Don't know if anyone saw this...

I never had a hands-on nor know much about the TouchPad, but I agree with 3D technology. I'm getting a little sick of it....feels like the 80s again!
I never had a hands-on nor know much about the TouchPad, but I agree with 3D technology. I'm getting a little sick of it....feels like the 80s again!

I don't expect 3D to take off until they can do 3D without wearing the 3D glasses.
How did the Sony PSN hack/outage not make this list? Shows how credible, or biased, the author is.
The tablets in general should have been put in one category.
Although, wonders have been worked with the touchpad aka turning it into a Android device and it becoming a truly open system.

The 4S is idiotic. The 3GS wasn't consider failure when it was announced. Its definitely held its own over the past couple years. We can only hope the 4S does the same.

I also enjoy the facebook timeline

Besides the Tablets, 3D technology is also the only thing i agree with. Its a cheap gimmick, even most midnight viewing are in 3D. It gives me a headache. I have to pay more and they don't even let me keep the glasses. Cool.
The 4S was kinda lame and humorous. Ever checked out whysiriwhy? XD
I just can't wait until Windows Phone will become more popular.
That list is terrible. Android tablets didn't capture much market, but there are some good ones out there like the Transformer Prime. The HP Touchpad is a massive, massive shame because it's a great piece of hardware - I bought one in the fire sale for my in-laws and it's a fabulous little tablet. The 4S is a MASSIVE hit - to describe it as anything else is idiotic. The only people disappointed by it are tech writers who spent months and months talking about the new iPhone's teardrop design and the like and got made to look like what they are - guessers. And the Facebook Timeline is the first redesign they've done for ages that actually makes it better. WP7 isn't a fail for obvious reasons. The only one I'd agree with is 3D - and even then, 3DS sales have recovered and it's now doing well.

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