Dissapointed again in Carriers and WP7


New member
Aug 17, 2011
I thought today would be the day at CTIA. The big event with samsung, LG, and HTC all showing off new devices. Nothing came about though, no phones, no pictures, no leaks, no rumors. A lot of Android phones came out (of course) and Verizon has a big party planned for another upcoming droid phone oct 18th. Kinda dissapointed we have not heard anything from the WPCentral folks either. Android Central has people there covering it! I guess the only thing to look forward too is Nokia World?
Im talking in the short term. Yes in the future they will be having more phones but for a lot of people looking to get a WP7 right now there are very few options and no upcoming rumors of phones to a complany like Verizon. I was just hoping for some good news today!
I agree with buckey
we need to see more advertising and more phones coming out
nothing from sprint or verizon has been heard, and I went to the sprint store again and I don't know why I put myself through it but I asked, when are we going to see more windows phone, he told me mango is good but the arrive is over priced at 199.00 and they don't refresh their line as much as android.
I just walked away in discussed..

I'm thinking that nokia will will have more phones out in 2012 that samsung, htc, dell, lg and asus. and lets hope people will buy them, this will get momentum up for the carriers .

Think about it Samsung one phone in us one over seas, dell one phone, LG one phone in us one over seas..
How many Dam androids do they make ? at least one per month.
sorry for ranting but this is a great OS and phone its just that no one is giving it a chance.
I feel like its a similiar situation to webOS, as I am still a Palm Pre owner, but looking into WP7 as my possible next device, but Sprints lack of availability isn't helping me make the switch anytime soon it seems.
meh , im happy

im just waiting on SAmsung S+AMOLED HD on duel core LTE phone to come out, hehe

nokia i feel like is gona be a big disapointment... so far they have been. with nothing special , even the sea ray looks MEH and should have been a first gen WP7 last year...

hope they got more then the 1 phone comming.
I'm sure Nokia is going to rehash some of their current hardware but in all honesty, that's what us Nokia users want anyhow. I wouldn't mind an N8 with Windows Phone on it or N9
I'm sure Nokia is going to rehash some of their current hardware but in all honesty, that's what us Nokia users want anyhow. I wouldn't mind an N8 with Windows Phone on it or N9

True that! I'd be willing to drop $250 on contract for a Mango powered N9 on T-Mo or AT&T (I'm not a fan of CDMA).
I'm sure Nokia is going to rehash some of their current hardware but in all honesty, that's what us Nokia users want anyhow. I wouldn't mind an N8 with Windows Phone on it or N9
Give me my Nokia N9 with a big slice of Mango please!!!!!
A lot of people dont really know what Nokia is about so they dismiss them. Like some here though, I've used Nokia's in the past and they are really in a class by themselves. Anyone remember the 8210? Classic handset. Nokia knows how to design and also present phones. Check out these images from zdnet and tell me something like this running WP7 isnt special. Hands-on with the Nokia N9 MeeGo device | ZDNet. Then you think this is just the start and Nokia will be taking the gloves off in 2012, and IMO they are truly the only OEM that matters for WP7.
Agreed. Just now got off the phone with Verizon and asked them about the trophy. There response is no we have none in store and sinces its a windows mobile based phone there only available online??? wtf?
Buckeyeballer that's hard to believe. My battery went out the other day and the guy at Verizon went to the back and got one for me. If they have batteries they should have phones. They must have wanted you to get an android.

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Go in to all the verizon stores and ask about windows phones. Fill out comment cards asking for windows phones also. If all windows phone users on verizon and other carriers start doing so, they will start to get the idea.
Nokia Nokia Nokia, I can't wait to see them fall flat on their butts. The influx of cell phones have really slowed down AT&T data speeds. I hope they fix this problem, or I'm moving to sprint. I hate to do this, because AT&T seems to be the only carrier dedicated to WP7.
I watch Hulu+ and I only see Droid commercials. No iPhone, no WP7. Weird. I read that MSFT spends $926 million on marketing in 2010.
Nokia Nokia Nokia, I can't wait to see them fall flat on their butts. The influx of cell phones have really slowed down AT&T data speeds. I hope they fix this problem, or I'm moving to sprint. I hate to do this, because AT&T seems to be the only carrier dedicated to WP7.

Why do you want to see them fail? Lol

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