Did you select your region and language to chinese or mandarin thats what they call?
Well Chinese is not a language. There are two types of language spoken in China: Mandarin and Cantonese. There are others too but not as major as these two.
will, i have a name like : first:abc and Last:def, it show it as "def abc", i have set the display name as "first last", it is mandarinI am like this now,
OP, can you post some screenshot?
i have too, but this setting doesn't work on chinese name, you can try it by installing chinese (simplified)[中文(简体)] , and type any chinese word, save it, try change to surname, name and name surname, it doesn't changeContacts > Settings > Sort List by 'First Name', Display Names by "Name Surname"
I have this setup, check if it helps.
i have too, but this setting doesn't work on chinese name, you can try it by installing chinese (simplified)[中文(简体)] , and type any chinese word, save it, try change to surname, name and name surname, it doesn't change