Diffrent Phone Numbers Associated With The Same Name Given Location Names

Mark Ammons

New member
Dec 14, 2014
I would like to make a suggestion for the next upgrade or fix to the M ONE 8 Windows Phone or any Windows 8.1 Phone.

I work for a company that has 5 locations and all the phone numbers for that Company are under the same name on my phone. The problem is I never know which location I'm calling because there isn't a location name associated with the number.

It would be nice if Microsoft would make this option available in the next upgrade or fix with the Windows 8.1 Phone for HTC and other brand name phones as well.

Just a Thought

Thank You
Abit puzzled, do you mean you have one entry in the phone hub containing all five numbers?

You could easily create a separate entry -> click the plus icon -> other -> under the add a field screen, choose office location. The only downside is that the office location is not displayed in the contact list.

To solution this I found is to put the company name as the first name and add the office location under company, this method however does have it's draw backs.

Therefore to propose a correction to your request would be to make any additional fields added shown in the contact list via a show / hide tick box in the edit contact screen.

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