Do you use the Swype Keyboard?

lol , why the hell you r not using it!. i use it everytime and it types every word correctly. now i type upto 80% faster than past.!

Why am I not using it?
I'm used to touch typing on a pc, my brain is used to one hand for each side of the keyboard. I use two thumbs when typing on WP and it messes with my brain using just one thumb!
I'm slowly learning though.
I've learned to type with both thumbs to a very high speed, so I don't need Swipe. I can see Swipe being an improvement for single thumb/finger users though.
I keep forgetting to use it because I switched from 4 years of an Android phone about 4 months ago to a 1020 and I don't "type" much on my Android tablet. I've been slowly getting back into using though because it's definitely faster for me. The only thing I miss vs. the Android version (Swiftkey in my case) is that with the Android app I could swipe through the spacebar and keep going. With the WP 8.1 keyboard I have to lift off after a word and then continue again to get the word to complete and put a space in. Not a huge deal but it does interrupt the flow a bit.
What's the official name for the feature being discussed? I'm seeing Swype and Swipe being used a lot. Isn't it Word Flow?
Just to set the record I mean Word Flow or Swype Keyboard cmon guys they both make sense :P
Not much because my language is not english. I usually use it if I type english language ::smile:
I love it-first time since t9 that I can type without looking at the keyboard on mobile... As I did with this message!
I always use it. Been waiting for this feature for a while. Whenever I go on my iPad I always find myself trying to swipe across the keyboard now! :winktongue:
I love swype keyboard, I was waiting for it since past year when I left my Symbian Nokia 808 for Lumia 720. It's really fast to write an e-mail for example, I use my Lumia 1020 to work and must write mails constantly. I write all in Spanish without any problem. Thanks for this MS
lol , why the hell you r not using it!. i use it everytime and it types every word correctly. now i type upto 80% faster than past.!

i hope you didn't use it for this. there are at least 4 mistakes with your spellings and words here.

It has autocorrect so no I don't use it that often because I talk an other language. But it's really cool

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