what he is talking and so do I is real usage with all it's functionalities enabled.
For example, I always have on
- Wi-Fi with all features on (wifi sense etc)
- Bluetooth having the DT-903 nearby always for notifications.
- Location On
- Cortana On
- Auto Brightness
- Outlook + Gmail
- I am always in Roaming
- Find my phone ON
- Hey Cortana ON

Allowed in background:
- Skype
- Instagram
- Facebook
- WhatsApp
- Twitter (official app)
- Store
- Weather
- Pin.it
- Disqus
- OneDrive

I frequently use:
- Tubecast (full hd clips) like 20-40 min per day
- Skype 3h per day cumulated usage, only text
- WhatsApp (few minutes only)
- Instagram (only browsing) 30 min per day
- Camera , few pictures per day
- Here Transit 2 times per day
- People app where I check for news on facebook and twitter.very often, like each time I unlock the phone.
- Internet explorer quite a lot
- Pin.it browsing pins

Using all this it goes down in 6 hours.
Now don't tell me that having all these on and my pattern usage, you can juice out 2 days because it's completely bullocks.

Thank god this goes down in 6 hours.....on an android or iphone it would go down in 4 hours. I use all the three OSes and as of today, the battery life on my Lumia's are far better than my iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S5.

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