Does iPhone X grab you?

Re: How do we feel about iPhone X?

Well, at least the media is skeptical about the Face ID choice, that's already more critical than I expected. Plus the iPhone X pricing is widely questioned, as is the 64GB min storage configuration. And there is some limited criticism of the 'ears' around the camera module. See this tweet and the responses, it's an OCD nightmare! :) Personally all the latest iPhones are a no go for me due to the lack of a headphone jack, but if it weren't for that I might have bought an 8+. Still missing: Glance (aka 'ambient display' for Android).
They took a leaf out of Nokia's N9 for the swipe gestures. It's not new at all. If anyone remembers that phone or owned one, would know. I had one and what I saw on the iPhoneX, took me back to how my N9 worked with the swipe gestures. You can still find N9 videos on YouTube. Nothing revolutionary here by Apple.
Yes, I like it. That doesn't mean I will abandon my 950xl, no way. Yep, love my Microsoft 950xl. C'mon Microsoft, I know you can do better than iPhone X. Let's show them.
Not sold on Face ID, I wasn't a big fan of the iris scan on the 950XL either. The pricing is out of this world, especially because I want more than 64GB, pusing it up to $1150. Add to that the fact that AppleCare+ (pretty much mandatory on such an all-glass device) is up to $200 meaning we're talking about $1350 plus tax. That's double what I paid for my Surface Pro 4! I'm also no fan of the 'ears' around the camera module. Check out this tweet and the responses, it's an OCD nightmare! :)

So for me, a swing and a miss. (don't quote me on this when I buy it in November)
Ditched Windows Phone for iPhone 6s 2 years ago, when 6s came out. It was, personally, very liberating to do so.

Would definitely love to get the X, actually one for me and one for my wife. That price though... I'll wait until I can get them second hand to soften the blow.

I think people who are comparing parts of phones with competition (but this has a better screen, that had face recognition etc.) are totally missing the point. What Apple sells is an experience and how it all works together. All platforms have issues but the amount of problems that I had since on iOS is almost nothing, compared to those other ecosystems. At any given time I have between 250-280 apps on my phone. I maybe had to reboot it 5 times over 2 years because it froze? And you know what? My 6s, a 2 year old phone, is happily running iOS11, the latest and greatest, and it works great (I'm on the beta for months now). And it will likely run iOS12 too.
Eww. Did you just ask me that question? iPhone is just now catching up to what Lumias were doing back in 2012. Wireless charging, Windows Hel- I mean Face ID, to name a few. That uncomfortably obvious part of bezel that takes a chunk out of the screen would make it difficult to watch any sort of video on the phone. And I hear the lightning port has been removed.

It may look kind of cool, but it's really boring and a repeat of the past with a weirdly-shaped screen
It looks nice. Just way too expensive. $999 for a 64GB phone, they should have made it 128GB for that price. Also, you need AppleCare, that is another $199. My wife has an iPhone 6 Plus. Going in for a second repair. The first time they replaced the phone, this time likely just replacing the screen. Both times a $80 deductible. I bought a second hand Icon last year on Amazon for $75! I will be holding out a little longer. Might end up with an Android phone. :cry:
One more thought, I do think the 3D face mapping (like kinect) on a phone is going to be a game changer. People will be trying on virtual make-up, trying on new glasses, all by basically using the iPhone as a magic mirror. I think that's more than a gimmick, looking forward to see what devs do with it.

App ideas: artificial aging, artificial rejuvination, facetime with facial tweaks (higher cheekbones, more defined eyebrows, smaller nose or whatever people have hangups about). If they make this thing wide-angle next time around I could see some chest enhancement apps appearing in the app store. :D
I thought some older Samsung's and the Note 7 debuted with Facial Recognition? Either way I would not count facial recognition as new...yet for Apple it is, maybe that is what you mean.

Samsung Face recognition was very basic.
Apple has taken it up a notch or two by adding the IR + 3D mapper so in that sense it is good.
But still not paying $999 for a couple of extra glorified sensors.
I have the Lumia 950 and it has all the features that Apple iPhone X has so I don't think they put anything revolutionary in the phone to warrant to move from Windows to iPhone. I am probably one of the guys that likes to be different from everybody else and will wait for this phone to die before deciding to move on to other platforms or pick up another Windows Phone as long as Microsoft supports it.
Hell no! I will not replace my Lumia 950 XL with an iPhone X whose price starts at $1000. And by the way, Face ID exists on Android for over one year not to mention wireless charging which is already old technology.

I agree with the ideas presented in this short movie about the new iPhone:
Its definitely a technology 'catch up' device for Apple. Now lets see if it works as good as advertised. I personally think that the lack of a home button & fingerprint reader is going to seriously frustrate folks. It definitely slows down the unlock process. I have all 3 right now phone platforms right now, and I love the looks, very similiar to my LG G6, screenwise, but there are some nice features as well.

I think its important to note that they said its battery life will be similar to the iPhone 7...not the iPhone 8...and not the iPhone 7 Plus...which has amazing battery life. So as far as Apple devices go, battery life is definitely going to be worse that its more traditional cousins in the iPhone 8 & 8 Plus.
Were features copied? Yeah, but what tech company doesn't, so who cares? (But really, Microsoft, while you're busy screwing around getting VR/AR/MR "right" the competition is handing their 1.0 implementation to the masses today. First catches more fish than right most of the time.)

Anyway, am I getting an iPhone X? Why? So I can spend the next couple years trying to convince myself I didn't overpay by $500?
I mostly lurk here, but this is a timely thread - rather than buy an iPhone X, yesterday evening in a fit of rage at my iPhone 7+ I switched back to my old Lumia 950. While I will likely swallow my dislike for Google's business model and get an Android at some point (unless MS actually decides to make a credible play at restarting their mobile involvement, again), I will never buy another Apple device. Since the day I purchased the 7+ I have been constantly dissatisfied with iOS - almost every action takes at least a couple more steps than on WP, the actual UI concepts seem incredibly dated, decisions like putting app settings in the settings control panel instead of within each app are terribly obtuse (when are you likely to want to adjust the settings for an app - probably when you are using the app), text selection is horridly bad, and to make that part worse, there is a frequent need for text selection because the keyboard and predictive typing is far worse than what Google or MS were doing five years ago.

While there are certainly interesting features in iOS, the actual implementation is at best mediocre, and in many cases outright terrible. And the one that drove me over the edge, and caused me to contemplate smashing my iPhone with a claw hammer, was that for the FIFTH time in 8 months it went through a device wipe. When Microsoft first implemented EAS policies in the dark ages of the original Windows Mobile they realized that you better be damn sure that repeated incorrect pins weren't accidental, because wiping a device because of an accident is about as hostile to the user as you can get. If your policy allows 6 attempts, after the 5th fails they make you type in A1B2C3 just to make sure someone is intentionally trying to enter a pin (I always thought it should trigger when you had 2 attempts remaining, but at least the feature is present). That doesn't compromise security - there is still a limit of only 6 attempts - but it makes sure that it never happens by accident.

After 10 released versions of iOS Apple still doesn't get that they should protect a device from a little kid just randomly pushing buttons on it, or an active device sliding around in pants, or whatever - this despite the fact that they already had an example to copy from that implemented a sensible precaution. Going for a decade allowing such a user hostile scenario to remain is really unforgivable, and last night it pushed me passed the point of tolerance. I won't buy the iPhone X, or an 8/8+, or even keep using my 8 month old 7+ (unless someone figures out how to jailbreak it an install any other OS in place of iOS). In 8 months I never found reason to like iOS, but from minor to major, I've found frequent reason to hate it. Anyway, doubt most of you care, but I found the venting cathartic. Now to go recover a couple dozen accounts worth of two factor authentication that I lost in last night's wipe. My iPhone might still find itself involved with a claw hammer
No. It doesn't have anything more special than a 950XL. Just because they managed to put an OLED screen on it doesn't mean it's worth even considering at over 1000 euros.
Maybe when they manage to put a headphone jack in and sell this otherwise unimpressive phone for 500 Euros, it would be worth thinking of it as a sane option.
I will *never* succumb to iCrap. I will continue using my trusty Lumia 950XL until it is dead, or when a "Surface Phone" appears. If my employer equips me with an Android or iCrap, I will reluctantly accept it. I have paid the Apple Tax for members of my family for both iPhones and iPads, but to me the iPad is a toy. If at some point I am forced to change Mobile OS's, I will go Android. I will stay with Windows tablets.
  • I'd rather go holiday to a nice play say Italy,
  • pay some bills before I go
  • spend a few nights
  • buy some souveniers
  • maybe buy a cheap car when I get because why not and I'm feeling too chilled deal with the rush hour commute at the train station where you are literally packed tighter than a can of sardines. You can buy a car for £300. It won't be much it will get you from A to B. Or I could buy a monthly travel pass from the city centre to last zone available for travel cards (Zone 1 to 9 - at the current time of this post it is £329) and use any mode of transparent to my hearts content.
  • And I'll still have change left over.

So nope, the 1 grand Iphone does not appeal to me. not. one. iota. What I am concerned about is how much are the foxconn or other ODM employees are being paid to make this iphone?
will depend how long it take for MS to get the surface phone out, if it does (don't look good)... otherwise, I will wait for the samsung S9, I just hate iOS

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