Don't be afraid of change


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Aug 16, 2014
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I just wanted to share my experience recently after moving to android. I had a lumia 630 and 640 over the past three years. I bought them because they were cheap and for some reason I. always wanted to to keep using a Nokia phone Windows was my OS and I liked it When I bought my 640.I bought it because I thought all my stuff is on windows.contacts,images etc

If I go android,all my stuff will be gone,I thought, and all the little cool features.

Two weeks ago I moved to android I didn't even need a new phone,but after I was unable to bring myself to pay ?600 for a 950,I just went for it,

I got a moto g 2015 to the me over until the end of my contract later this year.I have to say,the features of android blow windows away.

I didn't even lose any of my Microsoft stuff I took the best of windows phone with my with outlook and calendar still available and onedrive still uploads my images.

Everything's great on android Who needs cortana(never got it anyway in my country)

Voice detection on android perfect with OK Google working flawlessly even on snapdragon 410 processor.

Customozation options everywhere with launchers and ROMs.I rooted my moto g,and tried a few ROMs,I even unrooted and re locked my phone after to recover my OS(this much harder process than windows recovery)

Best about android is the apps On windows I only used about 10-15,but android has apps for everything,and they look great The play store is awesome.

Anyway I could go on all night. The main point I want to make though is this Don't be afraid to leave windows phone. You will not lose any of the Microsoft stuff. Even the keyboard is the same on my device (ie the squiggles).

And I know a lot of people love windows phone and I still do.I just got fed up with the overly expensive hardware, lack of decent mid range devices and buggy software Also lack of apps.

I just want to encourage those who are wanting to change. That it is worth it there are tons of decent devices with great specs and you can take the best of Microsoft with you when you leave I just can't think of anything that would keep someone on windows phone if they're not completely happy

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

sahib lopez

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Apr 29, 2013
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It might not be to be afraid of change. it's great that you have a great experience with android, but for me I don't like android, it doesn't interest me. That's my opinion :) not trying to null your post but maybe some maybe might not be interested in android

Ian Too

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Jun 19, 2012
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Hi and thank you for trying to make us feel better. Please don't take anything I say as an attack on yourself or other Android users.

The reason I've stayed with Windows Phone/Mobile for the last 5 years is I've had an excellent experience using it. I am not afraid of new technology, indeed between WM, iOS and Android, WM is in fact the most advanced. Why would I want to go back to a dull, uninformative experience after live tiles? I'm used to seeing headlines, weather, blog posts, podcasts and appointments presented to me the second I turn the device on; not to have to open a separate app for each.

Then there are the two alternatives. Since this is going to a Android forum, I'll get iOS out of the way first.

Put simply, iOS is boring. It's boring because it's pretty much the same whack-a-mole interface from when the iPhone 1 was launched. The icons don't move or display notifications beyond a dumb number. For crying out loud, what makes everyone think icons are such a great idea anyway?

Then there is the hardware. Now there is no arguing that Apple use nothing but the highest grade materials in making their devices, so why is the field of human endeavour littered with broken iPhones? I work in airport security and see a lot of devices. Be it iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s (not the 5c), 6, 6+, 6s or 6s+, you will see broken screens and backs. Either that or that svelte design is encased in some of the most truly awful piece of tasteless, chintzy rubbish, because iPhone users live in fear of dropping their grotesquely expensive kit. I want a phone I can use, not curate. Surely someone at Apple knows that good design combines ergonomics and aesthetics?

Given all that, it may surprise you that should Microsoft announce that they're stopping the development of Windows Mobile, it will be to iOS I will jump.

In my opinion, Android suffers 2 things which render it out of consideration. Firstly, I don't trust Google. They never acted in a way which earned my trust, but beyond that they violate what are to me basic standards of civilised behaviour: scanning users emails for Google's benefit (it's one thing to scan for malware, that benefits the user). Google has also cultivated an Applesque attitude to shifting the responsibility for problems. Just as Apple had Antennaegate, Google's response to the revelation that user's data was left readable on the device after a hard reset, was to tell users to turn on device encryption before resetting the device. How many of you Android users knew that you should do that? And you read Android Central, what about the vast number of paying users left in the cold?

Then of course comes Stagefright. Here is where natural wariness has paid me back by the bucket load, for it confirmed what I had always suspected: Android is a series of very patchily written bits of code. It was never going to protect your personal privacy, because it was never designed to. The best Google can do is continue to patch it and you can be sure that if its a choice between your privacy and Google's revenue stream, you lose.

So why should you care, Stagefright is so 2015, right? No it rumbles on, as does the problem of getting the newest versions of Android - containing all the patches - onto nearly new hardware. The way things stand, 25% of Android phones use Lollipop, 40% use Kit Kat which leaves 55% of Android users on a version over two years old. Despite the promises OEMs are still letting users face a potentially catastrophic loss of personal data, millions of them.

The only question I have left for you is this: Now we know about Stagefright, how can you be sure there aren't other as serious, or even worse vulnerabilities?

No. I will never use Android.


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Aug 16, 2014
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Hi and thank you for trying to make us feel better. Please don't take anything I say as an attack on yourself or other Android users.

The reason I've stayed with Windows Phone/Mobile for the last 5 years is I've had an excellent experience using it. I am not afraid of new technology, indeed between WM, iOS and Android, WM is in fact the most advanced. Why would I want to go back to a dull, uninformative experience after live tiles? I'm used to seeing headlines, weather, blog posts, podcasts and appointments presented to me the second I turn the device on; not to have to open a separate app for each.

Then there are the two alternatives. Since this is going to a Android forum, I'll get iOS out of the way first.

Put simply, iOS is boring. It's boring because it's pretty much the same whack-a-mole interface from when the iPhone 1 was launched. The icons don't move or display notifications beyond a dumb number. For crying out loud, what makes everyone think icons are such a great idea anyway?

Then there is the hardware. Now there is no arguing that Apple use nothing but the highest grade materials in making their devices, so why is the field of human endeavour littered with broken iPhones? I work in airport security and see a lot of devices. Be it iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s (not the 5c), 6, 6+, 6s or 6s+, you will see broken screens and backs. Either that or that svelte design is encased in some of the most truly awful piece of tasteless, chintzy rubbish, because iPhone users live in fear of dropping their grotesquely expensive kit. I want a phone I can use, not curate. Surely someone at Apple knows that good design combines ergonomics and aesthetics?

Given all that, it may surprise you that should Microsoft announce that they're stopping the development of Windows Mobile, it will be to iOS I will jump.

In my opinion, Android suffers 2 things which render it out of consideration. Firstly, I don't trust Google. They never acted in a way which earned my trust, but beyond that they violate what are to me basic standards of civilised behaviour: scanning users emails for Google's benefit (it's one thing to scan for malware, that benefits the user). Google has also cultivated an Applesque attitude to shifting the responsibility for problems. Just as Apple had Antennaegate, Google's response to the revelation that user's data was left readable on the device after a hard reset, was to tell users to turn on device encryption before resetting the device. How many of you Android users knew that you should do that? And you read Android Central, what about the vast number of paying users left in the cold?

Then of course comes Stagefright. Here is where natural wariness has paid me back by the bucket load, for it confirmed what I had always suspected: Android is a series of very patchily written bits of code. It was never going to protect your personal privacy, because it was never designed to. The best Google can do is continue to patch it and you can be sure that if its a choice between your privacy and Google's revenue stream, you lose.

So why should you care, Stagefright is so 2015, right? No it rumbles on, as does the problem of getting the newest versions of Android - containing all the patches - onto nearly new hardware. The way things stand, 25% of Android phones use Lollipop, 40% use Kit Kat which leaves 55% of Android users on a version over two years old. Despite the promises OEMs are still letting users face a potentially catastrophic loss of personal data, millions of them.

The only question I have left for you is this: Now we know about Stagefright, how can you be sure there aren't other as serious, or even worse vulnerabilities?

No. I will never use Android.

I find it interesting that you talk about privacy. Come on !!, Microsoft is just as bad. If you ask me Google, Apple, Microsoft all infringe on privacy. In fact Microsoft quite happily handed over emails and video calls to the fbi, along with access to users cloud storage. Windows 10 is currently under scrutiny for its privacy issues,

I do agree that windows mobile is more secure. There is no malware, but your fooling yourself if you think microsoft doesnt use your personal information

You talk of updates and users still waiting, when was windows 10 mobile announced ? and its original release date set ?

At least android releases regular updates. Android m now currently been released, and most devices will get it it soon, and users still have alternatives with custom roms like cyanogenmod.

I wont argue with you about windows vs android features. Even a fool can see that android wins hands down, and live tiles alone is no reason to stay on a dying platform like windows phone.

In saying that though, I was completely happy on windows phone the past three years. I always said to people the same as you, google sucks, its not secure, its full of malware, and people always said to me what about the apps , the hardware ??

All Im saying is now Ive made a change. It looks like those people were right. I respect and understand your views, but I would like to see windows phone make a revival, and release some decent priced phones, and fix windows 10, edge, and ll the bugs on mobile. I will not rule out returning to windows phone, but for now, put simply:

android is better every way

Ian Too

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Jun 19, 2012
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I find it interesting that you talk about privacy. Come on !!, Microsoft is just as bad. If you ask me Google, Apple, Microsoft all infringe on privacy. In fact Microsoft quite happily handed over emails and video calls to the fbi, along with access to users cloud storage. Windows 10 is currently under scrutiny for its privacy issues,

No. Microsoft, Apple and Google are all quite distinct entities and don't assume I think MS are some sort of paragon of virtue against the evil Google There are people at Google who are genuinely trying to the internet a safer and more efficient place. No black hats/white hats please, I'm too old.

However, Microsoft and Google's business models are quite different and very telling: Microsoft make money by selling services to their customers and depend on providing reliable services. I have both an Xbox Live and Office 365 account, so pay Microsoft and as we all know, he who pays the piper calls the tune.

By contrast, Google raises pretty much all its revenue from advertisers and in order to protect their revenue stream they have to prove they can get their customer's message to the people who are going to buy those products, hence all the data mining. Now if they respected personal privacy I'd be fine with that, but someone at Google actually made the decision to invade private messages. Now I don't use email much myself, because I know it's like sending a postcard and that is of little use to me, so I don't fear for myself. My anger is for the millions and millions who never got to make an informed decision.
I do agree that windows mobile is more secure. There is no malware, but your fooling yourself if you think microsoft doesnt use your personal information

You're not in a position to do anything else.

As for using personal data, they'd have trouble billing me if they didn't have enough details to satisfy a credit card company, wouldn't they? But you're not implying that are you? So what exactly are you implying? If you have evidence that Microsoft systematically scan emails for their own benefit, then let's see it. Just one or two links to a reputable source is all it takes.

Until that time, I'm applying Hitchen's principle: That which is advanced without evidence can be rejected without evidence.

You talk of updates and users still waiting, when was windows 10 mobile announced ? and its original release date set ?

Well you can't use a Lumia 950/950XL on anything else other than Windows 10, so it's here now. As for when older hardware gets upgraded, Daniel Rubino explained that's it's been pushed back a little here. It's nothing dramatic.

At least android releases regular updates. Android m now currently been released, and most devices will get it it soon, and users still have alternatives with custom roms like cyanogenmod.

So you're claiming that by the end of the year Android Marshmallow will be running on over a billion devices worldwide? That isn't what's happened before. As I said in my previous post: "The way things stand, 25% of Android phones use Lollipop, 40% use Kit Kat which leaves 55% of Android users on a version over two years old." I checked my figures here. (I rounded the figures for simplicity and introduced an error. Even a fool can see that 25%+40%+55%=120%. I'll assume you were being nice.) :wink:

I wont argue with you about windows vs android features. Even a fool can see that android wins hands down, and live tiles alone is no reason to stay on a dying platform like windows phone.

If it's alright with you, we'll leave fools out of this. I have made it a personal mission to try and exclude their influence. Of course, that depends on my ability to spot them coming and upon my ability to spot folly before I fall into it myself.

Like you, I won't comment on the features front. I can't try out Android without handing information to Google and I'm not doing that. I only know Android through the lost souls who bring their devices to me and ask me how to do things. Having to navigate different UIs is a headache as I try to bore through the intricacies of Touchwiz etc, to some comprehensible system underneath.

As for dying platform, I'm not sure what relevance that has for me at least in the short to medium term. I have all the apps I need. When I upgraded to the 950XL, I only paid for one app - I upgraded to the paid version of Fuse. In a couple of years I can see Applepay pulling me over, at least that has some utility, but if you're talking about games, Snapchat or some Pizza app, then that's just not relevant to me. As I said, I like WM, it meets my needs and I don't need to follow the herd.

In saying that though, I was completely happy on windows phone the past three years. I always said to people the same as you, google sucks, its not secure, its full of malware, and people always said to me what about the apps , the hardware ??

All Im saying is now Ive made a change. It looks like those people were right. I respect and understand your views, but I would like to see windows phone make a revival, and release some decent priced phones, and fix windows 10, edge, and ll the bugs on mobile. I will not rule out returning to windows phone, but for now, put simply:

android is better every way

"I do agree that windows mobile is more secure." and to me, that alone is enough. Each factor should be weighed independently and then integrated before coming to a final conclusion, but security and integrity are simply basic requirements. Apple understood this from the start, which is why they are my fall back position.


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Feb 6, 2015
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I'll admit that I originally read this thread, and my first response was just "okay". After experiencing Android, I agree with a couple of the OP's points but not all of them.

I felt like I should just try Android after hearing the numbers for the US market. I figured that if anything, I need to try one of the other sides to decide if I'm going to continue to roll with Windows Phone/Mobile to wherever it would end up. Just to see how the other side is. I assumed that I would be annoyed with the lag, battery life, and that I would want to go back quickly to WP.

My device of choice, or should I say of poison (lol), is the Nexus 5x. Strangely enough, this did not happen at all. I like it way more than I thought I would, I'm actually surprised how well I like it. The lag that people talk about it, I haven't experienced it. Battery life is close to my 640 so far. Not being afraid of change is good. As for if I will try the 650, we'll see.


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Dec 1, 2012
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"I do agree that windows mobile is more secure." and to me, that alone is enough. Each factor should be weighed independently and then integrated before coming to a final conclusion, but security and integrity are simply basic requirements.

Considering this, you probably use Linux or OS X instead of Windows. :winktongue:


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Nov 3, 2011
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Buying a product due to brand loyalty, or believing that the use of Windows should preclude you from using Android or iOS aren't exactly good ideas. In my opinion you got involved with WP for all the wrong reasons. You probably should have done more homework.

That you think Google and MS (maybe we can throw Apple into the mix too?) are all identical in terms of how they monetize your data tells me you still have more homework ahead of you. It doesn't take more than a cursory glance at any of those companies finances to see they are in no way equal. There is absolutely no doubt these three companies business models are very different. If you think otherwise you're just fooling yourself. Google is by far the company most interested in creating behavioral profiles and selling advertisements. That's basically the only thing they make money with. That's not even a question. The only real question is whether you care about those differences. You apparently don't, and that's fine. I do.

I'll be the first to admit that Google has a lot of very smart people working for them, who generally do great work, but I despise their business model (and advertising in general). Google is off the table for me for those reasons, no matter how good their products are.

I currently use both an iPhone and a L830. I'm not sure which platforms I'll be using two years from now, but I'll go wherever the products I like best are, even if that necessitates a lot of changes.

Ian Too

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Jun 19, 2012
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Considering this, you probably use Linux or OS X instead of Windows. :winktongue:

I'm not laughing and that's because I have a healthy and robust sense of humour.

Somewhere between the Scilla of Microsoft fanboyism and the Charibdis of irrational Microsoft hate, lies the rational path.

The simple truth is that if you want your calendar synchronised between your phone and PC, then you are going to have to give permission for your devices to share information. That these permissions have been presented as wholesale snooping by Microsoft really shows how irrational Microsoft hate has become. At least with Windows you can turn everything off and regain your privacy, that's not an option with Google. Even if you delete your movements on your profile, Google have already collated the information, so all you're really doing is denying yourself access to information about you.

Because I want my data synchronised and want to use Cortana and other services, I run with these permissions turned on, knowing that data is exchanged between Microsoft servers. I also know that telemetry data is collected by Microsoft, which tells them what types of computer I use and how well Windows 10 is running and what state the machine was in when it failed.

I know this and it's all right, there's nothing to worry about.

Now, if you know different, do the decent thing and share the evidence. DON'T tell me I'm na?ve, because I'm not so na?ve as to believe the word of someone I've never met. DON'T tell me that everyone knows, because that doesn't change my state of knowledge and if I've learned one thing in my time on this Earth, 'everyone's an ignorant pig who has trouble crossing the road. DON'T show me that Microsoft could have stolen my information and pretend that that proves they have stolen it, because that would be slander.

Prove your case. You have the entire internet and the power of Google at your fingertips. It would be headline news if someone, anyone had proven Microsoft had done anything underhand. It shouldn't be hard to find with the might of the world's news media, with thousands of ex-Microsoft employees having been made redundant recently and having plenty of motivation to dish dirt.

So where is it, this evidence? It should be plentiful and I should already know the answer. It is this Fermi paradox-like gap which hangs you and shows you as full of hot air


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Apr 3, 2012
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I'll admit that I originally read this thread, and my first response was just "okay". After experiencing Android, I agree with a couple of the OP's points but not all of them.

I felt like I should just try Android after hearing the numbers for the US market. I figured that if anything, I need to try one of the other sides to decide if I'm going to continue to roll with Windows Phone/Mobile to wherever it would end up. Just to see how the other side is. I assumed that I would be annoyed with the lag, battery life, and that I would want to go back quickly to WP.

My device of choice, or should I say of poison (lol), is the Nexus 5x. Strangely enough, this did not happen at all. I like it way more than I thought I would, I'm actually surprised how well I like it. The lag that people talk about it, I haven't experienced it. Battery life is close to my 640 so far. Not being afraid of change is good. As for if I will try the 650, we'll see.

I'm hoping this proves true for me. I'm going from a 2.5 year old Lumia 1020 to the Nexus 5X. I know a couple of people use the 5X and 6P. I think coming from an older or lower level windows phone we won't see the lag. Most of the "lag" people talk about on the 5X is the full file encryption. Apparently it is mostly software encryption and the phone just doesn't handle it well, this is mostly seen when taking photos or attaching them to a message of some kind. (Or I suppose any kind of file transfer should show this issue). Now I think it will still be faster than anything we've been used to so it isn't a big deal, but for someone who used an unencrypted Nexus 5 and went to the 5X they see a slow down when performing certain tasks which is unfortunate and you cannot easily disable the encryption unless you want to be out of the Update loop and manually handing flashing roms for every update.


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Feb 6, 2015
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I'm hoping this proves true for me. I'm going from a 2.5 year old Lumia 1020 to the Nexus 5X. I know a couple of people use the 5X and 6P. I think coming from an older or lower level windows phone we won't see the lag. Most of the "lag" people talk about on the 5X is the full file encryption. Apparently it is mostly software encryption and the phone just doesn't handle it well, this is mostly seen when taking photos or attaching them to a message of some kind. (Or I suppose any kind of file transfer should show this issue). Now I think it will still be faster than anything we've been used to so it isn't a big deal, but for someone who used an unencrypted Nexus 5 and went to the 5X they see a slow down when performing certain tasks which is unfortunate and you cannot easily disable the encryption unless you want to be out of the Update loop and manually handing flashing roms for every update.
I hope it does too!

You're correct about the encryption thing though, but I haven't had any lag with the camera that people talked about a lot when taking photos. I haven't tried to send an mms, but waiting for them to download is a wait depending on the image size. That's really been the only annoyance, but it's a minor one. I took a chance on the Nexus because there's a promo of $50 off (which ends today, I believe) for the 5x. As for the 6p, best buy had a promo on the gold one, can't recall if it has ended or if it's still on (as I see, it is on today apparently) to save $50 off.


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I did the exact same thing, the $50 off deal was a final push into the 5X. I got it from B&H which also had a $25 gift card deal (though most of the other things on the site seem a little higher priced than Amazon, if anything I can use it on a future phone for my girlfriend when she wants to change from her 640 XL). They do have some cases and cables too, but again, pricing makes it just worth it to use the gift card. I'm going to try to go caseless and see how that works. I hate using a case and I know the 5X will probably meet some untimely end at some point as my 1020 survived some nasty drops with next to no damage (a slightly dented corner is the only damage on the phone and thanks to the black poly carbonate, you can't see it)


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Feb 6, 2015
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I did the exact same thing, the $50 off deal was a final push into the 5X. I got it from B&H which also had a $25 gift card deal (though most of the other things on the site seem a little higher priced than Amazon, if anything I can use it on a future phone for my girlfriend when she wants to change from her 640 XL). They do have some cases and cables too, but again, pricing makes it just worth it to use the gift card. I'm going to try to go caseless and see how that works. I hate using a case and I know the 5X will probably meet some untimely end at some point as my 1020 survived some nasty drops with next to no damage (a slightly dented corner is the only damage on the phone and thanks to the black poly carbonate, you can't see it)

Smart one, since I see that the sale ended yesterday. Yeah their accessories aren't really a deal since they are the same msrp, just about, unless there's some kind of promo. Let us know what you think! I used the gift card from them to buy one of the cases. I love how fast they ship and so far, I'm glad that I jumped on the opportunity because who knows when it will be that low again (for a new one!).


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Apr 3, 2012
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I'm really enjoying the 5X so far. There are a lot of things from Lumia and Windows Phone that I miss. I REALLY miss the always on display, it was the main way I noticed notifications when I was working, I'd just look down at my phone on my desk and see the badge count. Now I have to interact with the phone for that, there is the ambient display but it turns off WAY too fast and it doesn't always come on.

The best way around the notification issue for me is the MS Band 2 that I have, it works wonderfully for most notifications but I really don't like that the notification center sets any newly installed app to active... It should be inactive until you turn it on, it also seems like app updates change the setting back to active which might make me just stop using that part of the software.

I also miss live tiles a lot, but I think we all knew that would was expected.

Both cameras on the 5X are awesome, and it is so nice to have a fast enough camera to get shots of my dogs in the moment. My Lumia 1020 was so slow to open and take a picture that I just stopped trying, but already I got an awesome shot of my dogs play-bowing. (I'll have to try and post it)

Already found a great podcast app, I'm actually a fan of the native podcast playback on Windows Phone but I know others aren't. I paid $4 for Pocket Casts on Android and love it, well worth it.

Also on the note of notifications, the Google Now weather updates are annoying, it was giving me a weather notification every time the temp adjusted a couple of degrees, basically every 30 minutes which would come through on my band. I turned off all weather updates from Google Now and am now using Weather Underground.

Google Now is a pro and a con. Outside of the weather issue, it isn't as smart as Cortana. Cortana knew when I went to work and would go home. Google now just constantly notifies me on the time to drive home but seems totally random on when it does it. Also it is showing me a stock that I looked up years ago but don't own anymore and I don't know where it is pulling the info from but when I go to Customize the Stock card it doesn't show in the list to disable and looking on Google Finance I've removed all related info, but it keeps showing on the Stock card. This sucks. I also told it to NEVER show sports updates or the sports card, but it still will once every couple days.

I have not used my voice yet.

The finger print scanner is fantastic, but I am also using my Band 2 as a trusted device. I know most people probably wouldn't do that but as I previously didn't even lock my phone it is a step to more security, and I pretty much always keep my phone on me unless it is charging.

One other weird thing that Windows Phone and I think iOS has but Android doesn't... The ability to disable apps from running in the background. Every app seems to have a background process, you cannot stop these from running. I really don't need something like IMDB running in the background EVER so I don't get why this doesn't exist. But I know better than to use task killers as they cause other issues and the app dev expectation would get broken in some way.

So far I will be staying with the 5X. Biggest thing that I wish was better is battery life... But at least there is rapid charging.


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Feb 6, 2015
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One other weird thing that Windows Phone and I think iOS has but Android doesn't... The ability to disable apps from running in the background. Every app seems to have a background process, you cannot stop these from running. I really don't need something like IMDB running in the background EVER so I don't get why this doesn't exist. But I know better than to use task killers as they cause other issues and the app dev expectation would get broken in some way.

So far I will be staying with the 5X. Biggest thing that I wish was better is battery life... But at least there is rapid charging.
Thank you for reporting back, I was wondering about your impressions.

I totally agree about the background process thing! That annoyed me. Ambient display is so fickle. I also agree about the battery life too. Glad that you're liking it in general though. I decided to return mine, but not because of the device itself, just because of Android quirks I hated. I know that every OS has quirks, but I just couldn't deal with those.


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Aug 16, 2014
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So was reading news today and saw that Microsoft has given up on windows 10 mobile.I recalled people on this thread giving me grief for encouraging people t o make a change a year or two ago....

well looks like it's over.. You guys are gonna love android or ios, whichever you choose,mind you I'm sure most of you are already gone from windows 10 Mobile


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Aug 17, 2014
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Buying a product due to brand loyalty, or believing that the use of Windows should preclude you from using Android or iOS aren't exactly good ideas. In my opinion you got involved with WP for all the wrong reasons. You probably should have done more homework.

That you think Google and MS (maybe we can throw Apple into the mix too?) are all identical in terms of how they monetize your data tells me you still have more homework ahead of you. It doesn't take more than a cursory glance at any of those companies finances to see they are in no way equal. There is absolutely no doubt these three companies business models are very different. If you think otherwise you're just fooling yourself. Google is by far the company most interested in creating behavioral profiles and selling advertisements. That's basically the only thing they make money with. That's not even a question. The only real question is whether you care about those differences. You apparently don't, and that's fine. I do.

I'll be the first to admit that Google has a lot of very smart people working for them, who generally do great work, but I despise their business model (and advertising in general). Google is off the table for me for those reasons, no matter how good their products are.

I currently use both an iPhone and a L830. I'm not sure which platforms I'll be using two years from now, but I'll go wherever the products I like best are, even if that necessitates a lot of changes.

And I would like to correct you on this one.... I work accross Google Ms products .... Google does not sell your data , thats their asset your data if they sold that then they would no longer matter... Google has the data and adviters request to use those data on demand.. Like you want to sell this ad to people of a certain country od this level of education of this gender etc . Thats the business modal so i wouldnt call that selling as they dont handover your data they give advitisers ability to target a certain group of people thats all.. quit being the internet ignorant because you HEARD SOMEONE SAYING ON THE INTERNET..

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