Don't lose the Back Button in WP8.1


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Feb 1, 2013
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How about placing two finger tips on the screen
swipe right to go back to previous page, swipe left to go to "next page"
Too easy !!!

Interesting, but that of course would make one handed operation impossible. Of course, the extra screen real estate would be nice if two fingers left was Back, two fingers swiping down was Home, and a double tap with two fingers was Search. Still, that whole system has it's own fair share of problems, and I'm still rather fond of the buttons. But nice ideas, Blackberry gave a good go at ridding itself of buttons, instead opting for gestures. Maybe Microsoft can take what's already there and build upon it.

Dev Jaykrishnan

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Sep 13, 2013
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How about placing two finger tips on the screen
swipe right to go back to previous page, swipe left to go to "next page"
Too easy !!!

This would make it difficult for one-hand use of the phone. But its an interesting idea nonetheless. If MS is going in that direction, all I'm asking is to make it optional. I don't want a dud button on my phone if I can help it.

Dev Jaykrishnan

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Sep 13, 2013
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I thought the Notification Center was a live tile as shown in screenshots before. I remember seeing a swipe down arrow in some of the screen shots but then will they have both swipe down as well as tile ? I'm confused on that. But I don't think two fingers are necessary to implement notification. We already have the option of swiping with one finger to see cell reception, time and connectivity. The notification center could be like the three dotted menu bar we have; revealing depending on how much we swipe. If we just want the call log or IM's we don't need to swipe all the way and for more notifications, a swipe from top to center slides down the whole thing. This is off the top of my head and obviously could use some refining.


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Jul 30, 2013
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i think i will have to wait till its out before i can vote, i agree not having a back button would be quite weird ( using the L1020) but then again i would like to see how microsoft would implement it, gestures maybe ? I'm sure they won't just toss away the back button and not add any alternatives to it.


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Oct 6, 2011
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I have a feeling that on older devices the back button will function how it always has, newer devices will probably get a multitasking button in place of the back button.


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Sep 29, 2013
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Losing the back button would as stupid a move as forcing a tablet interface on a desktop computer. Or instituting an always on spycam on a videogame console. Oh wait, those things happened.

Microsoft, don't be stupid, learn from your mistakes. If anything get rid of the useless search button that no one uses.


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Aug 20, 2011
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Please go to the uservoice page and vote for this. Not having the Back Button working will be awkward and will do more harm than good to this beautiful OS
Don't lose the Back Button in Windows Phone 8.1

the best implementation i've used is from the cyanogenmod team:

one press = back (wether it's a web page, setting, menu, text input block, whatever, it depends on the current UI's functions/processes)
double press = switch to previous application
long press = kill current app completely (good for a hung beta app), (and then a preset settting of the user's preference to...) back to app list, or desktop, or whatever was defined by the user

i can completely understand why users don't want to loose their back button. if this implementation was used, i can see real benefits in actually having one.


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Jan 31, 2012
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I do like the functionality of the buttons, but does anyone think that they are a waste of potential screen real estate? Not to mention they are easy to accidently hit when watching a video or playing a game for example.

I'd be interested to see if it would be possible to implement similar gesture based navigation like in Win8. But as some have mentioned, it may not be practical on a somewhat limited phone screen size.


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Jun 10, 2013
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How about placing two finger tips on the screen
swipe right to go back to previous page, swipe left to go to "next page"
Too easy !!!

And sometimes two finger movements are used to move pictures around in photo editors... I realize that's not gonna be a big deal to a lot of people, I'm just throwing it out.

I personally love more buttons. I would think more buttons are easier for older people as well who might be new to a phone. tapping the back button with an arrow going backwards is pretty intuitive... any kind of swiping has to be learned and remembered until it becomes a habit. heck, there's even the button at the bottom of the start screen just incase people forget how to swipe to get to the apps list!

i'm not calling for button overkill, but BUTTONS ARE OUR FRIENDS! I'm so happy WP has a camera button, for example! SCORE!


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Dec 2, 2012
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If they are intent on getting rid of all buttons on screen then why don't they add a fifth button to the side of phones and allow it to be programmable? You would have volume up/down, lock screen, camera and then add a button to the other side that could act as the windows key or back button does now? Just make it a hotkey that people can launch a program with or any function they want such as back or home screen or notification list or app list.


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Sep 28, 2011
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I do like the functionality of the buttons, but does anyone think that they are a waste of potential screen real estate? Not to mention they are easy to accidently hit when watching a video or playing a game for example.

The one thing I don't like about our buttons haha. I like that they aren't actual buttons, but it's so irritating when I reach across the screen and hit back with my thumb.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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Yea, seriously, they tried that with android. First 4 buttons, then 3 buttons, then some OEM's like HTC started putting 2 buttons. All it leads to is fragmentation and confusion. The 3 button system is fine. Just make them part of the screen like android.

I abhor such an idea. If you did this, you'd lose the ability to open Search from the lockscreen, which would suck. I like my pseudo-physical buttons.


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Feb 21, 2012
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I think people are getting too worked up over a rumor. Paul Thurrot made some outrageous claims in the past and they never came true so i wouldn't put too much faith into what he says for now.


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Oct 30, 2012
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I do agreed it is confusing. Until now there are still people complaining the back button no longer works as "back" just because they jump out the browser and went back directly tabbing the IE tiles instead going back through the multitask menu.


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Aug 20, 2011
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I think people are getting too worked up over a rumor. Paul Thurrot made some outrageous claims in the past and they never came true so i wouldn't put too much faith into what he says for now.


That and people should try new things. Some times the new way of doing this is better.

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